Some nights….. I just can’t sleep…

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  • #35304
    Catfish1604 WANTED $8

    You can tell this game has got you hooked your playing more and more, I’m sure it used to be just at a night time every few day. Just waiting now to see hear today’s results

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Phew! Not quite the horror story I was prepared for. But yeah you finished 4k up after 34k in, would’ve been less risky to have a punt on roulette with 10k on red for that margin. Building it back up again from £1.60 stake probably a good idea!

    barrylfc WANTED $3

    Fair play, you will be pushing them bollocks round in a wheelbarrow soon Stevie lad. #vizreference

    Catfish1604 WANTED $8

    Glad you managed to get it all back plus some, think the games pot is empty now and it’s going to take a few days of other people’s money before it wants to do it again enjoy a night out on it instead, or try swarm again

    stony WANTED $28

    Take the money and run, forget chasing the loss, as you have almost just experienced how bad that game is going to bite someone. As you know once your at £40 a go there’s no way to increase to recuperate the 10s of thousands already in. It dont mean your winnin streaks over but it sort of illustrates your getting fecking flippant with vast amounts of money. Even if you are playing with profit it would be sickening to hear youve spunked it up. Buy the Mrs a car, settle for a smaller gold and diamond bell for the push bike and squirrel the rest away. None of us know what the future holds regardless of how many beer tokens in the bank. All the best.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I know you’d do it anyway but couldn’t help feeling a sense of guilt for egging you on all the time to keep smashing it. I bet relief doesn’t even come close. I ain’t egging you on no more ?

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Still playing absolutely shite, if i manage to see the ladder it is losing first press, if not first press then bang dead second press like every single time.

    I’d also just like to add this was the overwhelming majority of my entire experience playing Reel King a few months ago. I honestly thought that was the normal behaviour on the gamble ladder in my roughly 400 attempts to top it.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Catfish1604 wrote:

    You can tell this game has got you hooked your playing more and more, I’m sure it used to be just at a night time every few day. Just waiting now to see hear today’s results

    I’ve played it like this for months mate, just haven’t written about it or videod it. Usually it would be 3/4 times a week, it has been every day since new years eve which whilst rare for me to play it that many times in a row, not unheard of lol

    Gavster1989 WANTED $22

    nice to see you having a great streak again mate. over the moon for you. I’d suggest banking and start again that way you will always be up on this game. would love to see some of your swarm action if possible in the near future. all the best mate

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    God that was a close one tonight, your palms must have been sweating the big one!

    This is the drawback of the Martingale unfortunately, once you hit that max bet (or the bet becomes too big of course) there’s just no way back. Thankfully the double top saved you at the end there though! Happy for you, but be careful, we all know a loss will come eventually, I just don’t like to see anyone lose big, even if they’re massively up!

    brizman WANTED $46

    argyl53 wrote:

    Still playing absolutely shite, if i manage to see the ladder it is losing first press, if not first press then bang dead second press like every single time.

    I’d also just like to add this was the overwhelming majority of my entire experience playing Reel King a few months ago. I honestly thought that was the normal behaviour on the gamble ladder in my roughly 400 attempts to top it.

    I chased it for 10 months..and never managed to top the ladder. In fairness..slots are always brutal to me. 750x highest hit in 4 years of trying…

    TheVajinator WANTED $9

    If The Bandit ever reads this I’d like to ask you to include you taking a good bash at Immortal Romance slot in your next video. I never had anything personal against any kind of games, but this one specifically ticks me off yet I still keep playing it (T_T) hoping for that huge wild desire, but for the time being I’m just getting trolled by it lol

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    Unbelievable Jeff. What a rollercoaster. Quit whilst your ahead. Your a smart man I think, haha. You’ll make the right decision.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    TheVajinator wrote:

    If The Bandit ever reads this I’d like to ask you to include you taking a good bash at Immortal Romance slot in your next video. I never had anything personal against any kind of games, but this one specifically ticks me off yet I still keep playing it (T_T) hoping for that huge wild desire, but for the time being I’m just getting trolled by it lol

    Yeah i will have a bash mate, probably land a wild donkey for 1 reel, the 5th reel as usual lol 😀

    Robert1407 WANTED $1

    Well done Steve you jammy bastard ??. Wish I had your luck. I love playing slots and I mean love it. It’s my favourite pass time. Only one problem I don’t often win. When I do get up I end up saying right I will go for x amount or I will go for 1 more bonus. If I hit either then my head goes right new target…. next thing you know my balance is zero so even when I win I still loose. Casinos must love me??. Need to learn to stick to my limits and targets and don’t go below them but the wee demon in my head takes over. Wanker better fuck off..


    Love your vids best onine slot creator ever. So much so I don’t anyone else anymore. You make it funny and the stuff you say is

    things I say when I play.


    Hope your Luck continues mate.

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