Other streamers and miracle wins

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  • #58462
    Scrooge WANTED $5

    So, due to a LACK of bandit post (Sad Face) i wandered trough the internet and looked at some channels and was really dumbfounded.

    Theres a channel with 3 swedish guys who win like CRAZY, and all fun and laughter, and like really win ridiculous almost Ludicrous (Yeah yeah..stolen i know). AND i did see some jimbo slots where he wins like insane.

    If i compare it with my own slotting or even at slotting from His Majesty the King of Kings Bandit, me and the bandit are soooooo unlucky.

    Are these guys fucking around or playing another type of slotting ? i know they always take the bonus and from experience i know that when you take the bonus you get some better rtp but at the end of the sessions it fucks you up as much as without a bonus …:-)


    anyone same idea or maybe some answers ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Plenty of people always say to me “you never lose” – i do often wonder which videos they watch tbh, apart from Reel King, do i always win? I don’t think i do haha I have to say though, i think you can give yourself the best chance to win on a session, simply by sticking to the same old games and yes, as boring as that may be, you are at least sat there in the knowledge that if just one of those games does a crazy one, Magic Mirror goes multi retrigger or DHV finds a Gates retrigger or Book of Dead throws out the explorer and goes expanding at least 4 of them, Reactoonz brings out Garga and so on, that you are pretty much guaranteed to win in that session.

    Maher8430 WANTED $5

    Totally agree.. some other steamers just aren’t enjoyable because you know it’s not a true reflection of online gambling…expect for reel king – the house always wins over the long term.

    Roedgaard72 WANTED $10

    Hey mate!


    There is no way in hell they play with different rtp. They just play a lot. Like massive amounts of spins. As we talked about before. Why would the slot providers risk, getting their license rewoked? The casinos can`t do anything about rtp. The settings they get, will be the same for all players.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I keep other gambling videos to a minimum to be honest.  The Bandit is always tops for me for the banter, then I watch Casino Grounds as that’s good for slot compilations.  Then sometimes I’ll watch Stop & Step has he tends to play arcade games which have a lot of overlap with the Bandit, especially Blueprint games.

    My least favourite videos are the ones about Las Vegas because their slots don’t seem to win over 20x!

    Scrooge WANTED $5

    I remember a video with a streamer who said he had to get to 5 thousand to withdraw a thousand ?..that sounds like another type of game. and i REALLY REALLY think theres something fishy with some streamers, the winnings are just quite impossible to get in those amounts and at that rtp.

    They put in 1000 euros and like *always* win like 500 x 800 x and “amazing” x…

    Wormweed WANTED $42

    Scrooge wrote:

    So, due to a LACK of bandit post (Sad Face) i wandered trough the internet and looked at some channels and was really dumbfounded.

    Theres a channel with 3 swedish guys who win like CRAZY, and all fun and laughter, and like really win ridiculous almost Ludicrous (Yeah yeah..stolen i know). AND i did see some jimbo slots where he wins like insane.

    If i compare it with my own slotting or even at slotting from His Majesty the King of Kings Bandit, me and the bandit are soooooo unlucky.

    Are these guys fucking around or playing another type of slotting ? i know they always take the bonus and from experience i know that when you take the bonus you get some better rtp but at the end of the sessions it fucks you up as much as without a bonus …:-)


    anyone same idea or maybe some answers ?

    Not sure what swedish guys you are talking about, but I’m a mod for Casinodaddy on youtube, and their videos are real, you see them win a lot, but they are down 30k euro just on leovegas so far this year.

    What you see is many hundreds of hours between all the slot streamers, and compare it to your own relatively low number of hours of playing and compare your wins to theirs, ignoring the fact that they play 10-12 hours a day, every single day. They don’t win more, or more often, they just play more, and that will eventually lead to more clips and videos where they win.

    It’s the same with lottery winners, always some old person winning. But that’s just because there are more old people playing, not because the old people have a higher chance of winning the lottery.

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Maher8430 wrote:

    Totally agree.. some other steamers just aren’t enjoyable because you know it’s not a true reflection of online gambling…expect for reel king – the house always wins over the long term.

    Lol however bandit actually won a house !!!

    The irony…??

    whoswho WANTED $118

    Do you mean stick to the same games period not just the session as that’s what I do, I’ve always believed that if I were to lose for x amount of days on one game that eventually it will payout and I will get x amount back. That’s why I allways stick to the same game.

    An example of this is I used to play Santa’s wild ride and it’s all I ever played for like 3months I had wins but nothing substantial, one day after a beating I asked chat if I could have a bonus chip and they gave me $25 I thought well this will be gone in about 20secs boy was I wrong the game went mental and after about 4hours I was up to 11k. Me being me I kept going checked how much I had lost on the game up until that point and it was around 6k, stupid greedy I Kno I ended up playing it down to 4K then withdrawing still happy though.

    With all that being said Break the bank again has allways been good to me much like you with reel king, I’ve had top symbol with wild 3 times one time and it was my biggest win ever was in free game on 9$ bet hit the sapphires and it payed 39,000 I took that out and locked it.

    anyway my latest battle is within jammin jars in for shit loads out with none so far but well see

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