Reel King – Getting back on the Horse.

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  • #44076
    jamesbocco WANTED $1

    Fucking hell lad, Ronaldo will be reading this thread soon with jealousy that some cunt is earning more than him! Haha.

    I truly hope you take stock of the sheer life changing money you’ve made and start putting some away or mothballing super cars!



    Dannyr92 WANTED $1

    CNt find the video mate

    Ezekiel2517 WANTED $15

    I made a £13 loss on a £5 Trixie yesterday, so I can relate to this thread a fair bit right now.

    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    Ezekiel2517 wrote:

    I made a £13 loss on a £5 Trixie yesterday, so I can relate to this thread a fair bit right now.

    At least you play within your limits as Bandit always advises, nothing wrong with losing any money as ling as you can still survive after.

    I liken these threads/vids to the movie trainspotting, only this is gambling and not drugs lol, but if watching Bandits Reel King vids makes you wanna copy then I think people are missing the message imo

    I love to gamble but there’s no disire to play Reel King, I even downloaded the app for the tablet last week.. YES you can actually download the game and it plays like bejeweled blitz the facebook game, with daily coins etc lol, but there’s no real fun element for me with that slot and that’s my reason for playing slots. I don’t mind losing £100 if I’ve had some entertainment.

    Bandit obviously loves the game hence the reason he started taking on the gamble ladder.




    TheMagnetSpitter WANTED $34

    I find the game more fun to watch when its someone else doing the gambling hahaha

    Hence I enjoy his reel king vids

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    BSK1 wrote:

    oh For fucks sake… that’s bollocks

    Do you mean the thread mate or were you replying to someone else? I find it difficult to believe that as a follower of the whole thing, you could swing round to thinking it was bollocks or did i just read it wrong lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Oh and don’t worry folks, i am only quiet as it was a day in the pub and snooker hall with Seedy yesterday rather than ladder bashing haha. I am sure i will have a go today and provide some updates.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    The Bandit wrote:

    BSK1 wrote:

    oh For fucks sake… that’s bollocks

    Do you mean the thread mate or were you replying to someone else? I find it difficult to believe that as a follower of the whole thing, you could swing round to thinking it was bollocks or did i just read it wrong lol

    I read it as a reply to the post above, the book of ra one ?

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    The Bandit wrote:

    Oh and don’t worry folks, i am only quiet as it was a day in the pub and snooker hall with Seedy yesterday rather than ladder bashing haha. I am sure i will have a go today and provide some updates.

    Got to be careful letting @seedy out too much, he’ll start expecting it more and more regular until he’s rehabilitated into society ? then who will bring you petrol station goodness?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Any decent breaks at snooker yesterday mate.

    Briners09 WANTED $16

    Bandit, I know your winning ridiculous amounts gambling but have you thought about website traffic and the possible income it could provide in small advertising’s? The traffic towards your website with everyone wanting to read your next instalment is probably mental.

    Briners09 WANTED $16

    Just a quick thought, and I can’t see why nobody hasn’t already asked this, why o why o why haven’t you done a live stream reel king session???? I wanna see you jumping around the room like a mad man!!! Get it on pal would be a fucking epic watch

    nuffetutte WANTED $1

    Does anyone know how the ladder on captain venture works when you are one away from the top?
    I played it on 4 sek stake (around 0.4 pounds) and got it to 3700 sek one away from the top which was 4000 sek. Figured I should win 9 times out of 10, but ofc I lost. Was the chance actually 50-50 at that point, anyone knows? 🙂
    Sad if you can’t go for the top in that case

    voodoodolleke WANTED $5

    nuffetutte wrote:

    Does anyone know how the ladder on captain venture works when you are one away from the top? I played it on 4 sek stake (around 0.4 pounds) and got it to 3700 sek one away from the top which was 4000 sek. Figured I should win 9 times out of 10, but ofc I lost. Was the chance actually 50-50 at that point, anyone knows? ?
    Sad if you can’t go for the top in that case

    No, like Bandit explained in his videos the top on Captain Venture is always 1000x so if you’re already at 925x the odds are heavily in your favour and it’s more like 90-10 at that point. Or should be.

    Dolly WANTED $10

    nuffetutte wrote:

    Does anyone know how the ladder on captain venture works when you are one away from the top? I played it on 4 sek stake (around 0.4 pounds) and got it to 3700 sek one away from the top which was 4000 sek. Figured I should win 9 times out of 10, but ofc I lost. Was the chance actually 50-50 at that point, anyone knows? ?
    Sad if you can’t go for the top in that case

    It always goes DONK unless you’ve got bandits golden fingers! Currently working on a prototype finger clone machine so we can all win ?

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