Pub Fruit Machines

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I have played these games since i was 12 years old, at the beginning i used to spend every penny i had on them! Not so much these days as i kind of know what i am doing lol I actually own a few machines, do you have any?

    My personal favourites over the years, not from a “player” perspective but just for the love of the game, would be…

    JPM Monopoly 60th Edition
    Psycho Cash Beast
    Bank Raid (The one with the four flashy sirens in each corner!)
    The Mob
    High Spirits

    What do you love to play when not online?!

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Phsyco cash beast. What a great bandit that was.  Forgot all about that one. Used to love high flyer, top dog, big cheese. Same concept just different 3 names. Another that springs to mind was battle axe.. Back in the days of 15 quid 25 quid jackpots the machines was fun to play.. These days everyone is the same, shitty deal or no deal style. And I find they suck money quickly without much board fun.. One I do like at the minute tho is some touch screen one with 4 roulette wheels. It’s £4 a spin but I find I can play it was a hour and it doesn’t cost much. Infancy most times I come off up.. Think its called action roulette

    sportsbetpunk WANTED $24

    I loved the 25p max play age. There was one with a volcano on it that I remember owning.


    I have to say I love the Blueprint though, seems much fairer than the DOND clones.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I played all my life pretty much, well , from age 12 in the local boozer and probably a lot earlier in the camp sites as a kid lol I loved the £15 days, i mean Kung Fu by i think it was a company called ACE, absolutely loved that one! Red Alert was another, firemans lift was the jobby haha

    Spekz2018 WANTED $16

    All time favourites the Simpsons old one with the four towers in each corner had a great code to reset after a jackpot got banned from many an arcade . Pig bikers another one and vamp it up doctors and nurses had some great things that if you knew helped you massively.

    aaronoafc WANTED $20

    Spekz2018 wrote:

    All time favourites the Simpsons old one with the four towers in each corner had a great code to reset after a jackpot got banned from many an arcade . Pig bikers another one and vamp it up doctors and nurses had some great things that if you knew helped you massively.

    231232312 or summat like that wasn’t the reset? I use to love pack man and hot wheels. Also a fan of one called red hot rocks and red hot roll

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Wasn’t it 123232313?? Lol wish bandit’s still worked like the old ones

    Spekz2018 WANTED $16

    Sure itwas1232323123 such a long time ago oh the memories .

    Migwah WANTED $4

    Favourite ever pub fruit is vortex by red gaming with the mega games for 4x numbers used to have one in an arcade near me but they recently deactivated it 🙁

    Philinthemix WANTED $7

    Been playing fruit machines since I was a kid (2p Blue Streaks, Test Pilots etc) but the £25 era was probably my favourite (Vamps, Sharks etc)

    Sorry to piss on anyone’s chips but the old ‘123321132’ (or whatever) ‘reset’ code on the Simpsons (and other Maygays) was merely a data dump code for engineers to get the meter readings without having to open the machine up during opening hours. It did precisely nowt when it comes to gameplay and certainly didn’t ‘reset’ the machine. Obviously enough punters and staff thought it was something ‘dodgy’ hence people being banned from arcades.

    JGSlots WANTED $12

    There wasn’t a single safe Mega Deal in Wrexham 😀

    miss_tasty80 WANTED $16

    I started playing on fruit machines as soon as I was old enough to go into a pub. I used to work in town and every Friday I’d bounce from pub to pub rincing the shit outta the machines. I wouldn’t touch a pub fruity now their just so fucking technical for me( yes I’m blonde) . I tend to get my fix in arcades now and I think I would never get bored of being in them where as pub fruities just don’t appeal to me any more x

    Tsietisin WANTED $6

    I was a big fan of the £6-8 era even though it was mostly token jackpots back then.


    Crystal maze

    Las Vegas strip or cosmic casino

    Spiker the biker


    Noels house party



    I now emulate the lot of them though so I can relive the glory days.





    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Crystal Maze, what a fucking machine that one was, i absolutely loved it!

    davesoen WANTED $1

    The £25 jackpot era was the best for me, so much more fun to play because they were easier to jackpot and they would quite often do 2 or 3 in a row.  My favourite machine ever was a £15 jackpot though, The Royle Family.  There was a £25 version aswell that was also good.  Bell fruit were making some decent machines at the time, there were a couple of Lord of the rings machines that were good.  I enjoy playing the blueprints now but my local pub has changed all the blueprints to some new touch screens made by Gsquared gaming that are just awful.

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