Sent extra funds.

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  • #132555
    brandzwright WANTED $2

    So last night I won and withdrew £200, this morning however I come to find they sent me £20,000 by mistake. Safe to say I was absolutely buzzing but knew I’d have to give it back. Lo and behold I had an email off them saying I will need to sent the extra back. It’s absolutely gutting but does anyone know if I have a leg to stand on to possibly keep it as they’ve accepted the withdrawal and sent me the funds in my bank?

    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Personally I would return the cash, I cant see them just writing it off and at some stage its going to cause you problems,if they had not picked up on the mistake and you were so inclined, you could have stayed low and seen what happens.My view on BC slightly changed the other day, I deposited crypto into a duplicate account I never knew I had,due to it logging into it when I opened the browser,I contacted CS, and got a very dismissive answer saying no refunds could be considered and it was my responsibity to make sure the crypto address was correct so if a mistake is made on their part and you lose funds .. hard shit.

    Tsietisin WANTED $6

    You would be committing a criminal act by keeping the funds and not returning them.

    If something like this happens you could put the money into a high interest account until it’s returned and you can get whatever interest you earn in that time. That’s about it.

    Anonymous WANTED $16

    Depends. If its a licenced UK(or whatever jurisdiction your in) casino then they can bring about legal proceedings, criminal, if you fail to return. If its a Crypto they don’t have a leg to stand on as they are already offering services illegally.

    BSK1 WANTED $48


    BSK1 WANTED $48

    Tsietisin wrote:

    You would be committing a criminal act by keeping the funds and not returning them.

    If something like this happens you could put the money into a high interest account until it’s returned and you can get whatever interest you earn in that time. That’s about it.

    Yeah he’s make a solid £85 if he kept it a month 🤣🤣🤣


    DasBear WANTED $2

    A big name casino who used Keith lemon did exactly the same to me but haven’t asked for it back yet?

    DasBear WANTED $2

    I have tried to reply but it’s it showing

    Slot WANTED $51

    if the bank or GOV paid me more I would return, Casino never going to see that money again

    Godspeed121 WANTED $4

    Any update  on this

    A_Secret WANTED $3

    Registered just to add some background. Please don’t ask how I know, but I can tell you the casino is 32 Red. And I also know that you have a Visa card.

    They had an issue when submitting their batches for payout, the decimal point was missed off, so as the OP said his £200.00 was paid as £20000. To give you some idea of the problem, instead of paying out £80k, they paid out £8m. Ouch. They’re taking steps to try to recover through the Scheme, but that’s not an easy task.

    Unfortunately however, they have every legal right to reclaim the money. You could play hardball and stall for as long as possible, but they could end up taking you to court and you end up with a CCJ. Also, the interest you earn would be negligible and they’d also have the right to claim undue enrichment for the extra couple of quid you earn.

    Personally, I’d hold fire for a few emails. If they start getting stroppy, respond saying the previous ones went to junk and then repay them. With the amount of claims they have, they’re going to prioritise the higher amounts (believe it or not, the £20k is quite low on their list). There’s always going to be some write offs from their end, just cross your fingers and hope it’s yours!

    Godspeed121 WANTED $4

    I withdrew 100 pound from same casino they’ve sent 10000 but here’s the thing… I thought I won some sort prize draw so I went on spending spree and treated family friends and bought holiday and extra santa presents. I no longer have the 10k . I am really anxious as I never knew till almost tea time the next evening when it was pretty much all gone. What happens here ?? They told me no police will get involved but it looks like they’ve made some massive balls up and lots of people this has happened to

    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Just make sure you give them all the hassle and runaround they gave the players over the years,treat them like shit they are, didnt realize you were talking about 32red,just keep stalling,

    DasBear WANTED $2

    Pretty irresponble don’t you agree? Potential gamblers all given big sums of money and then they are gunna get slammed with CCJs cos they over paid.

    it should be a mass write off imo.


    Godspeed121 WANTED $4

    I live in Northern Ireland where CCJs do not apply to me nor bailiffs/sheriffs. I had that much debt because of gambling I spent it all paying everything back- I don’t have nor will I  be able to ever repay it. I was very worried but whatever happens now happens as its beyond my control. They had an advert on their front page saying there was a 10k prize draw so I thought I won that. Shambles they have even cancelled my account so I can’t even contact via live chat. I will just ignore any further correspondence

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