Reel King – Getting back on the Horse.

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  • #44953
    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Absolutely the right attitude about how you approach the game and your own limits mate, couldn’t be more responsible whatever the haters say.

    I don’t agree with people saying to ease off the game, only do £3k a session etc as it’s not how it works and that’s not how you’ve generated this success.

    I say keep doing what your doing, what you experienced is rarer than the usual run of events, it’s usully less than £10k to make around £2-£4k profit which is a cracking return doing that a couple times a day. Maybe that fateful night when you lost 60k you could have kept going and got it back like this time, but completely respect you have a bottom line of only losing the profit the game has given you.

    Keep it up Bandit

    Gavster1989 WANTED $22

    oh bandit. GET THE FUCK IN THERE BOOOM lol. over the moon you got you money back and a life story to tell in the future. all this makes very interesting reading. keep riding that horse mate but play safe. ?

    devon life WANTED $13

    ikeee i am also in the horse racing buisness making a living of it get in contact with me sure we can chat and help each other out


    [email protected]

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Steve – only just got to reading all this. You are an absolute madman! Can’t believe you managed to turn £700 into £100k, that is an absolutely insane achievement. Could’ve gone horrifically wrong, but I’m so glad for you that it didn’t.

    Happy ending (thank fuck!). 😀


    I think they might be replying to someone else’s post. I have found myself clicking the reply at the bottom of a post instead of the one above the post


    The Bandit wrote:

    BSK1 wrote:

    oh For fucks sake… that’s bollocks

    Do you mean the thread mate or were you replying to someone else? I find it difficult to believe that as a follower of the whole thing, you could swing round to thinking it was bollocks or did i just read it wrong lol

    I think they may have clicked the reply button at the bottom( the top of the next post instead of the top for the post they ment to reply to. I’ve found myself making this mistake 🙂


    The Bandit wrote:

    Andymitzy wrote:

    Serious question here lol. Does ur wife not go mad the day after also that u woke them up? Or does she understand it’s a massive amount and the winnings make up for it ?

    Haha tbh, she hadn’t long gone to sleep – she likes to sit there as long as possible to make sure i don’t do my utter bajoolas in – which i don’t do anymore but she remembers from when i did do ?

    If she’s anything like the women in my life can’t remember if they seen a certain movie before but when remembering my gambling they have the memory of an elephant

    burders WANTED $55

    Butt clenching, stomach churning, teeth grinding, tremor inducing epicness!! We all know that chronic butterfly in your stomach when you know you’re too far in, or you’ve given back a great win! You must have felt such emotion during this session – anger, embarrassment, frustration on a different level – the relief of the completed comeback – wow – that must be the sweetest! I’m not a great one to give advice on financial matters (hmmm) but another untouchable investment must be the way to go. Awesome awesome read, we are invested emotionally and it’s a blast – keep up the entertainment- just don’t do your bollocks in! Best.

    odd Job WANTED $8

    You really need to walk away now and take a break. If you carry on like this you are going to loose it all.  As much as you promote responsible gambling, this is not responsible.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    What an absolute rollercoaster! My emotions have taken a battering haha, gutted it was the last 700 and not the first lol Imagine that, 700 in and boom up to 216k lol well done on the recovery of all recoveries man long may the run continue

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    odd Job wrote:

    You really need to walk away now and take a break. If you carry on like this you are going to loose it all.  As much as you promote responsible gambling, this is not responsible.

    ? “Responsible” is subjective not objective ?

    one day people will learn that and Bandit won’t have to bang his head into the wall everytime he sees a post like this

    pandas WANTED $2

    Just caught up with the thread .

    Wow what an epic run that is .

    I think we have all been there gambling in what ever sport and what ever level you play at .

    I have recivreco like that and promised myself ” never again ” then next week …. Ha ha

    Keep up the good work bandit.

    Will_RAFC WANTED $4

    Epic run Bandit! But please bank some of this profit – if you treat the profit as the games money then you will always hand it back eventually! You’ve worked too hard for it to still be considered the games money anyway! Not criticising in any way, just don’t want to see you lose it all when you’ve grafted for it.

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>Enjoy yourself whatever you choose to do. </span>

    Mattcarr WANTED $7

    Blimey Bandit, I have never seen so many people waiting for an outcome – myself included. Jammy Jammy b’stard. Now, all we need it to have you on the telly doing childrens story hour…….


    He’s a story teller, and his story must be told. Right children, are you all sitting comfortably? Good, I’ll begin.

    Once upon a time there was a chap called Bandit, and he had big ol’ balls and was known as the “Reel King” and he was the hunt for the holy grail. Well on this particular day he started playing his game but he wasn’t having much luck, but he kept on ploughing away, growing his balls bigger and bigger and bigger. The casino was loving it as he kept on loading in his pennies to try and win it all back. Bandit was beginning to suffer from finger fatigue and called his friend to tell him that he was almost to the end of his money. Then suddenly out of nowhere a magic golden ladder arrived and helped Bandit to resurrect his finger. So much so that the Bandits magically charged finger then also found the holy grail Golden road top in Reel King of the full jackpot drop. Booosh, Bandits bollocks grew so much that the casino he was at almost burst. His super charged finger then managed to find more and more of these golden roads and eventually he made his way all the way back to find his money in his casino balance, and the casino was weeping on the floor in disbelief of just how fucking big his bollocks were and pleaded for mercy, which the Bandit of course gave them by stopping and going to bed, and everyone all lived happily ever after.

    odd Job WANTED $8

    Tricky0212 wrote:

    odd Job wrote:

    You really need to walk away now and take a break. If you carry on like this you are going to loose it all.  As much as you promote responsible gambling, this is not responsible.

    ? “Responsible” is subjective not objective ?

    one day people will learn that and Bandit won’t have to bang his head into the wall everytime he sees a post like this

    all these well done Bandit comments remind  me of a Hans Christian Andersen story.


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