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  • #56373
    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    hi all . So over the last few weeks I’ve been wondering how much I have actually spent on FOBTs and online casinos since I started my bank account .

    i had been allowed by my bank to increase my overdraft from £200 to £2000 in the short space of 3 months even though I had £4000 in transactions on my account where I had used my card at the bookies

    this was a very bad time for me as I was gambling hard and spending well beyond my means

    well today I put in a complaint to resolver about Halifax stating that they had irrisposable lending to me and should have checked more

    I will keep you informed on what happens and I will also let you know the full ins and outs of my gambling once I go through all the statement so asked for

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    So quick update

    in 5 years from 2008-2013 when I was using the specific account I had spent 24,000 at he bookies ??

    no wonder I was always skint !!!!


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