Should staff do this ?

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  • #141972
    Satans_Underpants WANTED $10

    After self exclusion, should land based staff be contacting me directly to invite me back in telling me about £10 match play and stuff to lure me back in ?

    I’m tempted too 🙁 don’t want to be but ffs

    he’s a ok guy but literally contacted me via social media to tell me.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Satans_Underpants wrote:

    After self exclusion, should land based staff be contacting me directly to invite me back in telling me about £10 match play and stuff to lure me back in ?

    I’m tempted too 🙁 don’t want to be but ffs

    he’s a ok guy but literally contacted me via social media to tell me.

    Yeah its not great,  is probably have a word to let them know juts because of other players,

    but don’t do it, don’t take a step back, think about why you self excluded  and understand the root cause of that issue is still there even if you feel “ in control”

    hope that  doesn’t sound to insulting, just keep it real…

    Satans_Underpants WANTED $10

    No mate, no insulting feelings at all. The problem for me he knows my money isn’t great and the place is usually dead so is he acting on behalf of the boss to drum up income from anywhere ?

    Satans_Underpants WANTED $10

    Well, after a year excluded and being invited back in by the staff, I have done nothing but lose. 2 sessions had some playtime one was dead dead dead to dead. About £500 I really haven’t got to lose.

    I feel like a dumb ass foolishly tricked into going back.

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