Reel King

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  • #58892
    bishman WANTED $84

    So I put £40 into Casumo and played wwtbam on 40p and 60p, down to my last £8 and a 60p feature rolled in, took 8 spins and it paid £140!

    If I put this through Reel King at 40p what are my chances of hitting a top? 🙂


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I once spent £1,000 on 40p and didn’t hit it…. just sayin 😀

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    About a 30% chance of hitting the top wouldn’t be far off.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    On the other hand think i hit a top on 40p after 8 quid 1 time. Good luck!!

    bishman WANTED $84

    I started on 60p, got half way up the gamble ladder on my first win and chickened out with £39.20!!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Haha nice one, that’ll do – I fired it up earlier on Casumo and was about £550 in for an £8 stake top of £5,600 odd – can’t moan at that!

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    If you dont have a lot of money, put the spins down to 10p or even 5p, at 5p the gambles wont make you a million or hurt your pocket (as long as you dont go crazy) but at 5p you can get tops of £48 and if the jackpot screen comes in, thats £25 and a quick smash on the mouse and its £50, sometimes hehe….

    bishman WANTED $84

    I went onto white rabbit and bought a few £10 features then thought sod it and bought a £100 feature as the price was down to £80 from previous play, was going for £78 until the very last spin when 4 of the bitches slow rolled for £100, giving £180, cashing out with £270 now 🙂

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Wey Hey….  well done Bish…   I was doing my 5p on RK when £5 came in from one little king, bish bosh bash 😉

    bishman WANTED $84

    WiggyOfStHelens wrote:

    Wey Hey….  well done Bish…   I was doing my 5p on RK when £5 came in from one little king, bish bosh bash ?

    Get in there!

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Well done folks . Was on reel king ladder chasin on friday started as usual on 10p missed a couple of tops in the 1st £50 so upped to 20p eventually ended up on 80p and £340 or so in.   and there i was one of the top for £800 + ready to press then shat masel haha .    took the £400+ plus and went and changed ma boxers LOL ha ha i didnt even screen shot it as i only do it and  post when i hit the top .

    Shite bag ???

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