Reel King – Getting back on the Horse.

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  • #43636
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I haven’t bothered so far today mate, my withdrawals are in a bit of a mess everywhere, i have £10,000 £10,000 £3,200 £5,700 odd and £1,800 odd floating around from Casumo and i have £48k ish stuck in videoslots – it starts to get silly trying to keep track so will maybe give it a rest for this evening.

    Cooper5 WANTED $2

    not sure ive ever seen a man unable to lose on slots before, 99.9% of the time its usually the other way round! add in his affiliate money and hes raking it in jesus!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Cooper5 wrote:

    not sure ive ever seen a man unable to lose on slots before, 99.9% of the time its usually the other way round! add in his affiliate money and hes raking it in jesus!

    Seem to be a few out today with the snipey affiliate earnings comments eh. Cheers for joining though, another figure for the Team Bandit total, much appreciated.


    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Cooper5 wrote:

    not sure ive ever seen a man unable to lose on slots before, 99.9% of the time its usually the other way round! add in his affiliate money and hes raking it in jesus

    here we go again. #BanditsNeverLostEver

    Welcome to the forum mate.


    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    80k nearly, not in the bank would have me peeved as well tbh lol



    Anonymous WANTED $483


    Think you may have to make a new forum Page titled “Feel free to abuse me” then disable  the comments!


    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    Success will always attract jealousy! A few of them out tonight I see ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    It is unfortunately part and parcel mate, i receive abuse on a daily basis via email, twitter message, comments, everywhere really, enough to write a small book each day – good thing is that it is clear it is abuse after the first few words and the delete button is your friend.

    Cooper5 WANTED $2

    you had any problems with your bank with all the deposits and withdrawals? I had an HSBC current account closed a few years ago for having so many gambling transactions mainly from pokerstars and someone I know has had a clydesdale account closed for the same thing but from sportsbooks

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Cooper5 wrote:

    you had any problems with your bank with all the deposits and withdrawals? I had an HSBC current account closed a few years ago for having so many gambling transactions mainly from pokerstars and someone I know has had a clydesdale account closed for the same thing but from sportsbooks

    As of yet no i haven’t but i have used my accounts in this way for years and years with this particular bank. I have heard of the same happening to a few friends, various banks.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Never knew the abuse was to that extent. I must say you react to it very calmly and professionally. I suppose it’s not to give them the satisfaction.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Haz40 wrote:

    Never knew the abuse was to that extent. I must say you react to it very calmly and professionally. I suppose it’s not to give them the satisfaction.

    If it arrives and i have just had a barney with the mrs or kicked the cat or donked a top then i react, i block the cunt or whatever. other than that, i don’t really give a fuck what they say because 99.9% of them are chatting absolute bollocks. Just like i say, it’s pretty much every hour of every day that someone has something unsavoury to say and it gets on your tits eventually lol

    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    Oh the abuse can be bloody toxic online

    They are sat behind their computer remember, bet you anything they wouldn’t say it to bandits face (the vicious abuse not the affiliate stuff)

    I’ve heard Bandit say they have brought his family into it on one of his older vids? (not sure if that’s accurate), if so then they don’t deserve a response.

    Philinvicta WANTED $12

    Cooper5 wrote:

    not sure ive ever seen a man unable to lose on slots before, 99.9% of the time its usually the other way round! add in his affiliate money and hes raking it in jesus!

    Not to mention all the fivers he gets from people who sign up to his site to abuse him !! This is where his fortune really comes from.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    That’s it I’ve decided I’m becoming a full time firefighter…. I mean I fucking love it the uniform the truck I even get to shove that big hose up people’s arses that are being dicks and watch then take off into orbit…

    Why are some people just such tools when if they used the damn search bar or at least asked nicely in the forums for info on how the bandits affiliation works we could point them to the thread where he details each and every damn casino he has played at. But nooo I’ve got to wear this stupid uniform have a silly truck and a huge hose to shoot these knobs outta the building ?‍? hope all you other people are having a nice evening.

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