Right fuck it, videosluts can suck it

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  • #122523
    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    You know fuck videosluts…. I’ll give one tiny clap to the videoslot dude on here but that’s it ….

    last year or maybe over a year ago I needed to verify accounts, fine, done, then they needed to check source of Wealth, fine, but no…. That wasn’t enough … “we need bank records for the last year and the two years before …..

    ummmm yeah


    we need hmrc for last year and the year before”

    but you know…. That was covid years right?
    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>you know people had to stay home yeah ? </span>yeah

    so the tax return and incomes are not typical, they’ll be lower than my usual years

    yeah, all good  my man, we totally take that into consideration

    hey what’s this payment from ( girls) name to you?
    That’s  my mrs

    are you sure ?

    Yep pretty sure …we Ok now  ? hello……………hello …… hello… what the fuck ….

    I created a post on here talking about the levels of info they needed or asked for, all of you said “ don’t be fucking stupid, they have no need for al that info “

    I was like

    “yeah, probably, but I like vs, I feel I can trust them, games are good and so forth”

    but now……. I’ve just found out my account is actually blocked because ……ready for This

    because my tax was lower and I had said it was lower because there was less work because we were in FUCKING COVID …..

    which i shit you not videoslots translated into ….”yeah my tax is low because I’m in financial difficulties, I’m litterly draining  next doors cat for milk …..heeeelp  “ …….ffs

    Just don’t go to videoslots, don’t sign up, don’t play, don’t do anything with them, they might not be the worst but what can you say about a company who’s first reaction o after 5 years of consistent play to shut shit down, not hey let’s have a chat, hey let’s lower your limits, hey let’s do somthing, hey what’s going on ….

    nope shut that fucking thing down, but I guess it was tough for them to send a message to me with all the other vs accounts they were closing because of covid and people being in lock down ………….ohhh wait …..

    And now they want me to send them more info ?? ?????????????? Are they fucking insane ???????? More ?????? I needed less documents to by my house ….

    i gen don’t care as much as you might think from this rant….. but fuck videoslots… the most unfair casino I’ve ever been attached to ….

    done, I’m off

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Haha, yeah I feel ya, I stopped playing there years ago coz of all the Sow checks.., believe me, mine would be more complicated than yours. I was self employed, then started a Ltd company,.. I stopped playing there as I knew that for every question I answered would lead to another question etc.. even though everything is legit, I mean I even sold some collectible things that made me money to different people and I sort of knew it would flag up.. £2k here, £5k etc. They are worse than the fucking HMRC.
    stay well away mate. Crypto casinos is the future.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Idiots 😳 fuck them, I’m sure there’s more that will happily take your money 🤣

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Idiots 😳 fuck them, I’m sure there’s more that will happily take your money 🤣

    It’s just ( and I apologise for the harsh  word) it’s just utter retardeness, you closed my account because my hmrc was lower……. During a lock down ….. fucking no shit Sherlock ….the hmrc document is only a snap shot of one year …the year we were in lockdown ….did they not think “oi dave,  this dude pays a mortgage, kids go to nursery and on and on ….. perhapssssssssssss he might have work, perhaps he’s not key worker and has to stay home, perhaps he has savings or maybe he’s a secret spy who launders money for the kgb

    “ nah don’t talk shit frank, he’s basically on the street… his tax bill during covid proves it, see during that time we were locked in our house and banned for working means he didn’t work as much, fucking suspicious ..“

    fucking retarded ( apologies )

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Smoothoperator wrote:

    Haha, yeah I feel ya, I stopped playing there years ago coz of all the Sow checks.., believe me, mine would be more complicated than yours. I was self employed, then started a Ltd company,.. I stopped playing there as I knew that for every question I answered would lead to another question etc.. even though everything is legit, I mean I even sold some collectible things that made me money to different people and I sort of knew it would flag up.. £2k here, £5k etc. They are worse than the fucking HMRC. stay well away mate. Crypto casinos is the future.

    Mr smooth you’ve always been level headed, I’ll take my lead with you my man,

    I’m  self employed as well but have a regular gig with a company that hires me for jobs, 22 years with them and plenty of history, I prefer to be self employed so I can alter rates to my liking rather than theirs and I can drop and pick up work…..

    but you’ll appreciate this I think, my mrs ( who does very well ) decided to re do the bathroom , she got it done for ( I can’t rember ) say £4k …. So bloke finished and I paid him, so she sent the 4K back to me…( it was here idea, she wanted to pay and although we have a joint account we have our own as well) …. The fucking hoops … the hoops I had to go through to prove a) the mother of my children was my wife b) I had payed the builder and she was paying me back c) that having a joint and separate account wasn’t weird ….d) no the builder wasnt a cocanie lord from Africa and e) that yes if my wife wanted to pay for somtjing I was happy to let her do it and  f) because like fuck would I pay that much for a bath and nice taps….. I’d piss in the sink if I could ….

    yeah crypto…. Not my bag … I’m still not convinced by it all really …

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I get your frustration Seyahkram, and I’m fine with the language you used here (I’m not easily offended!) but I have a feeling that VS won’t return to this forum because of this.

    Although VS could have acted on your wealth enquiries more swiftly, at the end of the day they’re only enforcing what the UKGC is asking them to do.  The UKGC is at the top of the blame pyramid.  They pretend that they’re interested in the welfare of problem gamblers, but they’re not really because their actions are pushing problem gamblers towards agents, crypto and illegal sites.  It is called virtue-signalling, and anyone from the UKGC reading this knows it.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    ImperialDragon wrote:

    I get your frustration Seyahkram, and I’m fine with the language you used here (I’m not easily offended!) but I have a feeling that VS won’t return to this forum because of this.

    Although VS could have acted on your wealth enquiries more swiftly, at the end of the day they’re only enforcing what the UKGC is asking them to do.  The UKGC is at the top of the blame pyramid.  They pretend that they’re interested in the welfare of problem gamblers, but they’re not really because their actions are pushing problem gamblers towards agents, crypto and illegal sites.  It is called virtue-signalling, and anyone from the UKGC reading this knows it.

    Your right dragon, and Yeah I agree, and I really didn’t have an issue with it, I did supply a lot of information because I appreciated the stance they were put in by our gov…my frustration is over the common sense…clearly most peoples income would  have been down over the  covid years….My issue is with the bastardisation of what I said and what I supplied …  Even tho my original and second sow were fine and dandy and allowed me play with out a deposit limit ….


    if vs stop coming to this forum because of this then shame on them …

    Slot WANTED $49

    do you know you can refuse all this bs and ask for the money to get paid and close the account?  I refuse like 4 casinos asking the same bs, they got sad after,

    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    ImperialDragon wrote:

    <p>I get your frustration Seyahkram, and I’m fine with the language you used here (I’m not easily offended!) but I have a feeling that VS won’t return to this forum because of this.</p><p>Although VS could have acted on your wealth enquiries more swiftly, at the end of the day they’re only enforcing what the UKGC is asking them to do.  The UKGC is at the top of the blame pyramid.  They pretend that they’re interested in the welfare of problem gamblers, but they’re not really because their actions are pushing problem gamblers towards agents, crypto and illegal sites.  It is called virtue-signalling, and anyone from the UKGC reading this knows it.</p>

    I would just gamban and be done with this utterly fucked industry. Walk into ladsbroke and self exclude from the fobt world too and then, take time out and consider a whole new past time that isn’t sucking you dry and funding some of the mentally sickest “business” on the planet.

    Sit back and watch the whole industry implode.

    “And what’s with this guy, sitting here in his Merkur top pretending he’s my friend while I hand over my whole months wages to him, his boss AND UKGC, in less than an hour?”

    It comes to something when you hate chipcunt and then realise we are all at least a bit like him. Supporting this utterly fucking dire industry.

    And that’s being polite. 🙂

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