Reel King – Getting back on the Horse.

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  • #40703
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    MichaelLFC96 wrote:

    Bandit the jammy bastard, the only man in the world who can lose 60k and then print it all back out 3 days later ???

    Lol, a bit of a way to go yet on that one, i’l leave a line under that loss and call it Documented Journey 1, the result of which was in the region of £43k profit (I should go count it really in the thread but i cba lol) which you have just got to be hugely happy with – the losses are inevitable when you are solely going for tops, i just have to hope that they come late on rather than at the beginning but even then, as i tend to try and build up first, a loss at the beginning would only be in the region of 2/3k as that would be where i’d usually stop if there were no winnings to use – i’m ok losing on the game even if there are no winnings to use but not to the tune of multiple thousands, i won’t go there until the thread position allows. It is a solid start up at nearly £6 profit, long may it continue lol!

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Here’s to many more pal, I know it’s profit in the long run but that didn’t suit my narrative ??

    Hacko1 WANTED $181

    Legend, now this might be a little sad but over the weeks I have found myself singing around the house in the style of the carpenters ‘on top of the world’ He’s on top of the ladder looking down at his balance that’s the only satisfaction he can find etc etc ffs I love it ????

    mirraman WANTED $7

    Unbelievable Jeff, your smashing that game to bits, so happy for you esp after that loss, are you not scared they will change or remove the gamble. I bet there’s 100’s trying to achieve the top ( if I still gambled I would be ). With all that luck your having that hot mode on T2 might drop in ?


    mirraman WANTED $7

    Also I have just thought. When you get the internet sorted, you could do a first ever live stream with the style of play on real king, I think loads of people would watch and enjoy to put a picture to your reactions of hitting the top just a thought tho ???

    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    The pressure is off and he’s skill stopping it again lol

    Nah, hopefully you can claw it back over the next few week

    If you get say 40 of the 60k back in the next week or so will you push it by going for the £10-£20? so as to get it back with interest?

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    I predict atleast three 20k plus tops within the next 4 days 🙂

    benq99 WANTED $229

    i have had a bash only on low stacks 52 ladders one from top 3 times all lost,bandit please tell me how you do it ,or can i borrow your finger for a day lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    TheMagnetSpitter wrote:

    The pressure is off and he’s skill stopping it again lol

    Nah, hopefully you can claw it back over the next few week

    If you get say 40 of the 60k back in the next week or so will you push it by going for the £10-£20? so as to get it back with interest?

    To be honest i’m not really looking to change the way i play it much at all, so soon enough i will be having the kind of sessions that i did in the last thread. I like to build up a bit of profit first from slightly lower stakes so that if it does go tits up early i am not hit for the full session loss. For me it is as much about confidence in the game as it is affordability, i could have afforded to carry on when i had the big loss and due to that i can handle another large loss on the game but i want to minimise the chance of that for the first few session and then i will push it up to £16 stake, which is my favourite stake, and see what happens.

    For me now though, there is no clawing back – the loss has happened and has gone, that particular journey has been concluded and over the period of those 21 days or so, a profit of £43k approx was made. I don’t feel like i am chasing a loss and it isn’t how i will be looking at this particular journey, had the loss have put me to a minus then yeah, the next run attempt on the game would have had the target of getting me level over the two sessions.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    benq99 wrote:

    i have had a bash only on low stacks 52 ladders one from top 3 times all lost,bandit please tell me how you do it ,or can i borrow your finger for a day lol

    Do you mean 52 attempts mate? If you do, i have a shit ton more than 52 attempts i would imagine – not something i have ever really counted though, perhaps i will start tallying them like i did the bees, would be interesting to see on average how many attempts for a top each session wouldn’t it.

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    The Bandit wrote:

    benq99 wrote:

    i have had a bash only on low stacks 52 ladders one from top 3 times all lost,bandit please tell me how you do it ,or can i borrow your finger for a day lol

    Do you mean 52 attempts mate? If you do, i have a shit ton more than 52 attempts i would imagine – not something i have ever really counted though, perhaps i will start tallying them like i did the bees, would be interesting to see on average how many attempts for a top each session wouldn’t it.

    Your positive attitude is so refreshing ! I wish you all the luck in the world bandit! Hope you can get onto a good winning streak soon ☺️


    Chrishenderson1986 WANTED $2

    I know some people are sick of reel king but I’m with the bandit its so thrilling going for the top on any stake and I will never tire of watching or playing it. Best of luck bandit let’s get that 60k back

    IrishRebel WANTED $1

    Cracking session mate, hopefully on the way to claw some of the 60k back (I wont call it a loss because essentially it isn’t)

    Piemon WANTED $2

    For me the big loss was coming for one reason you was starting stakes too high before you would start lower and like any other person after the run you have been on you will start higher but the limits get hit quicker as well and variance goes up.

    I 100% believe if you keep doing what you was before and starting at a sensible level it’s beatable over the long run

    Wasted2Day WANTED $10

    Bang and the King is back!!!

    Keep it up matey

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