So what is going on with me….

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  • #28584
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    eejit101 wrote:

    Next session play 5 cat named games in honour of the cat


    Jamesr83 WANTED $18

    I was just wondering what kind of absolute nutcase would move house in December?, then I rewatched the spinal tap video and it all made sense.

    moonbeam1234567 WANTED $3

    Hi mate loved reading your message was funny as fuck especially when you said you were lying face down on kitchen floor not knowing wtf to do with yourself ha ha, great to hear you finally got to buy your own house Congratulations mate ,cannot believe you also left your card details visible on video to be honest I hadn’t even noticed you loon, Hope the cat is doing ok can’t wait to see your next video was wondering where the heck you had gone lol anyway if we don’t see you before merry Xmas to you and your family mate

    PJPage WANTED $12

    Hi there Mr B what a drama ur having. Shit me never plain sailing eh. Well fingers crossed that it all sorts out real quick as we’re all gagging for a new vid lol take it easy fella

    Imosofresh WANTED $8

    Hey Stevie,

    I also work for BT, in the value team. (In one of the call centres here in Glasgow)

    If you want me to do a few tests for you and see if I can get fibre up and running I’m more than happy to do that mate.

    I am next working Monday so could sort it out then if you want me to. No worries if not. 🙂

    P.s. huge fan, been watching your videos since the beginning!



    Anonymous WANTED $55

    Openreach,    Haha.  If you went to the zoo, got a load of chimps to implement an internet connection you would have better luck.  Openreach are a massive waste of space.  They don’t pay,  so they get the bottom of the barrel.    Ie pay peanuts get monkeys.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Best of luck on the move pal and hope the pussy pulls through. X

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    Jamesr83 wrote:

    I was just wondering what kind of absolute nutcase would move house in December?, then I rewatched the spinal tap video and it all made sense.

    haha.. made me lol.

    Single slot series diver whatever the hell its called 🙂



    Hibslass WANTED $1

    Good luck with the movie Mr Bandit I hope you and your family are happy in the new place x

    Jamhoody WANTED $87

    best of luck with the house move hope all goes well its a arse ache moving and dont worry too much about getting a video out all in due time pal hope you manage to sort your internet issues out bet you feel like a cave man without it lol

    ifondle WANTED $2

    Good news the gambling has paid for a house. PUT IT IN THE WIFES NAME. We all know how reckless you are.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I’m not reckless in the slightest mate, that is the whole point really lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Oh and yeah – never ever move house in December. Actually, just never ever move house its an absolute bastard.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    My mum moved house last year on December 21st and decided to renovate it.. it’s still not finished a year on haha! Looks nice so far though 🙂

    Hope your move is going well Steve, good luck in your new home.

    seabreeze WANTED $4

    Good luck in your new home and try not to stress if nothings working right, have a cup of tea instead!

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