Redbet for october

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  • #21155
    Deadwalk WANTED $1

    Hi Bandit I cant seem to find the prize draw for this month are you not doing a redbet

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    As of right now i don’t think i am doing one, i am supposed to be moving over to Mr Green but i also haven’t decided that yet either really, going to Vegas has screwed up being on the ball lol I will sort it all out soon though, currently VS and BV are certainties which is why i have only pulled those two through for now.

    Deadwalk WANTED $1

    Ooh my lucky site as well, bugger ha

    Freshmints WANTED $1

    Is there anyway of finding out if you have signed up through your link before as I can’t remember if I have or not? Also love the videos sucks about the YouTube channel ?

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)