Shot Shaping – Who knows!

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  • #18473
    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    nice vid by the way today….back to golf..86 is better…are u sticking with the weak grip or gone back to your usual grip…forget the 94 u say shit happens..i played on wednesday off 10 and got   40 points…battered as a bandit i did think of u lol.and still only came 4th out of 20…high handicappers win everything..i shot a 79 with 4 birdies and some 28 handicapper won it…bad RTP  even on the golf course..*))……oh and as for pimped see below…i copied and pasted my RTP….as u can see i play it alot..and as humans we notice patterns…if you dont get bonus in 5 teases just leave and come back after you have played a few more games…otherwise it can go up to 40 teases without bonus..very rare does it come in between 5-15 teases…it comes in within 5 or after 15..just a bit of advice with proof below..fuck me im boring myself now..good luck mate.1500.00 vet bill?? get a goldfish..u can flush them down the toilet lol.

    My RTP

    1.18 / 10
    Hit Rate

    Total Spins

    Theoretical RTP

    Spins per session

    Biggest win
    335.80 GBPWin2.00 GBP

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I just can’t get the weak grip working mate so yeah i am back at my normal grip, had a knock today, it was 91 but it was much better golf weirdly than the 86. I mean i had a couple of holes, 8 and a 7 that wrecked my round pretty much but i had plenty of birdie putts today and some really nice approach shots, i was actually quite surprised that it was as bad a s a 91 but there you go!


    If i had have played off a 36 handicap, i got 50 points Stableford. Knocking it down to a 28 handicap showed 43 points and knocking it down to 18 showed 32 points which was actually alright i think.

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    i cant believe your fingers would let you type 36…28 max for men..)))…least your getting there and playing better…i am 53 and was a 20 handicapper at 36……and now off of 9 to 10… there is still hope mate….good luck,,,keep slotting…is affiliation still profitable since all these rule changes i.e  youtube..cheers steve AKA rizzo..

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I was pretty surprised to be told that the maximum handicap available these days is as high as 54?! That’s not golf eh!

    I’m still earning enough to offset the costs of the prizes and stuff right now so i can plod on with very little changing – I have also had some communication from YouTube too but then after one or two emails, it has switched back to automated response city and to be totally honest, i just don’t want to contribute to their platform anymore, yes i am a small fry on there, well i was, but lots of small channels is the reason why they got to where they are, they might want to try and fucking remember that!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Back on the course today for an absolutely shocking round lol Couldn’t hit anything straight at all. 98 i scored, pissed i was 😀


    On the plus side, i was struggling with around the 100 yard distance on previous rounds and bought a 52 degree wedge today, it was pretty good from there, shame i only had one or two attempts lol

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    98  oops!!      im with ya i played the other day off 10  scored 89………shit happens mate…still cheaper than gambling though!!

    If your not hitting straight just use less power 180 straight is better than 250 in the trees…Nick faldo once said he never hits a ball more than 80% to keep the accuracy…I played with some old boy recently must have been 75 ish…all he hit was a 4 iron half swing on every shot low…his short game was amazing and shot 84…….so long not always the key i suppose…

    max1m1ze WANTED $0

    it just means in a nut shell your fucking shit lol no offence

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Top contribution lad, well done.

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    bit harsh!! LMAO  …but no offence taken…ish…))…

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    oh i misread that …i thought Mr B was calling me shit  lol…..oops soz…

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Nah, wasn’t me mate lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Just curious as to whether this video will play or not….


    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    lol it played……..but fuck that golf in the rain….

    WestVirginaUSA WANTED $12

    It’s a tricky game for shure! So as the length of the iron shaft gets longer as you go up in club (9 iron is shorter than a 8 iron and so on) I find the distance I’m standing away from the ball has a big effect on ball flight. If your hitting your 5 iron dead straight  then that would be where your natural  swing is at a sweet spot. So stand a little closer with your 6,7,8,9 and a bit back with the 4,3, 3 wood, Driver. I don’t adjust my grip because I like to swing comfortable. I also like to keep the ball in the back of my stance with the irons and hit down on the ball. If putting needs work, try picking a spot right behind the ball and don’t take your eye off that spot through the put, even seconds after you hit the ball your eyes should be trained on that spot. You might find you make more putts. Good luck! And keep playing!

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