Reel King – Getting back on the Horse.

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    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    This is getting mental ? I’m so amazed every day how much you are up . Ps are you still doing the “day job” sports book thing as you have previously mentioned or is REEL KING the nee Day job.

    P.s I think now that you have got to £100k + you should use the £7k and reset to zero and start a third thread .

    zandralapoi WANTED $9

    Wow Buddy, you are smashing it!

    I have tried but it just rods me off all the time!  I  know my limits but I admire your balls!

    And to the haters?  Fuck Right Off you bunch of utter Wank Puffins.


    Ivor-Tinyone WANTED $42

    Just had a quick scan through to see what I missed!!! Wtf!!! That is incredible! Balls of steal!!! Nice one bandit.

    I had 20p left in my account so I tried to hit reel king with 1p spins haha. Nothing happened haha. I didn’t expect it to either to be fair.

    skwiera WANTED $1

    100k in ~9 days absolutely insane mate, congrats!


    Have you thought about withdrawing/locking a huge amount of money away just in case?

    I had a long run on Book of Dead aswell where i simply couldnt lose. I was printing money for fun to the point where I was making more money 10 minutes before i went to work on the game then on my actual job. I felt invincible but the loss will come.

    Lost a huge chunk of my winnings but I was able to control myself enough to stop playing at the right time. Now I know you already had a huge loss but the worst thing  by far about winning was that I lost any sense of monetary value just want to let you know why I think it would be smart to buy or withdraw something now for like 50% of your current profit because 50k is life changing money you should remember that

    And you’d still have 50k for massive attempts at the ladder

    Anyway best of luck mate hope you’ll smash it

    odd Job WANTED $8

    Dolly wrote:

    wisewords wrote:

    gonna sign up to this casumo and play some reel king, im a newbie, any tips for me?

    Carefully consider if you are willing to lose money, you have to consider the money as lost the moment you deposit. Set limits. Don’t try to emulate what others do as more often than not sessions result in a loss.


    Other than that plod on and enjoy! It doesn’t take any skill, unless you’ve got Bandits golden fingers!! Bang bang bang TOP!!!


    Good luck

    Don.t do it. please

    elliotthoppi WANTED $6

    The Bandit wrote:

    Ok for some reason today… i just did not fancy it. Call it a 6th sense but i just thought it was trouble today, very weird feeling about it. Anyway, after the poker i thought fuck it, lets go. £1k in Casumo and on to £1.60 – being sensible, inside the first £80 in it loses one off the top for £819 TWICE, dirty little helmet peeler. That is it for a while and i am 1k, 2k, 2k onwards and in deeper and deeper, i am £30k when finally, this happens…

    This puts me to around £24k so £6k down, been here many times before and yeah, i decide to plod on – well – jesus – the fucker takes the lot and i am reloading again, it is here that i kind of convince myself that this is it, this is going to be the huge loss and i am starting to think how bad i am going to let it be, i go another £10,000 in so i am now £40,000 in, this arrives thank fuck…

    I really needed it not to be the minimum top and that lovely golden road did not let me down! Incredibly, i am back to only £7k down and i sit there and think for a min, what now…. i drop it to £30 and plod on, i’m pushing this fucker for all it is worth, it takes plenty back so so quick so i am up to £40 stake again after not too long but then…. here it is….. DILEMMA time, i’ve reached £15,360 and i sit one off the top and the £15,360 would put me a grand or so up….. i suck it up and slap my bollocks on the keyboard…… the longest pause known to man and i’ve got my head in my hands but then YELLOW, it’s gone fucking YELLOW….

    I absolutely swear to you, i thought it was a nailed on DONK but no! Fucking get the mother fuck in there, i shout like a bastard – it’s truly WAKE THE BABY time right there, i get a punch in the head off sleeping beauty here but i will take that, absolutely thrilling to the maximum and like a phoenix from the flames… i net myself a £16,975 profit. Absolute SCENES.

    Here is a session report that actually popped up while i was giving it some lmao

    Cumulative Thread Stats –

    Tops Hit – 29

    Money in – £146,500

    Money out – £253,500

    +/- = £107,000 up exactly!

    Fucking get in there bandit unreal! 107k ha. Keep doing what ur doing and down let Wife go Asda else youll be heading Bust Town

    Levskie101 WANTED $22

    The Bandit wrote:

    Levskie101 wrote:

    There is no way they can continue to let you win at this rate, either they are raking it with people losing fortunes trying to emulate this method or they are trying to figure out how to ban you

    You almost sound angry about it mate, i’m just showing what happens when i play that’s all. It is going well currently. The £60,000 loss wasn’t such a good session though was it lol

    Defiantly not angry not sure what gave you that impression, hope you take them for as much as possible! Merely pointing out that knowing casinos they will be desperate to stop the wins! Or maybe there is others doing their brains in and maybe they have been even before you posted your success.


    Loving this part 2 chapter better than chapter 1 keep that profit going up bandit ??

    Levskie101 WANTED $22

    Ezekiel2517 wrote:

    Levskie101 wrote:

    There is no way they can continue to let you win at this rate, either they are raking it with people losing fortunes trying to emulate this method or they are trying to figure out how to ban you

    People lose that and more in one hand of BJ or One spin on Roulette mate, I think you need to put it more in perspective. The Bandit is doing great, but he’s not abiut to bust the casino.

    Ah yea definitely mate, but having first hand experience of getting banned for winning far less casinos just do not like winning players.

    Slots_of_fun WANTED $3

    FairPlay on the mad run,just a quick question-How deep would you go before calling a stop to the chase,or is there no limit?


    Chopsta1 WANTED $5

    Bandit. all these haters are just jellous that you have found a slot that you can beat consistantly at the moment, and have built up a big enough bankroll to make it extremely profitable. they could try and do the same, start at 20p, hit the top a few times, go upto 40p etc. if they win, they win. if not they lose. its there choice. but why bag some1 for winning? would they rather every1 lost and the casinos win all the money? i say, pump reel king for every penny while your on a roll, coz you never know what tomorrow brings. glad to hear youve got a house, car etc from your last few months of gambling. thats what its all about, isnt it? winning and providing for the family? keep it up bandit. mad respect from australia mate

    luvmykiev WANTED $2

    Chopsta1 wrote:

    Bandit. all these haters are just jellous that you have found a slot that you can beat consistantly at the moment, and have built up a big enough bankroll to make it extremely profitable. they could try and do the same, start at 20p, hit the top a few times, go upto 40p etc. if they win, they win. if not they lose. its there choice. but why bag some1 for winning? would they rather every1 lost and the casinos win all the money? i say, pump reel king for every penny while your on a roll, coz you never know what tomorrow brings. glad to hear youve got a house, car etc from your last few months of gambling. thats what its all about, isnt it? winning and providing for the family? keep it up bandit. mad respect from australia mate

    Well said Chopsta, totally agree mate. They will always be haters out there and people who find it hard to accept that ‘Our Main Man’ has managed to provide a Family Home for himself and his Clan through Gambling! I suspect these same haters have probably lost their home and much much more! To them I say grow up and respect The Bandit for his current run of luck, after all we are all Gamblers.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    100grand!!! That’s amazing dude

    Getting up to 1 Million pounds isn’t that unrealistic now lol keep it up man, congratulations

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Last time bandit was quiet for a day we got that  Shits hit the fan post  Hope it hasn’t happened again

    bobibopo WANTED $9

    What a rollercoaster of a session that must have been. You are sick in the head mate!  Time to get that second house to start renting out!

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