Pubs Who Won’t Pay Up

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    redbell2018 WANTED $7

    I’m talking about Whitbread here. A couple of local pubs won’t pay out winnings if the machine gets an error. Guy the other day had £56 credit and won the £100 jackpot. It paid out £86 but went into error mode leaving the guy £70 short. Whitbread refuse to pay the guy the shortfall because it is not their policy to do so.


    I also had a previous experience with Whitbread, I threatened going to the press and speaking to my MP which I would have done. In that case it was less than £30 but obviously the principle. They did pay up eventually.

    Anyone else had a similar experience of pubs refusing to pay winnings?

    sportsbetpunk WANTED $24

    Wetherspoons don’t pay until the machine guy has been. I’ve had instances where they have  ‘lost’ the docket with evidence on it and not paid.

    Once at Doncaster Races in a pub after I dropped £70 jackpot repeat on the familly guy bandit. Tried to pay a note and failed. The bar refused to pay until they realised we were 10 big lads and had the bouncers on our side.

    redbell2018 WANTED $7

    Yes you would think engineer comes, proves the win they pay up. I did ask the question what if the machine paid out more than it should ie until the hopper is emptied. The attitude was ‘we have cctv’.


    Tip don’t go on a machine in a Whitbread pub.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    It is a bit of an occupational hazard this one for me, i must have had this happen 100 times over the years. Almost every single time the money has eventually been paid, once it took 6 weeks. There have been 2 or 3 occasions where i just haven’t had the money though.


    Most recently was a pub in Chester and i was owed £260, the manager of the bar was brilliant about it and kind of bollocked the people on the other end of the phone lol he rang me later that day to say i could have it transferred to me or that i could go in the next day and collect it in cash, i went in the next day and gave him £20 of it for being so helpful lol

    redbell2018 WANTED $7

    looks like you have had better success than the experiences i know of.  it must be your quick wit bandit.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I was playing a machine in a pub the other day and the last time i played it, it broke on payout and owed me £40 so this time i thought i would video the payout – it broke again owing me £40 again! The woman gave me the £40 straight from the till which is quite rare but she did this last time too, i would suggest for any payout, just start recording with your phone and then should anything weird happen, you have it right there to show them.

    Steller WANTED $34

    Reminds me of a Snooker Hall owner who wouldn’t pay us up. We were only teen lads and it was a nice bit of cash to us in those days. Got our own back by bricking his car windows in.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I played a cat C £1/£100 Reel King in Wetherspoons earlier this year.  When I collected a £41 balance, it paid out the first £30 in notes then it errored out on the rest.  A bar staff took my number and told me to wait for a call.  5 days later, I got the call asking me to come back, which I did and I collected the £11 no probs.  I thought that was pretty helpful.

    Then on the unhelpful side, you have the “Quickshots” arcade in Manchester’s Piccadilly train station.  One of their Deal or No Deal machines displayed an IOU £15 (I owe you £15).  When I called a staff member around, I was asked for ID.  I was 34 years old at the time!!  Didn’t have my passport on me and I can’t driver, so left me no option but to leave and I don’t live local to Manchester.  So the issue I have with Quickshots then was that it was no problem me losing money on their machines.  No ID when I lose, but they want ID when I win.

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