So i am launching a business venture – Can you help?

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  • #55264

    am in bandit [email protected]

    gold stacker76 WANTED $1

    well up for it bro hours of entertainment youve given me for free happy to help you dude ill try get the wife involved aswell hang on WIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE……. bet shes at bloody ASDA again just me then bro 🙂

    Neppie WANTED $1

    Hey Steve can you email me the link to sign up

    Spanners WANTED $35

    Drop us the link fella

    See what i can do

    button71 WANTED $0

    Long time lurker first time poster!

    Sign me up!  Email to my registered account or Twitter me at @StephenWatson71  Cheers!

    Anarchy99 WANTED $0

    I’m in , ?⚽️

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Andyg81 wrote:

    I’ll be interested.

    As an aside can I just say fuck the non league club and give it to Bolton Wanderers, we need it more.

    LOL – now that would be a waste of money – probably pay the wage bill for a couple  of weeks.

    Always been of the view that a football club is a business, if they can’t show common sense then they should just be allowed to fade away.

    2 years ago they were in League one and paying players £18k a week – they are now reaping the rewards.

    Not sure the bandits initiative is going to cover salaries of £18k a week 🙂

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    All caught up and emailed folks, check those junk folders haha! Much appreciated!

    AndyN0812 WANTED $2

    The Bandit wrote:

    All caught up and emailed folks, check those junk folders haha! Much appreciated!

    Just been watching your latest video where you mentioned this.

    I’m up for this mate can you send the email to the email address I have registered on here? cheers

    Calumjay18 WANTED $13

    Updated email address as registered one was no longer in use, please email [email protected]

    many thanks Bandit ?

    LJJ1 WANTED $1

    No the link cheers

    Hibs-1875 WANTED $16

    No worries al give it a bash… here’s my email [email protected]

    or do I need yours lol ??

    mrhoppy22 WANTED $5

    Hi Bandit

    Love your vids may I ask do you have a specific non league club in mind?

    halfacre WANTED $1

    Count me in

    bleachy WANTED $6

    I’m in for this!

    Took the email off mate bandit will email you on you registered on the site with ?? don’t want you getting spammed.*Seedy


    Cheers Bandit!

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