So i haven’t touched an online slot since….

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  • #49737
    Pooman WANTED $1

    Any new slot video this week bandit???


    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Next video. probably on the 24th 🙂

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    WiggyOfStHelens wrote:

    Next video. probably on the 24th ?

    You just keep counting your winnings. Hope you have backed the only team in red tonight. You traitor lol. ????

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Only way to make money from Liverpool is to back against them 😛   Im going for a draw tonight..

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    2 2 or as someone said earlier Desmond. Can see it happening.normally 14’s I think.

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Might stick a fiver on Barca, Juve, Man City to win & LFC to draw…….  but, it will all fall down by half time hehe

    Back in 2 hours …  hope my luck is in tonight (and tomorrow)

    Tassiedevil WANTED $2

    Thinking in the lines of food,  if there is a big piece of cake that has been calling my name for hours, and when I start eating high calorie sugary food I won’t stop.

    So I drop it on the floor or let the dog lick it,  and poof it stops calling my name.  Then I just have OCD saying clean it up you dirty Bit*h.

    Money wise withdraw & get ur wife & kids to hid it, therefore achieving two goals: Spending Quality time together & finding lost items.

    But say goodbye to your money,  that’s lost now!  ????


    Deadwalk WANTED $1

    Keep saying to the other half bandit got a video yet coz I keep forgetting you are on a break ?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Not long now Deadwalk, i have been normalised haha!

    Gillxx WANTED $3

    Hi steve?. Long time no see. I try to write on here sometimes and it never goes through for some reason, so i just came on to see if it works and have a go at the draw?. Still watch your videos piss funny as per. Hope your ok and doing well. Just wish we could comment on ytube xx

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Hey bandit have you figured out how much your grove we points are worth yet , surely you could cash them in and buy another house lol

    JamesF25 WANTED $0

    hi, i’ve done hundreds of spins on doa and no bonus can you dedicate the next one to me much appreciated shit loads down

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    JamesF25 wrote:

    hi, i’ve done hundreds of spins on doa and no bonus can you dedicate the next one to me much appreciated shit loads down

    no. But you can have my sympathy.


    Here it is – awww

    mungo WANTED $7

    Ha well done…Roll on 24th getting withdrawals lol…why not try playing lowest bet see how much you can get… and only use your booster money..good luck with your return…

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Gillxx wrote:

    Hi steve?. Long time no see. I try to write on here sometimes and it never goes through for some reason, so i just came on to see if it works and have a go at the draw?. Still watch your videos piss funny as per. Hope your ok and doing well. Just wish we could comment on ytube xx

    Hi Gill, nice to see you over on here, all good thanks, hope you and yours are well… i’l be back with a video tomorrow, comments can still be put on videos but you have to use the page on this site these days, i built the page just before YT came back as sod’s law would have it!

    Sunday Slots with The Bandit – Legend of the Pharaohs, Joker Pro and More!

    Should see the comment section through that link with any luck!

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