Seeking a bit of advice

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    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Hello everyone, sorry for the rant/advice thread but I’ve seen so many wise words come out of this forum I thought I’d try too lol


    So basically I’m not in an amazing place at the moment. I moved to bournemouth last September to try and become a better person after getting involved with naughty people and running around behaving like some kind of gangster for the last few years but I’m really struggling to meet people. I had a huge wake up call last year when I nearly died in a stolen van and since then I’ve given up all drugs (except weed and beer) and have been trying to start a career in social work to help young people avoid the same path I went down but unfortunately due to the criminal record I acquired after the accident that isn’t possible and finding any job seems really tough so I’m really very lonely right now which makes the stopping of everything much harder, all I do is watch the hours go by and look forwards to Saturdays when I do community service so I can see people lol


    So really I’m just looking for advice on how to make friends in a new place and if anyone’s ever had similar experiences id love to know how you got through it x

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Should be still proud of yourself mate. Your turning your life around and what you’ve done in the past takes great courage to do that. I hope things improve for you in the future. There is always someone on here to chat with.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Hey Welcome to the forum there’s plenty of people on here who can and will give you any advice you need I would say get your self involved in a club maybe like pool or squash both are cheap to get into if sports ain’t your thing then maybe take my route and play online games meet people who like the same games. Or chat on here I’m sure regulars will say that this place has got some good people and there is pretty much someone always around that’s willing to talk 🙂 Just remember the main thing is to be yourself don’t worry about your past faults or your current faults as everyone has them I could let bandit tell you how much I piss him off sometimes but I think there is a character limit to posts lolololololol xD

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    So I don’t really have much valuable advice that I can offer you, having not been in the same situation as you. However, I always find that clubs and organised activities are a great way to meet new people and make friends. Are there any pub poker leagues in your area? A boxing gym? Fitness or art classes? These sort of things could be really good for you, and would give you an activity that you can enjoy and see yourself progress with.

    I have to echo what @Haz40 has said here. Everyone deserves a second chance. You’ve had a rocky past by the sound of it, but the fact that you’re turning your life around and making the effort to be a good person, recognising what you have done in the past is wrong, is something to admire. You should be proud of yourself – stick on this path.

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Right here we go…….

    I have a fucking terrible past my list of convictions is hefty (none for violence though which is important you will see why in a bit)

    I joined the Army at a very early age, sadly after a few years my drug abuse got the better of me and I got thrown out. The following years were all drugs and crime and the court cases that came with them.

    I got myself clean when I was 20 and at that time I was on a £500 a week habit (Brown) these were before the days of subutex and the only options were Methadone or going “Turkey” I went the latter as I knew I would never in all probability get off the Meth, I also am teetotal as loads of my mates got off the gear and are now Alcholics.

    So once clean I got myself a job at an agengy doing all sorts of dead end jobs, then I managed to work my way up and was given a chance to become Manager for a very well known car hire company, they knew about my past but gave me a shot, roll forward a few years I was Area Manager making close to 50k a year company car etc, I hated it but was a slave for the the dollar.

    I decided one day to give something back and applied to loads of charities looking after special needs young adults and kids, I got interviews for them all, I got offered them all UNTIL my what was then CRB checks, nobody would touch me, it saddened me lots, but I just had to accept it. I gave up and carried on doing what I was doing, the then Wife said try one more time so I did, I went prepared with a covering letter, sure to form I did well and got offered the job, I stopped them and gave them my letter, the look on their faces was priceless. They said they would be in contact I thought yeah right, 6 months later I was in, they had to get approval from the highest level etc.

    I started on 8k a year I lost my company car and 46k a year but I was happy.

    I have been doing my job now for 20 years and although the money is and will be shit I love it.

    So the moral of this waffling is you can achieve what you want but you will get knock backs, rise above them and stay strong.

    Re the making friends I guess it’s tricky but just choose them wisely ?


    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Thanks guys, I do feel quite proud of where I’ve come although I’m more miserable as a result but I guess that’s to be expected lol it’s the loneliness that gets me so a pool club or something is a good idea I’m gonna have a look around 🙂


    @Little1large1 Thank you so much for sharing that dude, although your just a random dude on the internet you’ve made me feel so much better. It’s great to hear a similar story with a happy ending especially with that type of habit, I never touched gear but i went through the opiate withdrawal after i was released from hospital without being weened off the morphine and stuff and it was awful. I hope your story carries on getting better, I really am so relieved to see that your past hasn’t nailed shut your future which is how I’ve been feeling


    Also for the record I was never violent either just reckless

    SheepsTeeth WANTED $6

    Hi, hope things start looking up for you soon pal. An old friend of mine has a very similar past to yours. Last I spoke to him he was living in the Bournemouth area. He may be able to give you some advice on getting into social work, he’s done quite a bit I’m sure. His name is Brett Moran and you will find him on youtube, I’m sure if you leave him a message he will reach out to you.



    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Do you drive mate or have a car. The company I work with are always looking for new staff?. We used to have a lad from Bournemouth who worked for us for years but left and we could do with extra staff.


    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Cheers man I’ll look him up x

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Haz40 wrote:

    Do you drive mate or have a car. The company I work with are always looking for new staff?. We used to have a lad from Bournemouth who worked for us for years but left and we could do with extra staff.


    Sadly not mate, I’m banned from applying for a licence until October and I think even if I get one my insurance will be stupid lol.. Cheers for the thought though man, I can’t blame anyone but myself for burning that bridge unfortunately lol

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    SheepsTeeth wrote:

    Hi, hope things start looking up for you soon pal. An old friend of mine has a very similar past to yours. Last I spoke to him he was living in the Bournemouth area. He may be able to give you some advice on getting into social work, he’s done quite a bit I’m sure. His name is Brett Moran and you will find him on youtube, I’m sure if you leave him a message he will reach out to you.



    is this the dude? I hope it is lol I’m watching him now and I’m a fan x

    SheepsTeeth WANTED $6

    Yes that’s him. Hope he can be of some help pal.

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    What about asking for more comminity  service hours  per week eight  !! Get you out  the house more often and get ur hours down faster.  Get ursel involved in local stuff speak to ur neighbours , (generally let people know who u r )u sound like a great guy  dont b a stranger !!  Get out there mate people need u . seems to me like uve done the hardest part . U can do this . all the best n good luck

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Distancing yourself from them kind of people is certainly a great step in the right direction can be really hard if this is basically all your friends. Only advice of use i can give though is find yourself a hobbie something you enjoy doing by doing this you will meet like minded people. Good luck with it all mate

    Levskie101 WANTED $22

    Best of luck mate you’ve done the hard part.


    As others have said maybe a club, could possibly try reddit and see if they have a Bournemouth sub reddit normally good communities.

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