search option on BC game

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  • #133362
    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Dont know if its just me being senile but the search game option seems to have vanished from BC games.Used to be shown at casino/slots.Real pain trying to find any game now as if its not in recent it means scrolling through hundreds of games even if you know the provider.Running the game on tablet.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    It is right at the top now next to where it says Casino | Sports | Racing – it annoys me when they make tiny changes like that…. pointless imo!

    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Its there when you are logged out but vanishes when logged it, CS had no idea what I was talking about, even sent screenshots.I play on android tablet, dont know if its ok on pc

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