Resident Evil 2 Remastered!

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  • #43904
    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Hey guys,

    Any gamers about on the forums? Just wondering if anyone has purchased the new remaster of RE2? I’ve got 2 weeks off work and my bro has just got it (luckily I can download it and play for free on my Ps4 using his account). Personally for me RE2 was the best of the Resident Evil series  (even now with all the new ones out) and one of the greatest games to come out of the Playstation. So I’m going to have a blast of it tonight. I’ll probably be choosing Claire Redfield as my bro has picked Leon (the bastard!).

    So who has got it and what are your thoughts? I believe it’s a remaster but with added content from what I’ve seen so far it looks absolutely fantastic graphics wise and I’m quite chuffed they give you the option to use the original music (who could hate the save room music :D)


    Havent played it yet mate thought it was out this friday so guess whos running to game right now lol  but looks fantastic the best resident evils was 1 and 2 on the old playstaion cant wait to play it

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I completed leons campaign in just over 6 hours, Claire’s in 4. Claire defo gets the better weapons. World record at the moment with a knife only run is 1 hour 8 minutes.

    Currently working on the second scenarios now. Really good game and some of the set pieces take you back to the original


    Also if you load the game on your brothers account then on the main menu switch profiles back to your you can start a new game and use any character you want and all progress will save to your gamertag mate ??

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    I was just about to mention that @andywilliams1187 was really looking forward to it, but he’s replied now! 😀

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    THAGABSTAR wrote:

    Also if you load the game on your brothers account then on the main menu switch profiles back to your you can start a new game and use any character you want and all progress will save to your gamertag mate ??

    Yeah I know matey, we do it quite a lot when we buy games….we just have a thing where if we are both playing the same game and there is a choice of characters we never go the same character. When RE1 remaster came out I went Chris and he went Jill.

    Not a bad time there Andy, was you rushing through or taking your time trying to collect and explore as much as you could?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Scared the shit outta me the demo so I’ve not bought it ????

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I picked it up on Friday night with the resident evil 2 candle that smells of dead zombies. House fucking stunk and Mrs W not happy but got a good session in.

    Mthomas211 WANTED $3

    Yes – been on it for a couple of days now. Takes me back to 1998!

    So far it has smashed all expectations – 3 hours in with Leon.

    Heard they’ve already started the remake of RE3!

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Did quit a bit of exploring. Typical resident evil to an extent. Once you know where everythi is it’s much easier second time round.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Gotta say I’m having a blast on it so far…just got up to the first encounter with Mr x

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Just beat the game with Claire, cracking game and definitely worth every penny my brother paid for it haha. I’m a bit gutted that I missed a lot of stuff like some safes in the police station and the special weapon case in the sewer…I assumed I would have got the codes/keys later in the game but I guess I missed them earlier on. Never mind, I’ll play through with Leon next then after that I’ll play through with Claire again and make sure I don’t miss a single thing. I’m a bit OCD when it comes to stuff like that haha.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Your post came through for moderation on this post wise as just a lower case v, not sure whether that was just you flicking the v’s lol or whether you submitted early. No point issuing the post though in case you were expecting to see a longer one you thought you wrote?

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Andy, did you ever have a go of Resident Evil 7 VR with the candle that smelt like rotten old mansion ? I’d have to be sat on a bucket for that one ?

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    No mate didnt know they did that. I love resident evil, res evil 2 and the remakes but have steered clear of the others as didn’t really rate them.

    Might have to give then ago

    Capcom have confirmed free dlc for res 2 which is playing as survivors you see along the way. Including the gun shop owner and the mayor’s daughter

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