So what is going on with me….

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito


    Where are the videos?!

    Like a massive balloon head the other day when i made the single slot series of that Viking game, i left my card details visible in the video. Obviously i re-uploaded an edited version but had to cancel the card, that basically meant that i couldn’t deposit at a casino because i had no card. I have two accounts with Barclays, one is for all things gambling and one is my gambling free account, i could have of course used my gambling free account and made a deposit and made a video but i have kept this account free from gambling for ages now and wanted to maintain that for the purposes of any future credit applications – they simply do not like anything gambling!

    There were many suggestions, Paypal – personally hate them, they screwed me and i’l never use them again. Skrill, that needed some security token which i couldn’t remember. Deposits with a bank transfer, tried that and weirdly it wanted my card number which i didn’t have obviously and plenty of other things ranging from going in to shops depositing money etc but none of them were really practical so i decided to wait for the card.

    Well, in the meantime i get the keys to the new house, the paperwork is through, it is all signed off and completed so now there is a house move in the equation – great time of year to be bloody moving house but it has been a super long term goal and the winnings i have had this year have made it possible, i have bitten the bullet and fucking spent it all lol Have had a company come in yesterday to my rented house and completely pack it all in to boxes, apart from a few things which we needed to see us through today as they are coming back to move it all tomorrow. I took my computer to the new place today, i was hoping to get it all set up ready for a video, there is no internet but i have a 4g dongle which should have been more than capable – turns out there’s no fucking 4g signal at the new place!! Get on the phone to BT and they tell me the best internet available at the new place is fucking shite basically and won’t be installed until January 7th – mint.

    I have an office that i rent, it is where i did that big screen jobby so off i go to there to see if i can get better internet, the dongle is pretty good there with its speeds and should be fine for a video only i have only got 30gb of data on it a month, that was the most they did and each video is going to take around 5/6gb to just upload so that isn’t a long term solution either! I am going to have to take my PC in to the office i think and try and do a video on Friday with the dongle but i may struggle to upload it, i will then have to go from there – possibly looking for a fast broadband solution to the office but the annoying thing about that is, sometimes i do videos at midnight, because that is when i fancy playing, i’m never going to do that if all my gear is at the office am i!

    So, i leave my PC at the new house after a mega stressful day, back to the rented house and what is on the fucking doormat – my bastard card so if i had just left my fucking PC where it was, i’d have done a video by now because i’m fucking gagging to play lol

    At one point today i was literally just lay face down on the kitchen floor not knowing what the fuck to do – i stayed there for about 20 minutes lol I will get there though, i am aiming for a video to be up for Friday evening as i’m sure the wife will want me to help with shit loads of guff tomorrow to do with the move – if for some reason the dongle can’t cope with making a video then unfortunately it is going to be a longer absence whilst i try and find my head, because it will have rolled off!

    Peace and Carrots!

    riksta12 WANTED $1

    hi bandit just wondering if u could help me pls lad. im a member on vedio slots just joined and just woundering u see if i want to withdrawl can i use the option BANK??? or do i use the visa one mate? as it says the bank one takes 2 to 24 hours? through i mite be able to use that one as its quicker

    thanks riksta12

    riksta12 WANTED $1

    good luck with ur house move as well pal

    ligarr WANTED $82

    Find out what 3s signal is like at your new place,if its good you can get a cheap as chips sim card,think its £24 a month now on 12month contract(was £20 for black friday as i got one)..its unlimited tethering so can upload as much as you like with it,also unlimited calls and texts,best offer i have seen on the market ever

    -Dist WANTED $23

    What was said in your Twitter is probably the best bet. You can have a line “made” to your house for internet, but it’s pricey.  The initial cost that is.

    Alternatively I’m not sure why you don’t just play and record at home so you can have a session whenever you feel like it. Then just go to your office to upload it. It’s not like you need a good internet to just record.. Just good enough for games to play?

    paddythetank WANTED $1

    downer but it will all work out in the end and good luck in your new home

    Shezzzzzzz WANTED $8

    riksta12 wrote:

    hi bandit just wondering if u could help me pls lad. im a member on vedio slots just joined and just woundering u see if i want to withdrawl can i use the option BANK??? or do i use the visa one mate? as it says the bank one takes 2 to 24 hours? through i mite be able to use that one as its quicker

    thanks riksta12

    i use bank withdrawel at Videoslots, its usually processed and in my bank within an hour or so. very efficient service

    benq99 WANTED $229

    bandit just get your new house sorted and kids and wife in new so over the moon for you mate and i for one i can wait for your next video to land.will be nice for your family to be in your new house for xmas all the best mate and good luck on the slots when you get sorted next big wins is it a holiday home in florida with the big wins or private jet lol

    Liberty WANTED $132

    Congratulations on getting your house bandit. I’ve watched you for ages and it’s incredible to think that a mammoth slot run has gotten you over the line. Good to see good things happening to good people. I think the best suggestion has been just record the stuff when you are at home and then upload it from your office but in the meantime drive out somewhere with good 4g and record us a Video in your car in a layby then go around to a mates house to upload it. At once!

    Ps don’t flash your lights in the layby


    Pps while I’m craving a video, the last bit is obviously a joke.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Hi bandit,

    Don’t worry about the video mate. Those of us who have followed you over the years know how important getting your own place has been for you and the family. Enjoy the house move – stressful as fuck but worth it when your all settled in.

    You might not have checked the broadband before moving In, but I bet you checked how close it is to asda!!!


    villanmike WANTED $24

    Good luck mate, really missing your videos though!

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Tell ya what mate, your life sounds a lot like mine at times, sods law and all that. I couldn’t help pmsl while knowing I will pay for it haha

    Hurry up with an new vid though and take your time lol. wank internet companies (Y)

    peace and no veg

    Kazza78 WANTED $13

    Good luck in the new home Bandit, and congrats on getting the keys! Delighted for you and the family.

    Take your time, with settling in, and when you finally get a chance to upload, all us loyal fans will still be here waiting.

    Best of luck mate!



    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Congrats Stevie… 🙂

    Moving house is the worst lol… Always headaches.

    We all understand bro, don’t rush because of us, we’ll still be here hahahahah.

    powis1994 WANTED $4

    Can’t you send the video to the person who looks after the site to upload?

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