Rocknrolla calling out streamers

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Biohazard wrote:

    awesomex wrote:

    If you for a second step back and disregard regulators, you will have to agree that a casino could rig pretty much every live game there is.

    This is it though – just because something can be rigged, doesn’t mean that it is.

    I work in finance. Could I fiddle the numbers so that I get a bigger bonus this year? Absolutely. Do I? Of course not. Morals aside, the reward simply isn’t worth the risk.

    Can you rig it so i get a bonus please? Not a bigger bonus as i don’t get one at all. ?

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    awesomex wrote:

    argyl53 wrote:

    What was their basis for the dispute and refusing to pay? Why were you not able to get the money after the MGA ruled for you?

    I won a jackpot on a friday, account was already verified but I verified again on saturday, on wednesday the money was still available to cancel withdrawal of the entire sum, and betsson said it was cus they would need to verify any progressive jackpot win with the game provider. They came back weeks later claiming it was a malfunction. MGA investigated, found out the game provider had responded to betsson on monday morning, 3 days after the win, verifying that the win was legit. Betsson stuck to their own, and we were just thrown out by the judge before even trying the case, after 3 years of pursuing it, cus we couldn’t pursue them in any other country but Malta, where my lawyers don’t have the license to practic, and I didn’t have the resources to front lawyers in Malta. The deal I had with my lawyers was that they’d get paid when the case was over. Naive of me thinking I would get anywhere.

    This is a huge reason why I don’t trust the industry. This and the fact that they make it as hard as possible for you to withdraw, while you can play almost limitless without having to verify who you are. This one bothers me a bit too, cus if you cash out 2k they will require you to verify who you are, even though according to MGA nobody is required by law to verify players who request a withdrawal of less than 3-4k or something like that. This might have changed, but a couple of years ago the law said that verification wasn’t necessary for withdrawals under the amount of I think it was 3400 euros or something in that area. Yet all the online casinos still demanded verification.

    When it comes to live dealer games, it’s easily manipulated. If you for a second step back and disregard regulators, you will have to agree that a casino could rig pretty much every live game there is.

    As for slots, they’re computer programs. I don’t know any computer program that can’t be messed with if someone who’s got the skills to do it chooses to do it.

    Rig every live game? Ok let’s start with roulette, how would you do that? The dealer spinning numbers nobody plays on? Scales under the cloth? Magnets in the wheels? Come on now. Dealers are on minimum wage if they knew how to spin numbers you think they would work the worst shifts, receive the worst kinds of abuse all for minimum wage? Go into any casino in the UK. Ask the nationality of every dealer. GUARANTEED 80% are foreign and most can barely speak English so now they have to be taught to “rig” games while not even being able to say “hello my name is”. Now the scales one is a fun one which I say to some customers for banter. If this was the case how would it tell the difference between chip values? Someone could have a chop worth £100 on a number and someone else have 30 chips worth 50p so now you have to teach the scales to know the difference? Finally magnets. What I would suggest you do. Apply for a job in a casino as a dealer. 6 weeks training first 3 weeks roulette training. Go spin the ball on roulette and learn to deal. Then come back and tell me roulette is rigged because of magnets lol. Also same applies for the scales. You need an inanimate object to know the difference between values of chips to choose the correct number to land in. Blackjack now. How would that be rigged? Dealer being rigged to get face cards and aces all the time? So on a Saturday night when you have 7 players how do you programme the machine to know when someone is going to take their bet off at the last second or place it at the last second? Which I can tell you happens all the fucking time as it’s the most tilting thing ever? Now what you also need the machine to do is mind read. Every box has a difference house edge because every player plays different. It’s the only game in a casino where house edge changes. So to accurately know what cards are coming and what the dealer is going to get to win you need to predict each box and what they are going to do. Because for example if the deck is rigged for the dealer you wouldnt expect someone to take a card on 17 right? Well people do. You also wouldnt expect people to split sixes Vs a 10 would you? Well they do. You would expect people to split aces Vs a 6 right? Some people don’t. So now you have hundreds of variables that you expect a machine to be able to predict. Do I believe online games can be rigged? Yes I do. Do I think that it is a massive issue and that it’s massively prominent no because simple maths makes casinos profitable and as long as they have more money than the players playing and have maximums to reduce losses then casinos will always win. I can tell you now. The casino I work for is down this year £125k (gaming only) all because of one player who does £15-20k per spin on roulette. Guess what? It’s a good thing for the casino. It means he will come back and eventually lose but because he has won previous and has a good time he will come back and lose more. (Fyi the guy is really nice and dealers actually want him to win as he tips about 4k everytime time he comes in) bit of a long one but can’t abide when people say live games are rigged. If you have any other ways they rig roulette or blackjack let me know because I can’t think of anything else.

    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    @Dynamik23 Totally agree matey. In fact over the long term a casino should be able to predict, fairly accurately, exactly how much they are going to profit. You take the average betting volume across all games and you know the RTP / casino edge on each game, so the math is trivial. Obviously there will be short term variations due to whales getting lucky, but over the long term of course the suckers will come back and lose.

    It makes no sense to me whatsoever, why most casino would rig their games. I have seen some odd behaviour from dealers e.g. not taking the next available card in blackjack. Possibly a smaller casino would use dirty tactics. But the larger, more established casinos with big bankrolls, that are able to absorb short term fluctuations… well that make no sense.

    Gecksy WANTED $17

    Yeah he’s one of the good guys imo, clearly addicted to gambling though lol

    Gecksy WANTED $17

    The above was regards chip, was meant to quote another post.

    BGuts WANTED $3

    awesomex wrote:

    BGuts wrote:

    with your complete lack of trust for the industry i really dont understand why you even waste your time on a gambling forum

    I do agree with you on the withdrawal side.. .that does irritate me greatly. Sites are getting better at that imo although there are still some completly ridiculous requests. I have heard take a selfie at the sign on your street, selfie next to your passport. These things are just crazy.

    But to think the games are rigged i just cant see. I could see it (still a stretch) if the casino provided the games… however say A CASINO wanted to rig a slot they additionally need to get the game provider on board. I cant attest to intimate knowledge of how the casino – game provider relationship works, but i would imagine the game provider has little to gain or loss from the actual slot results themselves. So it would be 100% not in there interest to rig the game. .

    Even if they did profit or lose on the actual slot results take Net Ent, how many millions of spins must they have on their games across all casinos that even if someone won massive on one casino it would be evened out by the volume across all the other sites.


    Fair enough with slots, but with live games it’s different. Let’s make it clear, I don’t think slots are rigged, but I do believe it’s possible to rig them, should someone really want to do it. It’s been done on the user end on online novomatics, so I can’t see how a casino can’t physically do it.

    Another part of it is this: NO online casinos are allowed to deliver services to Norway. They do it anyway though. According to the Norwegian gambling commission (lotteritilsynet) and parliament, they are breaking the law by providing services to customers based in Norway. So there’s that.

    Another thing I think is shady is how when You and I play a slot at online casinos and we have bonus funds active, there are restrictions to which games you can play. The streamers don’t seem to have that. I’ve seen them all play DoA2 with bonus funds, yet we’re not even able to open the game when we have an active bonus. This means the casinos must have changed the accounts for the affiliates, cus they don’t even trigger a message or anything when they do the same. This is something I also think is messed up, cus 50% of their balance is provided by the casino, and then they can go and hit a huge win on DoA2 which happens all the time, and go wager it on a wager friendly game like Bonanza after, and get a nice cashout.

    If i recall that Novomatic case properly was it not that a player found a way to hack the communication between the novo server and before the result was given. Assuming we are talking about the same thing. I dont think it was a rigged game jsut that someone had found a loophole to determine the result and were they not upping there bet for the wins. Which assuming i am correct means we arent talking about the same thing here.

    Again with live games i really dont understand why they would rig the games. Look at roulette , online casinos must make an aboslute mint from that without even bothering to rig it. I cant recall the RTP of roulette but its hardly in the players favour to begin with so again a reputable casino e.g Casumo or W.Hill why would they bother? Working in business everything revolves around risk. a. imagine the number of people that would be involved in rigging roulette games from both the casino and the provider, b. the consequences if you are caught. If it is a reputable business well firstly they wouldnt even have the conversation seriouisly and if they did they would rule it out instantly. You would be risking the entire business for the sake a few % points on your margin. Not to mention likely jail time and ruining your entire career.

    As i say earlier dont get me wrong if you go to Bobs Roulette run out of a caravan at the fun park at the beach, then Bob would probably have far more reason to rig his roulette machine. William Hill i would say as close to as much chance of that as there is of me getting a fecking bonus on Final Countdown! So basically zero 😀


    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    awesomex wrote:

    Malkychamp wrote:

    All casino games no exceptions are there to make money yes? I think we all agree on that. Anyone person that has won a big jackpot or a large some of money from a casino do you think they think it is rigged or just the ‘millions’ of players that has lost?

    I won a progressive jackpot of €121,000 on Betsson, the biggest and most reputable casino of them all. After years of trying to pursue them in court, I’m left with a €40,000 lawyers bill and it was impossible to get the money from Betsson. Their business model where they hide behind Maltese law is corruption at it’s worst. After 3 years of correspondence between my lawyers and theirs, tens of hours of meetings between influential people, and the MGA ruling in my favour, Betsson still didn’t pay out and got away with it. I have a pretty good idea what I’m talking about when I say that the business model is corrupt down to it’s absolute core. It’s not farfetched to think that when they’re willing to go against their own regulators and get away with it, they’re willing to rig games.


    Ok so you have had a bad experience and no longer trust casino’s i can understand that. My point is when some people win jackpots and huge amounts of money and they do get their cash, do you think this is the casino cherry picking people to win? In other words rigging who wins.

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    What’s everyone’s thoughts on Dazza being called out for fake bonanza vids?

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Kelvin wrote:

    What’s everyone’s thoughts on Dazza being called out for fake bonanza vids?

    LMAO. That’s a belter!

    Dazza has to be the most trustworthy slotter I’ve ever come accross. He’s deffo in my top 3.

    #RedGemsOfDeath ????????

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    I take that back. Hmmmm weird his bonanza vids have a been deleted. Wtf

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Ye I didn’t think he would be fake as he is generally always at a quid or 2 stake but then all his bonanza bids have been pulled so just seems a bit odd.


    awesomex WANTED $136

    Just Basics wrote:

    I take that back. Hmmmm weird his bonanza vids have a been deleted. Wtf

    Yup, apparently only 2 Bonanza videos left on his channel. That seems a bit odd, doesn’t it?

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Who’s called Dazza out for fake Bonanza videos? Always seemed totally legit to me, just very annoying (example: hits a 500x win in the base game, still yells “you utter bastard!” as if it’s just robbed him).

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    I wouldn’t jump to conclusions yet. Im sure he has a valid reason.

    Doesn’t seem the type to con.

    And I’m a perfect judge of character lol

    awesomex WANTED $136

    argyl53 wrote:

    Who’s called Dazza out for fake Bonanza videos? Always seemed totally legit to me, just very annoying (example: hits a 500x win in the base game, still yells “you utter bastard!” as if it’s just robbed him).

    Yeah, that’s something that annoys me too. And the way he gets pissed off for a single dead spin in a bonus. The negativity and his “NO NO NO NO NO NO” annoys me.

    But yeah now his Bonanza videos are gone, which must have happened recently, cus they were up yesterday

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