Price is right….betvictor

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  • #30732
    Cov1986 WANTED $1

    Anyone played the game and what’s your thoughts…?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I haven’t i don’t think mate is it a new one? Have you? Was it any good!?

    Cov1986 WANTED $1

    Had a bash starting on quid stakes but before you know it it’s costing 10£ to spin as the chance of landing the feature increases… came out with 100 profit but feel I could have just got really lucky, I dunno worth having a look maybe

    Cov1986 WANTED $1

    Bandit please have a bash at this next time your on betvictor…no wins other than bonuses it’ll be right up your street…!!!

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