Reel King – Getting back on the Horse.

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  • #44823
    High Stakes WANTED $1

    The Bandit wrote:

    High Stakes wrote:

    Great win Bandit! That had me on the edge of my seat!

    I think in your tiredness you may have been harsh on the guy earlier blocking him, from what I read he didn’t do anything wrong mate.

    Anyway monster win and let’s hope you get to £200k!

    It wasn’t just based on that one post High, i was spot on too as he rapidly made another account to abuse me with affiliate drivel and then showed his true intelligence by calling me something about a gastric sleeve and then finishing with something about me being a fatty. Clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed as gastric sleeve = not a fatty anymore eh


    Some people are just jealous fools don’t listen to them mate.

    Are you going to continue playing Reel King the same way or will you approach it differently after this?

    I hope the withdrawals don’t take too long as they can be a bitch!

    You’re a great guy and I hope you win lifechanging money for you and your family.


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I will be back down on the low stakes for a while now i would imagine, i will set a session loss at around the 4/5k mark and walk with the loss if i breach that area for a few session i would say.

    Mikeskinner1985 WANTED $5

    Cancel the trip to Alton towers.

    Ive had enough of rollercoasters for now!!!


    springbrucesteen WANTED $77

    Looking forward to the video

    great story btw

    Rob35 WANTED $4

    Go take the wife and kids on holiday somewhere amazing with the 7k fella have a couple of weeks off in the sun and go again, shit like that is stressful! (understatement) you and the family deserve a some R&R go make some memories now you have achieved the GRAIL!

    sillyputty WANTED $1

    I found myself constantly checking for an update all morning (I’m over the US, so ahead of you by 5 hours). I’m so glad I did. Totally worth the wait to see such an epic comeback! I’m very happy for you, but I’m also happy to hear you’re going to take a breather on some lower stakes for a few sessions. It would be easy to feel invincible after such a huge comeback, so safe is the way to go.

    I can’t wait for your next $40K top, though…I live vicariously through you since I don’t have the bankroll to gamble at these stakes (nor do I have the mental composure to do so even if I had the cash).

    RowRow87 WANTED $5

    You have forgot to put up your latest money in/money out etc. I’ll let you off under the circumstances mate :-p

    High Stakes WANTED $1

    The Bandit wrote:

    I will be back down on the low stakes for a while now i would imagine, i will set a session loss at around the 4/5k mark and walk with the loss if i breach that area for a few session i would say.

    That’s sensible, but I do love the high stakes ones!

    Nelisxxx WANTED $11


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    RowRow87 wrote:

    You have forgot to put up your latest money in/money out etc. I’ll let you off under the circumstances mate :-p

    Lol yeah i will get there 😀

    DannyCollett26 WANTED $9

    Bandit you have the bollocks of a bull my son what a comeback. On to the next the game is just so volatile. Get the fuck in there!

    Deuchars WANTED $5

    Jesus Christ on a bike, £108k in and what a come back. Congrats mate on having balls of steel.


    I’ve turned 90p into £3k and I thought that was impressive, this is epic

    xxpottsyxx WANTED $3

    Absolutely amazing! Have been following these threads and what a ride! I was feeling sick reading the £700 balance part, but reading out your 2nd half to the partner smiling. So glad that you clawed it back. Please don’t ever change, we love you! Lol

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Fuck me that has took my breath away. I feel ill at the thought of that session. What the fuck must be going on in your mind at certain points lol.

    Was u calm about it? because I know I’d of been like one of them ppl you see on a fobt (old me) , crying and saying please please just hit.

    Then when you claw money back its a feeling of utter utopia,, it feels like the biggest win in the world.

    Well done but fucking hell learn a lesson, go by another house, stick it in the pension pot, send the kids to eton/Cambridge, get the missus or your self some fake boobs, Give it to me..I don’t know  Just don’t give it all back to the casino.

    Time to draw a line under this thread and start a new one me thinks

    Catfish1604 WANTED $8

    Don’t mean to take anything from the bandit, but I look at this and have you ask the question again about online slots, it is written that every press is random and the computer has no knowledge of your previous play, but to go 107k down and to break even in one session seems to say something different. You can’t  tell me there is mad man out there that could have won 108k from a £700 deposit if they had started playing the game at the point the come back started.

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