Reel King – Getting back on the Horse.

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  • #40558
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Probably a good point to begin a fresh thread with a new journey and see how it goes. For a background story, the original thread will always be readable here –

    Some nights….. I just can’t sleep…

    Well after a close run thing on the football but ultimately no joy, i decided it was time to start again and give my old mate another go.

    £1,000 deposit in to Videoslots and I start on £1.60 stake – Down to around £400 i think when it gives me this…

    From memory as as i can’t zoom the pics while i write i think that put me to around £1200 odd, a small profit but a point from which i would carry on, raising the stake to £2 to see how i go. Well how i go is bust town, reload another £1,000 and it is a switch to £3 where i will stay unless i top it and leave the game if i go bust at this stage.

    Thankfully bust town isn’t waiting for me this time –

    Once again though, having got to £2k in for the session, the resulting balance of £2,222 didn’t really represent a good enough profit and i continued – switching up to £4 having achieved the £3 top.

    It wasn’t long before this one popped in –

    This one cost a fair bit to land with it being on £4 but at £3,200 it blasted me to around an £1,800 profit mark, which is cracking and i usually would have just taken that but i thought i’ve accumulated a little bit here, lets go £6 and see what happens, pushing the game as i’m sure you have all become used to! Well it worked and this one dropped for a very healthy profit point and indeed a walk, end of session!

    Some stats that i will try and keep updated after each session.

    Tops Hit – 4

    Money in – £2,000

    Money out – £6,598

    +/- = £4,598 up

    benq99 WANTED $229

    nice one mate its still giving ,great to see your winning

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Nice one mate. Great game never in doubt eh. The beginning of a marathon profit has begun. ?

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Amazes me every time how the fuck you do this on so many occasions.

    Can i wire you 100 to get me a few tops mate?

    Good luck on the new run mate!

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Well done Steve, play it steady brother, don’t go off your head raising to surreal stakes.

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    About 8% back just 92% to go good luck.

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Hes got a magic reel king mouse….    Great wins btw 🙂

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Knew it wouldnt b long b4 u were back on the trusty steed ? just remember and dont stand behind him wae ur baws hangin oot lol.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Cummon Bandito Rodriquez!

    Keep it up mate.

    Wont be long until you are back where you belong!

    long live the Real Reel King

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Cracking tops there bud! Let’s hope that on page 68 of this thread, you’ll be 300k up and looking to buy a second house! The impossible dream hey. Boom!


    Mattybelle WANTED $4

    Great to see that you take the falls ,dust yourself down ,and start again …well done Steve …x

    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    4 Tops…


    Reminds me of that old music band. ” I can’t help myself ” was one of their hits. Seems somehow fitting to this forum 😉


    gg Bandit, back on track 🙂

    bobibopo WANTED $9

    That horse must hate you by now…..

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    So today (Sunday) is a family day with the in laws popping round and us likely heading out for dinner so i’m not really going to have time to play much, as such i have just fired up Casumo for a little go on Reel King, i’m bored basically, sat in bed wide awake and that is just what i do ha. Still a little wary of the game so £1.60 it is despite the earlier success, i am on the “build” as it were.

    £1,000 deposited and i think i have just managed a top that i have never had before, very strange amount, rarely seen it before off the top of my head, it cost just short of £270 which is always nice –

    It brings a profit for the session of £1,216 and will be all on the game for today i would say.

    Cumulative stats for the thread below –

    Tops Hit – 5

    Money in – £3,000

    Money out – £8,814

    +/- = £5,814 up

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Bandit the jammy bastard, the only man in the world who can lose 60k and then print it all back out 3 days later ???

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