So this happened..

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  • #71440
    awesomex WANTED $136

    So I got paid on Friday and I blew my wages already (THIS IS NOT A BEGGING POST).

    I work as a gatekeeper at the pearly gates, and I use my time off at various charities.
    Friday night, after taking care of all the charity problems in the country, I acted a bit selfish. I took my money and blew it all on hookers, cocaine and gambling. I had a blast, but now I’m out of money.
    What frustrates me is that I had signed up to gamban, cokestop and hoeban, but I was still able to blow my wad on it (literally).
    I cannot provide for my family until the 21st of July. We were going on a 2 week holiday to Jupiter, but now I have to tell my wife, my son and our 4 cats that we’re gonna have to spend the summer at home, eating toast and drinking water.
    My mother in law and her partner are both sick, so I also provide for them. It’s hard being a saint, but I believe in Karma. Unfortunately I believe that the same Karma is trying to kill me cus I cheated on my wife with her gran (if someone knows this Karma, please report her to the police. She’s crazy).

    Anyways, unfortunately I now have no money to support my drug and gambling habits. I’m contemplating selling myself on the street.

    Please give me attention. I really need your advice.


    PsychicSnail WANTED $111

    Sounds like you have it easy lad. At least you can afford toast.

    I’ve been surviving on knob-cheese and toilet water strained through a pair of holey socks. Toast! bloody luxury mate.

    awesomex WANTED $136

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    PsychicSnail wrote:

    Sounds like you have it easy lad. At least you can afford toast.

    I’ve been surviving on knob-cheese and toilet water strained through a pair of holey socks. Toast! bloody luxury mate.

    Oh damn, I’m living the good life! I should gamble my toast money!

    Get a fucking grip. Imagine reporting this post, hahahaha. Suck it

    benq99 WANTED $229

    PsychicSnail wrote:

    Sounds like you have it easy lad. At least you can afford toast.

    I’ve been surviving on knob-cheese and toilet water strained through a pair of holey socks. Toast! bloody luxury mate.

    be carefull you will get a load of shit over this i had it today saying to the guy i can sell your bike and i will make 500 told i was shit for taking the piss out of the guy.

    Kelvie WANTED $45

    but you’ll always have the memories

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Shouldn’t we all just try and be supportive ?

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Kelvie wrote:

    but you’ll always have the memories

    I wish. The cocaine deleted the memories already. FeelsBadMan 🙁

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Seedy wrote:

    Shouldn’t we all just try and be supportive ?

    Yeah mate, I wish people would send me tons of money so I can keep fighting the good fight. Not begging btw

    benq99 WANTED $229

    seems to me people stir shit seedy ,i am taking you up on that break mate catch you on your channel

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    awesomex wrote:

    So I got paid on Friday and I blew my wages already (THIS IS NOT A BEGGING POST).

    I work as a gatekeeper at the pearly gates, and I use my time off at various charities. Friday night, after taking care of all the charity problems in the country, I acted a bit selfish. I took my money and blew it all on hookers, cocaine and gambling. I had a blast, but now I’m out of money.
    What frustrates me is that I had signed up to gamban, cokestop and hoeban, but I was still able to blow my wad on it (literally).
    I cannot provide for my family until the 21st of July. We were going on a 2 week holiday to Jupiter, but now I have to tell my wife, my son and our 4 cats that we’re gonna have to spend the summer at home, eating toast and drinking water.
    My mother in law and her partner are both sick, so I also provide for them. It’s hard being a saint, but I believe in Karma. Unfortunately I believe that the same Karma is trying to kill me cus I cheated on my wife with her gran (if someone knows this Karma, please report her to the police. She’s crazy).

    Anyways, unfortunately I now have no money to support my drug and gambling habits. I’m contemplating selling myself on the street.

    Please give me attention. I really need your advice.


    Cokestop and Hoeban are notoriously hard to get around mate. Hoebans KYC is…. shall we say… thorough.

    We are all here for you during this time of hardship mate. Sacks of cash in the post. ??

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Oh lord. Are we really now as a forum at the point of trolling ourselves?

    whoswho WANTED $118

    I just hope OP is still breathing,

    awesomex WANTED $136

    I’m still breathing, but it’s taking me about 45 minutes to write a short sentence, as the withdrawals are making me shake. Not sure how I will get through the night when I can’t afford hookers 🙁

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Mickeyvondickey wrote:

    awesomex wrote:

    So I got paid on Friday and I blew my wages already (THIS IS NOT A BEGGING POST).

    I work as a gatekeeper at the pearly gates, and I use my time off at various charities. Friday night, after taking care of all the charity problems in the country, I acted a bit selfish. I took my money and blew it all on hookers, cocaine and gambling. I had a blast, but now I’m out of money. What frustrates me is that I had signed up to gamban, cokestop and hoeban, but I was still able to blow my wad on it (literally).
    I cannot provide for my family until the 21st of July. We were going on a 2 week holiday to Jupiter, but now I have to tell my wife, my son and our 4 cats that we’re gonna have to spend the summer at home, eating toast and drinking water.
    My mother in law and her partner are both sick, so I also provide for them. It’s hard being a saint, but I believe in Karma. Unfortunately I believe that the same Karma is trying to kill me cus I cheated on my wife with her gran (if someone knows this Karma, please report her to the police. She’s crazy).

    Anyways, unfortunately I now have no money to support my drug and gambling habits. I’m contemplating selling myself on the street.

    Please give me attention. I really need your advice.


    Cokestop and Hoeban are notoriously hard to get around mate. Hoebans KYC is…. shall we say… thorough.

    We are all here for you during this time of hardship mate. Sacks of cash in the post. ??

    Yeah mate. Hoeban seems to not work for more than a month at a time. Seems like they force you to take a month off of it to see if you can handle yourself. I don’t think this is gonna end well 🙁

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    This is the dumbest shot I’ve read in z while if it was ment to be a joke thread I suggest you dont go into comedy and stick to your day job no more like this please.

    Consider this a warning..

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