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  • #82542
    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Hi all,

    I thought I would ask here as it’s the only forum I’m in ad in all honesty I find TGC Website a bit confusing to navigate.

    Does anyone know what is actually happening with Rolla ? Some seem to be saying he’s broke, others that he’s just in Malta ? Hope he’s ok so just thought I’d as here.

    Also, whilst on this topic does anyone know what he does for a living ? the question always gets asked on his streams but never seen it answered.

    thanks in advance


    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    I’ve watched many hours of Paul’s streams and he never discloses his job. Others here will definitely know as they know him IRL but won’t say as he obviously doesn’t want it advertised.

    As for his financial state, I’ve no idea. He doesn’t have the bankroll that the Bandit has and is very degenerate. But he says his wife holds the financial reins and he has enough sense not to blow the rent money.

    Bob ballsdeep WANTED $15

    Seen a video where he mentioned moving house so would be offline for a while?

    trr420 WANTED $7

    Couldn’t care less what’s going on in his personal life at the minute… that’s the way he would want it, or everybody would know. Just hope alls good with him and those close, money means little in reality and if i got a notification from a stream or youube video;  i’d happily watch him spin on 20p stake. Or hit the roulette with £20 and turn it into 10k.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    I love watching Rolla, but being honest I would not watch him spin at 20p stake .

    trr420 WANTED $7

    Yea some people only watch for huge wins. A lot of people watch for the laughs, community, conversation and to see the games being played. There is that many new releases each month that it is useful for people that play slots for fun to watch others playing them so they know what actions might be best avoided. In fact, considering this and the fact people prefer to watch more realistic versions of gambling compared to their own limits, then i would dare say most people would watch at any stake.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    trr420 wrote:

    Yea some people only watch for huge wins. A lot of people watch for the laughs, community, conversation and to see the games being played. There is that many new releases each month that it is useful for people that play slots for fun to watch others playing them so they know what actions might be best avoided. In fact, considering this and the fact people prefer to watch more realistic versions of gambling compared to their own limits, then i would dare say most people would watch at any stake.

    Not that this matters since Rolla would never do a low stakes stream. He’s said before that he finds low stakes boring and the way he gambles is the way he will always gamble. Go big or go home. 🙂

    Rolla often takes quite long breaks though doesn’t he? He hasn’t gone broke since his wife looks after his finances and gives him a bit of pocket money to gamble with. He’s probably just got things on and he did say he wanted to concentrate more on poker so maybe he’s doing that.

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Spoke to Paul recently and he’s moved / moving house so the funds he would normally use gambling / streaming he is putting towards various things he wants doing in the new property.

    In the meantime he is keeping himself busy sweating apex, I’m sure he will be back once things are in order.

    .o EL DEV o. WANTED $5

    NickSlots mentioned today he moved house (as Bob mentioned as well), so that could well explain his absence


    don’t worry think I found him

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    He has mentioned his job in previous streams before.

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