Reload or recall cash out

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  • #93486
    youngbuck WANTED $1

    Hi folks


    Just want to know people’s general opinion. If you go bust would you reload from your bank or return a cash out request to the balance?

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Reload From bank, mentally you see the money  differently, it’s makes some think harder about depositing or not, because you have bills, work, food shopping, you  actually lose money from your account by reloading so your thought process is Different ….because the restrictions you put on your self day to day still exist when you play with your own actual money that sits in your account …if  reversing a win, we tend to not recognise it as our own money, because its won… and I think a lot of gamblers lose their winnings because they haven’t connected the winnings as being theirs…as they might do with the money that sits in their bank ……

    well it’s how I do it anyway

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Reload From bank, mentally you see the money  differently, it’s makes some think harder about depositing or not, because you have bills, work, food shopping, you  actually lose money from your account by reloading so your thought process is Different ….because the restrictions you put on your self day to day still exist when you play with your own actual money that sits in your account …if  reversing a win, we tend to not recognise it as our own money, because its won… and I think a lot of gamblers lose their winnings because they haven’t connected the winnings as being theirs…as they might do with the money that sits in their bank ……

    well it’s how I do it anyway

    I totally agree. You could have won £1k from a £20 deposit and wouldn’t think much of it because its winnings. When it’s in your bank, you see it as your money. ?

    BSK1 WANTED $48


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