Sent extra funds.

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  • #132644
    DasBear WANTED $2

    Godspeed121 wrote:

    I live in Northern Ireland where CCJs do not apply to me nor bailiffs/sheriffs. I had that much debt because of gambling I spent it all paying everything back- I don’t have nor will I  be able to ever repay it. I was very worried but whatever happens now happens as its beyond my control. They had an advert on their front page saying there was a 10k prize draw so I thought I won that. Shambles they have even cancelled my account so I can’t even contact via live chat. I will just ignore any further correspondence

    I don’t think you should worry my old mate. Please avoid gambling in the future if it is causing you so much distress. Quite frankly they do not care when they put people in this position however it doesn’t make what happened right but I think in your case it happened to the right person.

    no more worrying from you in my opinion, enjoy your holiday and your Christmas.

    I will gladly pay them half the money back as a good will gesture however it has actually created me a worry

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Ask them for documents and a selfie before giving anything back….

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    WiggyOfStHelens wrote:

    Ask them for documents and a selfie before giving anything back….

    yes … three years of bank statments for all accounts linked to the casino ……

    MikeyDontLikey WANTED $3

    That is amazing, is 21Red a site in England or abroad?  If its crypto RUN you beat the casino!

    DasBear WANTED $2

    Any of those affected got any updates ? Cheers

    Godspeed121 WANTED $4

    I’ve heard nothing since I told them it was all spent … site closed which I prob would never used again anyway for obvious reasons.



    DasBear WANTED $2

    Drop me an email [email protected] I will show you what they sent to me.

    Godspeed121 WANTED $4

    Update on this… received email stating if I do not return the funds I do not have they will pursue legal action under the theft act.

    I’ve explained multiple times about their 10k prize draw and that the money was well gone before they even contacted me to tell me there was an error ? Unbelievable… I’ve been trying to stop gambling and think about other things my dad passed away recently and my mum got part lung removed for having cancer and I’m her carer and I’m being harassed for money that they sent me even though there was a 10k prize draw that I entered and when I told them they removed the prize draw from their site completely but I have screen shots

    Satans_Underpants WANTED $10

    This is how it works generally :

    you steal from me, no one cares unless you do it in person and I have proof
    you steal from corporate, you are in for it. hung by the balls. possibly jailed.
    corporate steals from everyone, no one cares

    some people vote for this


    What sort of amounts do you think would be big enough for them to be worth their while pursuing?

    Slot WANTED $51

    and what are bailiffs going to do about it? you have no agreement with the bank casino, that you own money, is there mistake is good will send, it is up to you if you want to pay it back, if you ask bank to borrow money and you agree to pay back different story

    A_Secret WANTED $3

    Slot wrote:

    and what are bailiffs going to do about it? you have no agreement with the bank casino, that you own money, is there mistake is good will send, it is up to you if you want to pay it back, if you ask bank to borrow money and you agree to pay back different story

    The casino can’t just send bailiffs round, first they’d need to have a court order demonstrating that you owe them money. In the meantime, they can send their own debt collectors to your address, however you’re under no obligation to even engage with them.

    And you’re right, this probably isn’t covered directly by any agreement with the casino, but by the Theft Act 1968 24a which refers to receiving money in error.


    Wouldn’t it be more difficult for them to instigate court action if they are based in Gibraltar ?

    Godspeed121 WANTED $4

    The email states about the theft act yes. They said they would allow me to send them 7800 as a goodwill gesture . But unless I win the lottery that isn’t happening.


    Godspeed, can you send me a screenshot of the prize draw please ?

    I have the same problem as you.


    Ridiculous situation this.

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