Some nights….. I just can’t sleep…

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  • #39344
    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I remember when I was about 7 years old I used browse the littlewoods catalog for hours dreaming about driving around in one of those little cars? mini bandit is a lucky dude

    Well done on this amazing run man

    Jordpj26 WANTED $2

    Been busy the last few days but just caught up. This is effing awesome dude. Nice to see ?? I bought my own car once with winnings only 10k but it just feels like a big fuck you to casinos every time I drive it haha

    Jordpj26 WANTED $2

    GAMSTOP if you really want to stop. Best thing ever. And no particular game gets me I just like getting bonuses I never played a game if it didn’t have  bonus. Strange but watching others like the bandit get bonuses makes my urges go away

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Eightblack wrote:

    I remember when I was about 7 years old I used browse the littlewoods catalog for hours dreaming about driving around in one of those little cars? mini bandit is a lucky dude

    Well done on this amazing run man

    Used to browse the Littlewoods catalogue for hours myself, it was usually the ladies lingerie sections though.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Why was my comment reported for inappropriate content? It was about wanting a little car as a child.

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Eightblack wrote:

    Why was my comment reported for inappropriate content? It was about wanting a little car as a child.

    Can only imagine it’s an error mate, innocent enough to me.

    Kingofgames100 WANTED $1

    Reelking is a lot more fun when the bandits playing. After losing £100 on book of dead (50p spins ridiculously) I thought I would go for my first top. Needless to say I didn’t last long before I gave up. Be careful your money goes a lot quicker than you realise on this game. Also is it just me but are the slots shit in January.

    Meath123 WANTED $1

    Did agree a 1 hour special is needed ?

    Mattcarr WANTED $7

    Nice motor. Luckily my wife was able buy her own car about 18 months ago – a nice Discovery sport, the little brother of yours 🙂

    I got my kids one of the ride on cars a few years back – a peg pergo thing – I wired in a second battery so it became 24 volts and by christ it shifts – the boys can do power slides and all sorts in it !!!! boys and cars – I am sure little bandit will love it and will want an upgrade in a year or 2 !!

    Mattcarr WANTED $7

    The Bandit wrote:

    PJPage wrote:

    Well Mr B what can I say… Foookin get it there mate well done. Brave move but paid off again. Can I ask was u looking for the loss or did u have a feeling it may top? What’s the next big purchase on the list? There has to be something…. Bought and paid for holiday home maybe? Good luck and all the best big man

    I’d give myself a 50/50 chance of topping £40 off £15k or less tbh so i thought i would just go balls out. I think now it will be to just save and save again, help out my friends and extended family if it keeps going on like this, fund free giveaways etc, random spot prizes and perhaps develop something else – I’d actually love my own game, i mean created by me as a provider, i’d imagine that is ludicrous costing but how awesome would it be to become the next BTG in 10 years time or something, i dunno lol

    Now that would be interesting if you made a game. Do you have any ideas in mind for design or theme etc ? Perhaps you could put it to BTG if you couldn’t truly host and own it yourself ?

    MossyEFC WANTED $4

    Spent the last couple of days leading through all this thread .It’s been a great read. Congrats on the wins and long may it continue .

    Now please can you get a new slots video up please.

    Jordyk90 WANTED $2

    So… Last night I couldn’t sleep neither… Fancied a smash on Danger, that didn’t go well!! 450 spins and not even a bonus! Best bit was some  queens with a 6x and a shitty wild! Wasn’t the greatgre run!!

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    and hes fucking done it again lol

    Wanazzi WANTED $1

    I love what you are doing with your winnings and don’t think for one second you are rubbing people’s noses in it by showing us. Well done fella

    EnglishGuy WANTED $99

    The Bandit wrote:

    This is the car that the wife chose – I purchased it outright with the winnings documented in this thread. I’m not looking to rub noses in it, i’m just showing a lot of people what they wanted to see, what the money was used for and confirming that it is spent and won’t be going back in the casino any time soon! I can still play of course and i think it would be silly not to but this has taken a large wedge away!

    They were kind enough to chuck this in for mini bandit and you should see him zooming around on it lmao

    It is an utterly baffling thread but it is what it is – I have put the money to good use as you can see, i have a happy wife i can tell you!

    Great stuff steve.

    Keeping the missus happy is an important part of being married for 30 years :p

    Bet she;s over the moooon…

    You realise, you now need to A) learn to drive. and then B) buy yourself a Jag XE,,,,


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