Revenge of The Casino

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  • #94768
    PaulMac WANTED $6

    I recently had my best ever on-line slot withdrawal in the region of £5k. I started low stakes and after some decent hits ended up playing £5 £10 and even a few (unsuccessful £20 stakes). I left a four figure some in the balance. The next day i went back on-line to the same casino and you’ve guessed the rest. Bonuses just would not drop and when they did eventually they all paid unbelievable returns based on stake. Captain Venture 12 spins win £30 stake £3. DHV Gates skeleton again less than £30 £2 stake. Napoleon £5 spins eventually hit bonus paid nothing better luck next time lol. Ridiculously high number of spins on various other popular games bonuses paid buttons. It was almost like this casino were saying you took a few bob from us recently now we’re gonna take back as much of it we can as quick as we can. It’s not the losing I’m a compulsive ganbler and well used to losing and losing bigger amounts than this occasion. Anyone else on here experienced anything similar? Or thoughts on this in general?My experience this wasn’t the norm. Happy punting everyone.

    STH2020 WANTED $38

    Slots are always supposed to be completely random but I do often find them a bit dry after a big withdrawal. I am on about 4 or 5 different sites that I bet on or play slots / poker and find it the same on all of them. I am sure it is just superstition and you probably only need to look at the big streamers to realise that it is just that, and they continue to win / lose etc as usual. Our very own Bandit had a 100k win after some big withdrawals, so it is probably just something we overthink about. Nice work on the big withdrawal though

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Slots cant be tracked for players. Each spin will have a casino and player tag, but the slot cannot possibly work out the lifetime RTP of that player and adjust accordingly, especially over different games and providers. Its not possible as that information cannot be edited, shared, or disrupted.


    Its superstition but ive felt it too even though i know its not possible.

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