So what is going on with me….

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  • #28816
    MrGeekHD WANTED $3

    Good luck in the new house! I miss you a lot.

    Have a good Sunday sir.

    Sh3ppo61 WANTED $2

    I feel your pain, It took me 4 months to get broadband Installed when I moved 2 years ago. No internet and no phone signal perfect if your on the run lol.


    ElleFlo WANTED $2


    i started watching last week and I think I’ve binged your channel. Just a question about the bank accounts. I’m looking to buy a house in future but just use my general account as my gambling one.

    what do you guys suggest and is there any tips on having 2 accounts?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    ElleFlo wrote:


    i started watching last week and I think I’ve binged your channel. Just a question about the bank accounts. I’m looking to buy a house in future but just use my general account as my gambling one.

    what do you guys suggest and is there any tips on having 2 accounts?

    It is definitely a good idea to have a separate gambling account, i have personally gone for just a second account with my bank but it is probably better to use a money wallet like skrill for anything gambling as then it is totally separate, creditors just don’t want to see any sort of gambling transaction on your statements.

    seanbisso WANTED $1

    hey mate really dont know the best way to get in contact with you, i tried twitter but im not sure if its any use, but anyway been watching you now like close to a couple of years after i got myself into a bit of gambling trouble and being a student it was from ideal basically wanna say cheers cause its you who does the slots for me now instead which is better ahaha. I was hoping that for 21st birthday which is coming up on the 6th January you could play a bit of jokerpro on one of your upcoming videos as its my favourite slot. If not just still wanna say im a big fan of your straight talking no nonsense style. Also the f**king bollocks on you when you’re on the gamble ladder jeeez aahahah. Big fan. sean

    Steller WANTED $34

    Good to see you did exactly the right thing with the money from what could be the biggest winning streak you’ll ever have. You pushed it right up to the time when you took the inevitable big hit then took your money and ran.  Being a gambler, we all  know  it would have been so easy to made the common mistake of trying to chase that big loss, having more of them, and end up blowing it all in the blink of an eye.  Well done! You played a blinder!

    Clarkyclarko WANTED $3

    Yes Bandit lad.

    Long time no speak. Huge congratulations on the house move. Amazing how far you, the channel and now the website have  come since you started. As always looking forward to the next vid. 100% agree family life comes first though, so no rush 🙂

    It would be great to see you on screen again at some point mate, I did really enjoy the stream style vid, maybe not as a regular thing, but when you get settled and set up,  get your mush back on screen!!!

    All the best mukka, best of luck, and get a monster bonus win on extra chilli, my nemesis of a game.

    Take it easy




    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Cheers Clarky lad 😀

    Extra Chilli – The gamblers nightmare lol! I will certainly try!

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    @The Bandit – Have you got an email address or a way I can send you a private message? Also how would you rate your computer skills, have you got a mate you trust who is OK with computers?

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Gunner wrote:

    @The Bandit – Have you got an email address or a way I can send you a private message? Also how would you rate your computer skills, have you got a mate you trust who is OK with computers?

    Would you trust someone called spider

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Gunner wrote:

    @The Bandit – Have you got an email address or a way I can send you a private message? Also how would you rate your computer skills, have you got a mate you trust who is OK with computers?

    Hi Mate,

    I am the one who deals with his computer hardware while spider deals with the website build as for contacting the bandit mate if you send it to the contact bandit email and he shall see it.


    mungo WANTED $7

    Great news a new house..hope you have plenty fun filled years there.

    .im nearly 70 not got a pot to piss have fun with my 10-20p play..deposit £20 .some days gone in moments then bamm a big £ win keeps me going for a few days..

    .great your back..keep it up..Have a great Christmas..

    Samrae123 WANTED $4

    Congratulations on the house, hope the move went as well as possible. Then the fun of unpacking, I’ve been in our new house a fair while and still have a few boxes in the loft ?.

    Anyways as much as I love your videos, home life comes first which includes, rubbish internet and card issues, hope it all calms down so you have a stress free Christmas


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