Phone Stolen + skint + worst day ever

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    mb5454 WANTED $7


    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Hacko1 wrote:

    mb5454 wrote:

    I have been hesitant about posting about what I am about to but this thread has made my decision for me. I am quite new to this forum but that is not to say I have always followed the Bandit and love to watch his anxiously awaited videos.

    Having said that I will now explain my need to share with you the following.

    I am sorry to hear that your phone was stolen and that you consider this your worst day ever. I can tell you I wish everything I own had been stolen if I could just get one thing back…..Jasmine

    This is still very raw to me and my family so I will not go in to too much detail. We live in Donegal Ireland, a lovely rural setting in which nothing much happens in the way of serious crime except maybe a couple of farmers arguing over who owns which sheep or  cow.

    On the 4th January 2019 all that changed and the whole community and possibly most of Ireland were in shock when my beautiful niece Jasmine 23 years old was murdered by her partner while her 2 young children were in bed. As I said earlier this is still very raw and we as a family have a long way to go with this yet. Jasmine was a beautiful soul who thought she could change the world and make bad people good. How wrong she was. There is evil in the world and always will be. I am sorry to put this on a usually upbeat and happy forum but as I said the thread simply hit a nerve with me and I felt I had to put the loss of a phone into perspective.

    I cannot go into any further detail and honestly I do not want to, it is too hard but if anyone wishes to see Jasmine’s story you can google her name Jasmine Mc Monagle Donegal Ireland. A Go fund me page was immediately set up for her children for any counselling they may need in the future it was set up  in my sister’s name Jacqueline Mc Monagle.(Jasmine’s mum). I did not think I would be sat here writing this today although it has been on my mind for a couple of weeks and I kept talking myself out of it. Maybe the loss of a phone being “The Worst Day Ever” was a sign  from Jasmine that I should go ahead and post this.




    OMG what an utter tragedy, i am so sorry to read this, I agree there is definitely evil walking amongst us.

    I am going to google it now and as a parent myself I can’t even comprehend what those children are going through.

    i have never donated any money ever on go fund me but I am going to for your family.

    RIP jasmine ????

    so sorry for not replying yesterday when i first seen  ur post ,  ( im not great with words )my heart goe’s out to you and ur family in these tragic times . ( Hacko says it all thanx mate, ) no matter how it comes about either thru a stupid post on this forum or in any other way im sure there will be many more signs to come  from jasmine . much love and a wee donation has been transfered to help with skye and lunas future .

    mb5454 WANTED $7

    Thank you all so much for taking time to acknowledge my post and for donating to the go fund me set up for Jasmine’s children. It was not my intention to ask for donations but this was all part of Jasmine’s story.  As I said I have asked to have the post removed as I was simply venting my anger on the thread which I now realize was not the right thing to do. Having said that you have all been so kind with your replies and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    mb5454 wrote:

    Thank you all so much for taking time to acknowledge my post and for donating to the go fund me set up for Jasmine’s children. It was not my intention to ask for donations but this was all part of Jasmine’s story.  As I said I have asked to have the post removed as I was simply venting my anger on the thread which I now realize was not the right thing to do. Having said that you have all been so kind with your replies and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    You are Welcome… And please don’t hesitate to post more.

    I have no words that would help atm, as I know what’s its like to lose someone so close, So I’m sending hugs from Scotland….


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