Please help me

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  • #34991
    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    A few things to get off my chest. I held back till I just saw the bandit post on another thread about this is a forum for people to release negative or positive.

    Big exhale!

    I do not sleep. So I am bored alot of the time. I get at most maybe 15 hours a week in half hour to hour stints. Completely nothing I can do about it, doctor’s give me pills but they do not work, my diet is good, exercise is good, fulfilment in the day is good, water on the regular.

    Anyway, sleep, boredom, slots.

    I have considerably reduced my casino deposits and will continue to do so. However, when it’s 4 in the morning and there is no sign of Sir nod of sleeps alot, I go on video slots and check for a non existent bonus which I know is never going to be there. Please judge lightly.

    My issue is I am really in need of the funds to start my new career in barbering so I can do the course. Im currently owe in the region of £7k. Not much considering I owed over £65k a few year’s ago (I sold some things, worked my arse of helping others, didn’t do much and ate very little. Gambling actually helped a tad through a decent win thank fuck). I get the itch to deposit silly funds due to my tiredness and there is no-one to speak to because everyone one I could talk to is asleep.

    I’ve considered taking a small loan to gamble, upping my overdraft… But only when I’m completely on my own. My self control so far has been good because I haven’t done it, not even a cheeky small deposit.

    The thought process of this for me at the time is “if I win, I can do my barbering course and maybe pay off some of my debt”

    Please help, as this is a constant Battle.

    I love to have a gamble, I don’t want to gamban because this is not a daily issue, it’s a lonely on a night time issue. I genuinely enjoy gambling, it is still a fun hobby to me.

    Please be gentle haha.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Just need to find something else in those hours of boringness at silly oclock to keep you busy – have you tried the whole matched betting scene? You can spend a good deal of time going through different sporting events looking for the best matches for your qualifiers and free bets, you could actually turn the gambling on its head there and make some money in those small hours instead of losing money. Whilst they have tightened up the t’s and c’s of the whole matched betting thing since the glory days, it is still possible to achieve a cracking second income with it.

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    The Bandit wrote:

    Just need to find something else in those hours of boringness at silly oclock to keep you busy – have you tried the whole matched betting scene? You can spend a good deal of time going through different sporting events looking for the best matches for your qualifiers and free bets, you could actually turn the gambling on its head there and make some money in those small hours instead of losing money. Whilst they have tightened up the t’s and c’s of the whole matched betting thing since the glory days, it is still possible to achieve a cracking second income with it.

    Seriously? I thought they cracked that on the head? That’s a class idea. I will look into that thank you. I know of others that do this but they hold their cards close to their chests and never teach me how. I don’t follow any sport though, would that be an issue?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Be careful mate just cos it’s not a daily issue in one session you could still lose more than others who deposit on a daily basis. You won’t want to hear but gambling is not the best idea to get funds and I know you know that. I’m on gamstop and you know the daft thing is for me it’s all about the opportunity to gamble. If you take the opportunity away sometimes it can make you take the urge away but whatever you decide good luck for the future. I know you say your self control is good but the worry is putting yourself further away by losing the loan money or overdraft.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Nah no issue, you could do worse than signing up with oddsmonkey tbh, it is £18 a month now but it will pay for itself in the first day with the matches you manage to find on there usually. Just make sure you google the matched betting script and then once you have done a few safe trials get into it properly, it’s the existing customer bets these days that are the real money, i have the likes of Bet Victor offering me free £100 bets left right and centre and if i could be arsed to match them out they’d be awesome money, free in play bet if you bet this pre match and all that, vitally important is to mug your accounts, make yourself look like a mug punter betting on non value lines every now and then, take the few quid loss just to make them think nah, can’t be a matched bettor this one and you will find the offers keep coming.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    I suffer from the same problem, it’s not great and I’ve often done the same. I normally work between 10-15 hour shifts at my place of work so it’s not great when I don’t get a full nights sleep but I just can’t switch off normally. The advice I would offer and I’m sure it won’t be very popular but it does work for me is to smoke a joint that normally sends me straight to sleep within 30 minutes, I’ll normally stick the TV on or put a show on Netflix because for some reason the background noise helps me nod off. I don’t want to advocate the use of drugs and I understand it effects your health when mixed with tobacco (I’m already a smoker) but as I said it works for me, it might not be for you. I have tried everything from sleeping tablets to listening to the sound of dolphins (sad, I know) but this is the only thing that has helped me. I’d rather do this than risk losing my job. Hope you find something that works for you mate and hope I don’t get criticised for sharing this.

    Definitely do not take out any loans, you’ve been 64k in debt so I’m sure you don’t need telling but this is a slope that can lead to ruin. One small loan, leads to another and before you know it you’re in over your head. I’m digging myself out of a hole right now that started with this train of thought.

    Is there no way you can find an apprenticeship in barbering and go down that route? I can’t really offer much advice when it comes to that, I had a work colleague that started that way and the company paid for his course but I’m not sure if thats the norm.

    Wishing you the best of luck, matey. 🙂

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    Haz40 wrote:

    Be careful mate just cos it’s not a daily issue in one session you could still lose more than others who deposit on a daily basis. You won’t want to hear but gambling is not the best idea to get funds and I know you know that. I’m on gamstop and you know the daft thing is for me it’s all about the opportunity to gamble. If you take the opportunity away sometimes it can make you take the urge away but whatever you decide good luck for the future. I know you say your self control is good but the worry is putting yourself further away by losing the loan money or overdraft.

    Cheers for this advice, I have thought about it for that reason but I think the bandit has just inspired me to see if matched betting is for me. Hopefully in a few months time I can come back here and say it’s payed off. Time will tell. Cheers for you’re advice though, it hasn’t fallen on death ears.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I’m up most nights mate – I have LLI which keeps me up a low (and drives Mrs W nuts). Try to focus on something that interest you that doesn’t include gambling. Don’t take a loan out just to gamble mate as that can be a very slippery slope if it all goes wrong.

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    The Bandit wrote:

    Nah no issue, you could do worse than signing up with oddsmonkey tbh, it is £18 a month now but it will pay for itself in the first day with the matches you manage to find on there usually. Just make sure you google the matched betting script and then once you have done a few safe trials get into it properly, it’s the existing customer bets these days that are the real money, i have the likes of Bet Victor offering me free £100 bets left right and centre and if i could be arsed to match them out they’d be awesome money, free in play bet if you bet this pre match and all that, vitally important is to mug your accounts, make yourself look like a mug punter betting on non value lines every now and then, take the few quid loss just to make them think nah, can’t be a matched bettor this one and you will find the offers keep coming.

    Wow. I really don’t have the money to do that till payday but I will definitely try this to see if it suits me when ive been payed. Cheers. Like I said above, I will definitely come back to this post to let you know how it went. Seriously thank you so much. Sounds like a good way to spend my lonely time. May be my next obsessive hobby haha.

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    I’m up most nights mate – I have LLI which keeps me up a low (and drives Mrs W nuts). Try to focus on something that interest you that doesn’t include gambling. Don’t take a loan out just to gamble mate as that can be a very slippery slope if it all goes wrong.

    I’ll be honest, I had to Google that haha. Cheers, I’ve got a couple projects I work on but over time each one gets boring. I’m trying to start a t-shirt business mainly as a hobby as I love designing them. I play PS4 and I dabble in writing, I love making my lifes littlelittle s into adventures others can relate to and follow… Nothing to deep usually. And now I’m going to try some advice from the bandit.

    I can say now I know a loan isn’t an option but when it’s that time in the night and good ol’ wifey snoring her beautiful little head off next to me… You probably get the picture. Cheers, I do scroll down this forum alot as I see alot of like minded people in here, it’s just hard to voice myself when people jump to “he’s after a hand out”. I’m really not that guy.

    Maybe next time I need to wobble my head I’ll just post and maybe you will reply. Cheers

    TheVajinator WANTED $9

    Never play with your loan money.. learned it the hard way. I’ve taken 50k loan and I actually was dumb enough to play with it. My thought process was ”okay if I drop to 40k I just walk” .. sadly that’s not how gambling works. I walked. With empty pockets. However it was a good shocker to me to get my act straight. I stopped gambling for 3 years, fixed my finances and I kept putting 10 percent of my money in a small safe which said “The new English dictionary” hoping to build a decent bankroll for a comeback. In 2016 summer after work I kept going to casino on my way home every single day for an entire summer. That was probably the best run in my life since for 3 months I walked home with wins varying from 100 to 1000 euro everyday. After that my life just been rainbows and sunshines. I play online a bit but only microstakes with 50 euro deposit a week not a cent more.

    My advice is just keep grinding life. Pay your bills first. And if still you need that thrill of a gamble – manage it, put a little on the side, build a bankroll or just play with that little and maybe you get lucky enough to build a bankroll. Set limits and prepare a healthy mindset. My 10 percent idea was from a guy who worked in finances and said that person on average should invest 10 percent of his monthly pay.

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    Green2711 wrote:

    I suffer from the same problem, it’s not great and I’ve often done the same. I normally work between 10-15 hour shifts at my place of work so it’s not great when I don’t get a full nights sleep but I just can’t switch off normally. The advice I would offer and I’m sure it won’t be very popular but it does work for me is to smoke a joint that normally sends me straight to sleep within 30 minutes, I’ll normally stick the TV on or put a show on Netflix because for some reason the background noise helps me nod off. I don’t want to advocate the use of drugs and I understand it effects your health when mixed with tobacco (I’m already a smoker) but as I said it works for me, it might not be for you. I have tried everything from sleeping tablets to listening to the sound of dolphins (sad, I know) but this is the only thing that has helped me. I’d rather do this than risk losing my job. Hope you find something that works for you mate and hope I don’t get criticised for sharing this.

    Definitely do not take out any loans, you’ve been 64k in debt so I’m sure you don’t need telling but this is a slope that can lead to ruin. One small loan, leads to another and before you know it you’re in over your head. I’m digging myself out of a hole right now that started with this train of thought.

    Is there no way you can find an apprenticeship in barbering and go down that route? I can’t really offer much advice when it comes to that, I had a work colleague that started that way and the company paid for his course but I’m not sure if thats the norm.

    Wishing you the best of luck, matey. ?

    Here is my next secret lol. I work for a very “no drugs” kind of establishment haha. Tested regularly, not that I would take any anyway. Got family members who smoke weed and it sounds like great fun but I couldn’t do that to myself. And as for the apprenticeship thing. I’ve got 3 years left in my job and a wife to keep happy, an apprenticeship couldn’t pay enough to live unfortunately. But seriously thank you for your advice. And I hope you get yourself sorted too.

    Give me a nod if your ever up and get the itch. We could help each other out if you ever get this way and we are both up. I’m usually about on here.

    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    TheVajinator wrote:

    Never play with your loan money.. learned it the hard way. I’ve taken 50k loan and I actually was dumb enough to play with it. My thought process was ”okay if I drop to 40k I just walk” .. sadly that’s not how gambling works. I walked. With empty pockets. However it was a good shocker to me to get my act straight. I stopped gambling for 3 years, fixed my finances and I kept putting 10 percent of my money in a small safe which said “The new English dictionary” hoping to build a decent bankroll for a comeback. In 2016 summer after work I kept going to casino on my way home every single day for an entire summer. That was probably the best run in my life since for 3 months I walked home with wins varying from 100 to 1000 euro everyday. After that my life just been rainbows and sunshines. I play online a bit but only microstakes with 50 euro deposit a week not a cent more.

    My advice is just keep grinding life. Pay your bills first. And if still you need that thrill of a gamble – manage it, put a little on the side, build a bankroll or just play with that little and maybe you get lucky enough to build a bankroll. Set limits and prepare a healthy mindset. My 10 percent idea was from a guy who worked in finances and said that person on average should invest 10 percent of his monthly pay.

    Sweet, well done mate. Thanks for sharing. I won’t take the loan. Not in this mind set now. That read was very uplifting. Cheers

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    The best thing I can suggest is basically what others have already said. Don’t take out any loans to fund gambling, ever. I know it can be difficult, and the thought of that deposit going massive and solving all your problems is so sweet, but 99% of the time it doesn’t happen. This is important. It’ll only make the situation worse.

    My advice is, try and fill your nights with as much stuff that you enjoy as possible, that isn’t gambling. Maybe take up some new hobbies, something exciting that you’ve never tried before perhaps? There’s lots out there. You may find something that you enjoy more than having a gamble sesh, you may surprise yourself!

    Take a cooler and get your finances back in order. Try not to gamble at all for at least a few months. When you finally return to it (if you choose to, as you say you don’t want to ban yourself as you do enjoy it and it’s not always a problem), you’ll find it much more stable than trying to chase an unachievable goal.

    They’ll be plenty of people in the exact same situation as you bud. Chin up, you’ll get through this and find a way to occupy your nighttime’s also, I have faith! 🙂

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Have the insomniac gentlemen considered medical marijuana? CBD products are available on and these days. I’ve never been a fan of alcohol-free beer myself, but I can vouch that real ale is awesome 🙂

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