Real king

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  • #98972
    Ben81 WANTED $4

    so now I know what the bandit feels like lol I’ve just top real king on 20p ??? oh and I did win

    Lifeslots WANTED $58

    It’s an absolute buzz !!

    I was depositing £100 a time and playing at 80p.

    Managed over 3 days to get £1100 up on the game and that was stopping a few times before the top and hit 1 top of £409.

    However, I’ve carried on like a complete c**t loading £100 at a time and I’m now £2000 down.

    So that’s the £1100 plus £2000 raw so actually £3100 down and can’t seem to get anywhere even close to a top. Upped the stake the last few deposits from 80p to £2 to try recover but still no joy!!!


    So dangerous once your into the game for a set amount to get it back, unless your the Bandit who has deep pockets and absolute balls of steel.


    Ive watched all his reel king videos and there’s nothing else like it on YT.

    We only get to see a fraction of his ReelKing sessions as im certain how addictive it is Bandit would be playing most days!

    Absolute fair play, Bandit should have a ReelKing sessions only part of the website. I never get bored of watching it 🙂

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    Not many players can play Reel King the way Bandit Play,to copy bandit the way he play reel king need to be prepared to lose £150,000,and have balls to press gamble on £20,000 a click,

    D3sp3rado WANTED $36

    I want to bet no more than £1 a spin and win 10,000x. I’d probably collect on £20 as I’d hate to lose. Definitely not my game 🙂

    Lifeslots WANTED $58

    It’s nuts, the best is 1000x and to get there you’ll be gambling between a 500x win or a 1000x win but could loose and win fuck all ?

    Ive deposited £100 and trebled it within 3-4mins and also lost the £100 in 3-4 mins.

    I can play other slots at whatever stake and leave them and stop at whatever point I choose but Reelking I just keep depositing and upping the stake. Fucking game is amazing when your up and brutal as hell when your down.

    Like D3sp3rado has said, most people would bet £1 and hope for a huge X.

    Its the noise that pissing ladder makes when you going up it, it’s addictive as fuck. Nearly as nice as the claw slash on Primal lol

    Bamboozler WANTED $23

    stop playing it  and play something else – you are chasing losses and raising the stake on a game that you are probably never going to win on with that strategy unless you get very lucky indeed.

    Lifeslots WANTED $58

    Absolutely, only way is to stop playing the game else you get drawn in and spanked and in your mind the only way to recover is to deposit more!

    Ill always enjoy bandits videos on ReelKing but now sticking to 60/80p on other games.

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