So what is going on with me….

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    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Wow Steve.. huge congrats.. i’m so happy you have a house !!!!!

    Screw the video mate, get your priorities in order you mumpty

    1. House move

    2. Kids Christmas presents

    3. Wife’s Christmas presents.

    4. house setup (mega stressful i know)


    10 Video. 🙂


    Nobody is gonna starve., die or anything nasty. !




    and congrats on the house again.. thats  a huge hu8ge milestone. 🙂

    much love




    Ramm WANTED $32

    Internet dead spots are a ballache. when we moved out here to towyn we found ourselves in a bit of a deadspot between the rhyl and abergele exchanges so the 2mbps that should have been the minimum was a fraction of that. When the fibre hit though we did pretty well as the speed is down to the distance to the cabinet rather than the exchange and we’re not far off from there so we get pretty good speeds.


    couldn’t do without internet these days, its got its tentacles wrapped around most aspects of daily life now.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Great to hear that you put your winnings from the past few months into a really solid investment for you and your families future. Genuinely really happy about this, you said you would from the start. 🙂

    Can I just ask, I’m assuming it’s a new build that you’ve moved into? I actually work for BT (Openreach), new builds are often pretty horrendous liaising with the developers to get internet available on the move in date.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I am currently in the office and have brought the PC here and connected it all up etc – Unfortunately, the games are lagging as the signal on the dongle is in and out between a green dot and yellow dot. I am going to have to contact a fibre provider and get it installed but of course, this is going to take time. I know people are chomping at the bit for a video but i’m not a magician lol I am also chomping at the bit for a session if i am completely honest – hopefully i will find a solution soon!

    I will say now though, Sunday is out of the question as the wife has booked a lunch with Santa and i am in attendance with the little guys, got to be a Dad first, i’m sure everyone understands that one, particularly at this time of year, and particularly as there has been some sad news about the cat, it doesn’t look like he is going to make it and they will both be devastated.

    I shall return!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Biohazard wrote:

    Great to hear that you put your winnings from the past few months into a really solid investment for you and your families future. Genuinely really happy about this, you said you would from the start. ?

    Can I just ask, I’m assuming it’s a new build that you’ve moved into? I actually work for BT (Openreach), new builds are often pretty horrendous liaising with the developers to get internet available on the move in date.

    You work for them?….. please fix it for me 😀


    Yes it is a new build but it is only offering the plop speed, houses either side of the new build and also directly across the road, can get 100 meg guaranteed speed fibre, do you know how i sort it?

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Bloody BT.. should have to lay fibre right into any new build as a matter of course.

    Actually bloody government not insisting on it.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    The Bandit wrote:

    Biohazard wrote:

    Great to hear that you put your winnings from the past few months into a really solid investment for you and your families future. Genuinely really happy about this, you said you would from the start.

    Can I just ask, I’m assuming it’s a new build that you’ve moved into? I actually work for BT (Openreach), new builds are often pretty horrendous liaising with the developers to get internet available on the move in date.

    You work for them?….. please fix it for me


    Yes it is a new build but it is only offering the plop speed, houses either side of the new build and also directly across the road, can get 100 meg guaranteed speed fibre, do you know how i sort it?

    I’m a finance manager there unfortunately, if I was an engineer I’d bump it up the queue and come over. 😉

    Me and my team organise the budget for one of the sectors of Openreach (fibre delivery being one of the key components!). Without looking at your site on our systems, it sounds as though your street is hooked up to the exchange via a PON or cabinet, which is good news, but the fibre at the moment for your house only reaches the curtilage, which is basically the closest point to a premise we can get prior to the customer putting in an order for internet. Once this order has come in, an engineer (eventually) will come and connect your house up from the curtilage.

    As it’s a new build, depending on the distance from the existing infrastructure, they may need to install another cabinet or additional PON technologies closer to your house. This may be why you’re facing a month wait!

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    EnglishGuy wrote:

    Bloody BT.. should have to lay fibre right into any new build as a matter of course.

    Actually bloody government not insisting on it.

    So this is actually down to the site developer requesting internet access from an ISP. If they choose BT (and BT actually offer free FTTP to sites above 30 homes, so it’s in their interest), then Openreach start providing the infrastructure. As with everything, these things have lead times, and often liaising with the developer is the hardest part.

    What the government does insist on is overall coverage of superfast broadband availability based on a fixed number of homes on a certain date. BT does meet these commitments. OFCOM also have minimum service level agreements with BT, these are also met otherwise BT get significant fines.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    When i have been connected, to the poor speed one, will possibilities then open up to get what everyone else has got on the road? Only reason i ask is because the new build immediately next door, has been lived in for a while now and they have the poor speed version and it still only offers the poor one to them, is there any chance that despite the neighbours and across the road having access to fibre, i may not have that access for whatever reason?

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    The Bandit wrote:

    When i have been connected, to the poor speed one, will possibilities then open up to get what everyone else has got on the road? Only reason i ask is because the new build immediately next door, has been lived in for a while now and they have the poor speed version and it still only offers the poor one to them, is there any chance that despite the neighbours and across the road having access to fibre, i may not have that access for whatever reason?

    Hard to say without looking at the site information. It’s rare that a new build wouldn’t be hooked up with at least FTTC (which should result in speeds of 24mbps as a minimum). Most sites these days are hooked up with FTTP (which is speeds of up to 300mbps).

    Best thing you can do is contact BT and ask them about the deployment plan for your home – what will the speeds be both short, medium and long term. There are plans for basically every home.

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    The Bandit wrote:

    I am currently in the office and have brought the PC here and connected it all up etc – Unfortunately, the games are lagging as the signal on the dongle is in and out between a green dot and yellow dot. I am going to have to contact a fibre provider and get it installed but of course, this is going to take time. I know people are chomping at the bit for a video but i’m not a magician lol I am also chomping at the bit for a session if i am completely honest – hopefully i will find a solution soon!

    I will say now though, Sunday is out of the question as the wife has booked a lunch with Santa and i am in attendance with the little guys, got to be a Dad first, i’m sure everyone understands that one, particularly at this time of year, and particularly as there has been some sad news about the cat, it doesn’t look like he is going to make it and they will both be devastated.

    I shall return!

    Sorry to hear about the cat mate ☹️

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    Can’t you just pop over to seedys House and use his comp for the day I’m sure he won’t mind ur his gaffer after all haha 😉

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Sorry to hear about the Cat Stevie, last thing you needed to here on the build up to Christmas, no doubt you will all be in bits. Go support the wife and bairns, we will be here when you get back, take your time.




    Fishface WANTED $4

    The Bandit wrote:


    Where are the videos?!

    Like a massive balloon head the other day when i made the single slot series of that Viking game, i left my card details visible in the video. Obviously i re-uploaded an edited version but had to cancel the card, that basically meant that i couldn’t deposit at a casino because i had no card. I have two accounts with Barclays, one is for all things gambling and one is my gambling free account, i could have of course used my gambling free account and made a deposit and made a video but i have kept this account free from gambling for ages now and wanted to maintain that for the purposes of any future credit applications – they simply do not like anything gambling!

    There were many suggestions, Paypal – personally hate them, they screwed me and i’l never use them again. Skrill, that needed some security token which i couldn’t remember. Deposits with a bank transfer, tried that and weirdly it wanted my card number which i didn’t have obviously and plenty of other things ranging from going in to shops depositing money etc but none of them were really practical so i decided to wait for the card.

    Well, in the meantime i get the keys to the new house, the paperwork is through, it is all signed off and completed so now there is a house move in the equation – great time of year to be bloody moving house but it has been a super long term goal and the winnings i have had this year have made it possible, i have bitten the bullet and fucking spent it all lol Have had a company come in yesterday to my rented house and completely pack it all in to boxes, apart from a few things which we needed to see us through today as they are coming back to move it all tomorrow. I took my computer to the new place today, i was hoping to get it all set up ready for a video, there is no internet but i have a 4g dongle which should have been more than capable – turns out there’s no fucking 4g signal at the new place!! Get on the phone to BT and they tell me the best internet available at the new place is fucking shite basically and won’t be installed until January 7th – mint.

    I have an office that i rent, it is where i did that big screen jobby so off i go to there to see if i can get better internet, the dongle is pretty good there with its speeds and should be fine for a video only i have only got 30gb of data on it a month, that was the most they did and each video is going to take around 5/6gb to just upload so that isn’t a long term solution either! I am going to have to take my PC in to the office i think and try and do a video on Friday with the dongle but i may struggle to upload it, i will then have to go from there – possibly looking for a fast broadband solution to the office but the annoying thing about that is, sometimes i do videos at midnight, because that is when i fancy playing, i’m never going to do that if all my gear is at the office am i!

    So, i leave my PC at the new house after a mega stressful day, back to the rented house and what is on the fucking doormat – my bastard card so if i had just left my fucking PC where it was, i’d have done a video by now because i’m fucking gagging to play lol

    At one point today i was literally just lay face down on the kitchen floor not knowing what the fuck to do – i stayed there for about 20 minutes lol I will get there though, i am aiming for a video to be up for Friday evening as i’m sure the wife will want me to help with shit loads of guff tomorrow to do with the move – if for some reason the dongle can’t cope with making a video then unfortunately it is going to be a longer absence whilst i try and find my head, because it will have rolled off!

    Peace and Carrots!

    Hope all goes well with the move ????I am sure we can all wait a while for a video while you get it sorted, we will just be drooling ????? with withdrawal symptoms best of luck, I will just have to keep the misses entertained while waiting as she is bound to keep on at me has he not put a video on yet??

    riksta12 wrote:

    hi bandit just wondering if u could help me pls lad. im a member on vedio slots just joined and just woundering u see if i want to withdrawl can i use the option BANK??? or do i use the visa one mate? as it says the bank one takes 2 to 24 hours? through i mite be able to use that one as its quicker

    thanks riksta12


    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Next session play 5 cat named games in honour of the cat

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