Shot Shaping – Who knows!

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Right,lately, me and Seedy have been out on the course a few times and are trying to get back in to playing at a semi good level. I am having problems, my shots always start straight but then towards the end of the flight, they ark off to the left, almost every time. What is that? Why does it do that? Bizarrely, if i attempt to correct it and aim slightly right of my intended target, it trolls me by not fucking doing it and flies straight as a bastard arrow usually into the fucking bushes!!!!!!!!!


    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    hi mr b…i play off a 9 handicap and always draw the ball..i.e right to left being right handed…but if u want a straighter ball no fade or draw…turn your right hand in i.e weaken the grip…when you look down you should see 2 knuckles on your right hand and 2 to three on your versa if left handed…this will straighten your hook at the end of the flight….providing everything else in your set up is correct..i.e feet positioning and stance…also put the ball more to the middle of your stance rather than to the heal of your left foot.i.e forward in your you are hitting the ball with a square clubface rather than 1 degree slightly closed…good luck…and happy birthday to the Mrs for…cheers rizz…let me know how you get on mate…what do u play off..handicap??..

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I will give it a go mate cheers.


    I got down to 12 when i was a young lad but i only really played seriously over the course of a summer holiday from school, i have since broken my hand and it hasn’t really repaired itself very well but am trying to get some sort of decency back in my game. Annoyingly i started yesterdays round with a 9, not a number i am familiar with ever on my scorecard lol I found the trees with the tee shot for a change and then not once but twice, struck the thinnest tree you could ever imagine only to see the ball roll back to my feet haha I played the next 8 holes in 40 which isn’t amazing but at least tells me i should be able to improve once i have been a few more times!

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    the problem with golf mate is it is not like riding a bike…your body shape and muscels change…i had a friend who played off 5…didnt play for over 7 years and couldn’t break 100 in about 10 attempts so give it up…so dont expect miracles to start with,set targets of 5 rounds to get between 90-100 then the next 10 rounds 85-95..etc…also play stapleford points so if u get a 9 on the 1st hole you just blob it and it wont affect the rest of the round,like if u was playing medal..i.e score…play off a 28 h/c to start..aim for for 36 points..then cut yourself down to 22 after 5 rounds whatever you score…otherwise u will get complacent with scoring to high…i want u down to 14 by next summer as your

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Simples Idea golf swing club hit ball become uber confused and pissed that it takes 20 shots to get it in the hole 🙂 that just me then lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Spent some time at the range today and looked at my grip, the V of my right hand i’d say points slightly too far right, like it isn’t in line with my right shoulder. It was so damn difficult to try and hold it differently, it felt like i didn’t have hold of the club properly lol


    I was crushing my 5 iron all over the 200 yard marker though with good consistency, will have to try that off the tee a couple of times next round as i have been mainly teeing off with a 7 iron, confidence very low in the Driver lol I hit a few nice shots with the driver at the range, around 260 i’d say but this range is considerably uphill, hit some proper duffers too though 😀

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    Remember range balls are only 80% so your hitting it further than you think,at least your getting the muscle memory back with the irons.. now do
    It with your 3 wood and work up to the driver.. have a great time at butlins
    And Hopefully see you back soon.good luck mate..

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    Your v confirms your grip is to strong u have to do what I suggested and turn that right hand in to see 2 weaken it ,feels as weird as fuck but will stop that hook..

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah i tried it for a few shots and it was shank city haha, it felt very strange, just something i will have to try and get used to, i think my grip has only gone like that since i broke my hand tbh, grip used to be fine before then, i have lost some length off my little finger and finger next to it in the healing process from the break so it could well be that, i will keep trying lol

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    Stick with it ;)).  If u start shanking,stick your arse out more,u only shank because your hips are to forward.good luck..

    Patty1974 WANTED $37

    It’s amazing where these little issues come from. I used to crush my 3 wood….straight and with good distance. Then all of a sudden I couldn’t hit it straight for toffee! Tried the driving ranges using advice from various people but never got that feel for using my woods again. However I changed to my 3 iron and was hitting it perfect and still on a par with my mates using drivers! Sadly health issues stopped my golfing amongst other things and I miss that feeling when you absolutely nail a tee shot! ⛳️ A lot of it is in your head and you can overthink things. Keep plugging away and the scores will come down pal. ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Just got back from Butlins, drive home was horrendous, little one chundering everywhere and shit tons of traffic lol almost took 6 hours! I will be back on the course next week for sure, i will have to visit the range again to try that grip thing, fraggles my brain at the moment haha

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah this whole grip thing ruins my mind haha It just doesn’t feel like i have hold of the club properly, i can feel it changing my swing path though, it just feels mega weird and usually makes me hit a duff shot lol


    The latest outing on the course yielded it’s first birdie for me which was nice, i shot a 91, not amazing and i did have an 8 where unfortunately i was 3 off the tee and then hit the 4th shot in to a bloody hazard, score going the right way though!


    Going to possibly get a lesson from the pro there so he can look at what i am currently doing and maybe suggest a thing or two to help me change this grip a bit easier, i am thinking that it may possibly have something to do with my right hand, when i broke it, it didn’t heal properly so my little finger and the finger next to it are shorter than they used to be on that hand, i use an interlocking grip with that little finger so that could be responsible for pulling it round too much?

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    91 is alright with an 8…plenty of room for improvement lol..ask the pro if he has a training club,its like a 6 or 7 iron with bits on the grip to make your wrists weaker,good for practicing a weak grip.feels wierd as fuck but it will stop any hook..keep me posted mate..good luck rizz..

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I managed an 86 shortly after this 91 but then have gone backwards with a 94 after that 🙁 The 94 was just one of those days where if there was a stray branch, i bloody hit it lol Lipping out everywhere, hitting the pin and bouncing off the green, all that sort of shit!

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