26th February 2019 at 8:15 pm #51222
Giving up smoking is easy
I did it loads of times !!!
Seriously, each person will find their own way. I think I was quite lucky in that I got to the stage of not enjoying it anymore, plus we ended up being the in the minority of our friends as well and we eventually decided to bite the bullet and stop. I was lucky having my missus support me and me there to support her. In the end, I can say it is the best thing I have ever done to actually give up. Been about 6 years now.
Giving up smoking is easy . Are u being serious ?
26th February 2019 at 9:03 pm #51239Giving up smoking is easy
I did it loads of times !!!
Seriously, each person will find their own way. I think I was quite lucky in that I got to the stage of not enjoying it anymore, plus we ended up being the in the minority of our friends as well and we eventually decided to bite the bullet and stop. I was lucky having my missus support me and me there to support her. In the end, I can say it is the best thing I have ever done to actually give up. Been about 6 years now.
Giving up smoking is easy . Are u being serious ?
Think he means he’s stopped plenty of times then started again. It’s like an alcoholic stopping drinking every night. Then saying I’ve stopped, then drinking the next day. Well that’s how I read it. As a bit of a joke. ?
126th February 2019 at 9:04 pm #51240Yep the last cigarette before quiting is always the best. Ive had a few of them
26th February 2019 at 10:59 pm #51257I’ve quit twice, first time was with the Alan carr book (lasted 6 months) then 5 years ago i started on the Vapes.. it works! You need to speak to a shop who knows what they are doing and willing to offer advice. If you are still referring to vape juice as oil then im guessing you never got the correct advice!
I mix my own juice and it costs me about £20 for a liter and that lasts me 3-4 months! if you wan’t any advice just ask one of us vapers here and im sure someone will be about to help.
Its hard but stick with it and you WILL do it! Good luck
26th February 2019 at 11:08 pm #51210Sounds like you need some alternative therapies because you need to smoke without smoking tobacco
Can you think of anything else that you can smoke, that isn’t tobacco, and has no nicotine or known carcinogens?
26th February 2019 at 11:08 pm #51228I smoked for 30 years , sometimes 2 packets a day and gave up endless times and restarted . This was before the time of vaping
What worked for me ? I had a good reason and made some small goals to hit , so I went cold turkey (hated patches and pills) ate a lot of midget gems in the first week , that was the hardest time as I was told it was when the nicotine comes out the system, the next fortnight was a hard slog and I just avoided all the usual places to smoke , bookies / pub / certain friends but treated myself with the odd meals out . the next fortnight after that was ok from what I remember and now , 5 years later , hopefully everything is fine . I remember being bloody minded about it and I was really wanting to give up – I did not give up because people told me to , I gave up for myself and I believe that carried me through.
If you can get into the 2nd month , you’ll be wondering why you ever smoked in the first place .
You can get there and you will make it , I though I would smoke till I kicked the clogs , but I made and am happier and healthier for it .
There is also a lot of support out there, so use it if you need . don’t feel wrong to ask for help.
It will work for you . go positive and make it happen
26th February 2019 at 11:09 pm #51243Took me a few years to finally stop and never have the urge to want a drag on a fag ever again. Hadn’t had a fag for a couple of years, just the odd cigar without inhailing. Then one night i got a bit pissed. Everyone was smoking except me and i ended up smoking just the one fag..Big Mistake!!! I was up all night vomiting my guts up. Every breath made me feel like hurling. Never, ever wanted to smoke again after that. How to stop? It’s slow but try this method. Dont have your usual first fag of the day at your usual time. Have your first fag around the time you’d usually be having your second one, then carry on smoking your usual daily amount and carry on doing that for 2 weeks. Then after that 2 weeks do the same again – miss out your first fag of the day and start around the time you’d be having your second one and again, carry on smoking the rest of the day as you usually do. Repeat that process over the year cutting down just one every two weeks .
27th February 2019 at 1:16 am #51280Some really good advice given here, glad I posted this now. I’m going to try stop after I run out and I’ll buy a pack and keep it around the house just to know it’s there and to ease my mind. I may buy a vape on payday but can anyone recommend a good vape that is durable? I actually work in a shop and we sell quite a few but if I’m honest they are mainly cheap vapes for £19.99 from Liberty flights that don’t give me enough of a draw due to them not being able to support a low resistance atomiser and we also sell Totally Wicked Arc 3&4 but I’ve paid for both of these and they do support the atomisers I prefer but they are reconditioned pieces of junk – both that I have bought have ended up falling apart including the mini tank I paid for which cost £15 (glass fell out as I unscrewed it). I don’t mind the fruity ones, Haz…I actually prefer them as I haven’t tried a tobacco oil that tastes like tobacco yet in fact I tried the lib flights and vapouriz tobacco and they taste and smelt like candy floss (perhaps my weird taste buds?). My fav flavour when I was vaping for a short time was Rainbow flavour (tastes like skittles).
I heard a lot of people being quite successful with the Alan Carr book so maybe I’ll give that a read too.
Thanks for all the advice 🙂
27th February 2019 at 1:48 am #51287I’m a very heavy smoker had my first cig aged 11 and never looked back, 42 now and I’m rolling my own and smoking them unfiltered, I go threw a 50g pouch a week and maybe 2 packs of cigs as a treat lol
I’m unsure regards vaping tbh as I don’t think enough tests have been carried out on long term usage, after all superman use to advertise cigs when I was a kid lol
Giving up smoking for me will be much harder than giving up gambling so I’ve got no fucking chance, but good luck and I hope you can beat it.
27th February 2019 at 7:24 am #51311If you buy a vape for me too many leave the shop not 100% happy. I’m not kidding I did the blokes head in. I tried everything in the shop. Just keep trying different ones till your happy. I was in there over an hour. I thought I’m going to keep trying to I find one that will work. Andy’s your man for recommending best one’s. For me it’s the liquid which I think is more important. If your happy with it then it makes it so much easier. I was so lucky as I almost preferred vaping to smoking instantly so for me it was dead easy but that’s just more luck than will power.
27th February 2019 at 8:06 am #51326I’m a very heavy smoker had my first cig aged 11 and never looked back, 42 now and I’m rolling my own and smoking them unfiltered, I go threw a 50g pouch a week and maybe 2 packs of cigs as a treat lol
I’m unsure regards vaping tbh as I don’t think enough tests have been carried out on long term usage, after all superman use to advertise cigs when I was a kid lol
Giving up smoking for me will be much harder than giving up gambling so I’ve got no fucking chance, but good luck and I hope you can beat it.
I started smoking blunts when I was 17 & I’ve never stopped lol… I just can’t do it ?
And atm it’s helping me stay off the slots because I’ve extra £ to spare ??? usually I smoke a 50g of tobacco every 6 days too…. I’m the last in my family to smoke lol. Giving up just ain’t for me but good luck too y’all…
27th February 2019 at 10:20 am #51344I’m a very heavy smoker had my first cig aged 11 and never looked back, 42 now and I’m rolling my own and smoking them unfiltered, I go threw a 50g pouch a week and maybe 2 packs of cigs as a treat lol
I’m unsure regards vaping tbh as I don’t think enough tests have been carried out on long term usage, after all superman use to advertise cigs when I was a kid lol
Giving up smoking for me will be much harder than giving up gambling so I’ve got no fucking chance, but good luck and I hope you can beat it.
I think if vaping was bad for u . The government would be all over it by now .
27th February 2019 at 2:20 pm #51375I’m a very heavy smoker had my first cig aged 11 and never looked back, 42 now and I’m rolling my own and smoking them unfiltered, I go threw a 50g pouch a week and maybe 2 packs of cigs as a treat lol
I’m unsure regards vaping tbh as I don’t think enough tests have been carried out on long term usage, after all superman use to advertise cigs when I was a kid lol
Giving up smoking for me will be much harder than giving up gambling so I’ve got no fucking chance, but good luck and I hope you can beat it.
I think if vaping was bad for u . The government would be all over it by now .
The government fucked up massively with vaping mate. The earlier mods all came from china and wasn’t taxed as heavily as cigarettes as the government never thought it would take off. Then they realised their mistake a bit to late. Only argument they could come out with was popcorn lung which compared to the risks of smoking I know which I would prefer.
Just finished work for the day and about to mix up a batch of blackcurrant millions. 50/50 3mg.
27th February 2019 at 2:32 pm #51381I’m a very heavy smoker had my first cig aged 11 and never looked back, 42 now and I’m rolling my own and smoking them unfiltered, I go threw a 50g pouch a week and maybe 2 packs of cigs as a treat lol
I’m unsure regards vaping tbh as I don’t think enough tests have been carried out on long term usage, after all superman use to advertise cigs when I was a kid lol
Giving up smoking for me will be much harder than giving up gambling so I’ve got no fucking chance, but good luck and I hope you can beat it.
I think if vaping was bad for u . The government would be all over it by now .
The government fucked up massively with vaping mate. The earlier mods all came from china and wasn’t taxed as heavily as cigarettes as the government never thought it would take off. Then they realised their mistake a bit to late. Only argument they could come out with was popcorn lung which compared to the risks of smoking I know which I would prefer.
Just finished work for the day and about to mix up a batch of blackcurrant millions. 50/50 3mg.
I swear I’m in the wrong job. Finishing at 2.30 part timer ?.
27th February 2019 at 3:01 pm #51387I was on the road at 4 this morning mate. And ive just been told that one of my sites is on fire. But ive clocked out for the day so not really arsed hahahaha