Someone I know is a holocaust denier

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    Liberty WANTED $132

    This is likely an emotive subject for most people so can we please try to keep it clean and on point.

    Someone I know has admitted they think the holocaust is a hoax, I knew they believed other conspiracy theories and I guess it just goes to show that once you believe one falsehood it’s easier to believe more and more of them.

    Im looking for suggestions on how I can sway their opinion back into the relm of fact so if anyone can help out with information on it that would be very helpful.

    I seriously worry about the mental wellbeing of this person and genuinely only want to help them out of this dark pit they have fallen into.

    I’ve suggested they read

    I’ve explained that the nazis were meticulous record keepers and we have the records of the atrocities they committed with lists of names and names and names.

    I’ve provided information about mass graves such as the following

    Einsatzgruppen: Mass Graves Exist


    I have no idea if they read the information I give them but it’s all I can do to try my best as holocaust denial is one of the worst kinds of conspiracy theories and I just want them to get better.


    Any help at all appreciated, even if it’s just a bit of mental support that I’m not alone in thinking such a belief is simply beyond the pale.


    Anonymous WANTED $483


    I am certainly not a holocaust denier Liberty ya crack pot ?

    give me a moment to get my head straight and I will have this debate with you.


    Liberty WANTED $132

    This isn’t about you just basics. Please don’t turn this thread into an argument. It’s very serious.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    People who don’t believe the holocaust happened are just plainly stupid we have…..

    1. Records the germans kept.

    2. Remains of the damn camp sites.

    3. People admitting and found guilty in courts.

    This is in no way a disputable thing not like say the moon landing etc. So I am pretty sure this topic can now be just left 🙂

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Liberty wrote:

    This isn’t about you just basics. Please don’t turn this thread into an argument. It’s very serious.

    Apologies I thought it was aimed at me.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    When I was young I read books and had teachers tell me about the holocaust, and I believed every word.

    Decades later I watched this interview and it made me question what I was taught.

    i now believe that it “may” not have happened.

    Do not reply to me until you have watched it completely.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    The biggest and most profits lies ever made were war lies.

    War and propoganda are the very backbone of the elite’s wallets.

    Take one example Vietnam ??

    Do you agree that this war was in every way propaganda, fear mongering and a total falsehood? And in the end was it only to make billions for the elite. Which it did.


    I say Yes because I’ve researched the fuck out of it. Thousands died, hundreds of thousand of lives were destroyed. Countries were torn apart. Governments were overthrown. And all for what?

    Money, greed, lies and the fucking POWER!

    The devil is real and his name is Greed. And if this one example shows anything. It shows that People at the very top, have zero fucks, zero morals and zero values when it comes to humanity and it’s existence.

    i gave you one example. I can give you 100 more.


    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    It happened. Did it happen exactly the way it’s been portrayed? No. Did they gas 6million Jews? Highly unlikely but they did kill them so does it matter how they were killed? We know for a fact concentration camps existed and we know for a fact people died in them,  many from starvation and disease so does that mean the Nazis are innocent for all the ones that died from natural causes? No becusee they are the ones who put them in squalid conditions and didn’t feed them enough food. You literally can’t deny the Holocaust as a whole, yes you can debate certain things that happened during them but the simple fact still remains the Holocaust did happen.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Dynamik23 wrote:

    It happened. Did it happen exactly the way it’s been portrayed? No. Did they gas 6million Jews? Highly unlikely but they did kill them so does it matter how they were killed? We know for a fact concentration camps existed and we know for a fact people died in them,  many from starvation and disease so does that mean the Nazis are innocent for all the ones that died from natural causes? No becusee they are the ones who put them in squalid conditions and didn’t feed them enough food. You literally can’t deny the Holocaust as a whole, yes you can debate certain things that happened during them but the simple fact still remains the Holocaust did happen.

    ? % agree ??

    It happened. But not in any way on the scale that was reported and documented.

    My opinion that any so called fact that has literally any holes in it needs to be questioned!

    And when a story has so many fucking flaws and lies in it. It’s usually a huge cover up.

    Andymitzy WANTED $64

    I 100% thought same it was about u ????

    Liberty WANTED $132

    Just Basics you’ve just said you 100% agree with someone and then followed that by saying you don’t agree with what they’ve said. He said

    Did they gas 6million Jews? Highly unlikely <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>but they did kill</span> <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>them</span> so does it matter how they were killed?

    You followed that with

     100% agree

    It happened. But <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>not in any way on the scale</span> that was reported and documented.

    Frankly it’s entirely possible that what you preceive to be scale vs the rest of the world understanding of it is different but err yeah… You can’t read or you can’t understand hence you watch YouTube and think you’re a researcher.

    You’re incapable of understanding, your version of research is watching YouTube videos ffs, you give the power of your mind to a handful of people who aren’t regulated in anyway, with no oversight and call it research. It would be laughable if we weren’t talking about something that happened in living memory.

    If you are still capable of comprehension at this point I will make this deal with you. Read the 3 links I posted before you posted your ridiculous video and then I will watch your video.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I don’t know much about WW2 (my class only did WW1), but I have wondered why WW2 is a much more political and sensitive topic?  A lot more people died in WW1 and yet it’s ok to make a mockery of it e.g. Black Adder.  However, if you dress up as Hitler at a fancy dress party, it will get you arrested but it’s ok to dress up as another evil leader such as Genghis Khan and it’s ok to have a South Park episode centred around Saddam Hussain?

    About the holocaust, again I don’t know anything about it, but I wouldn’t deny it because it’s common knowledge.  It’s like knowing that WW2 took place between 1939 and 1945, and that the Spitfire plane was one of our main weapons.

    Sal139 WANTED $29

    As an ambassador for the Holocaust Educational Trust, a teacher, someone who has been to Auschwitz and spent time talking to survivors I honestly cannot believe that there are people on here who say there are flaws and lies and it didn’t happen the way it was reported.

    Read literally any respected history paper, any respected war historian’s accounts, hell, read any survivors accounts of what happened or better, speak to the remaining few.

    Holocaust denial is a serious thing, Just Basics, you’re wrong on this one. Alternative facts wont work here. I’d quit whilst you’re behind to avoid serious offence. I’m with you on some stuff. But not this.

    Sal139 WANTED $29

    Also, not that it matters, but I feel it may to some, I’m not Jewish. I’m a humanist. This shit transcends religion.

    Liberty WANTED $132

    ImperialDragon wrote:

    I don’t know much about WW2 (my class only did WW1), but I have wondered why WW2 is a much more political and sensitive topic?  A lot more people died in WW1 and yet it’s ok to make a mockery of it e.g. Black Adder.  However, if you dress up as Hitler at a fancy dress party, it will get you arrested but it’s ok to dress up as another evil leader such as Genghis Khan and it’s ok to have a South Park episode centred around Saddam Hussain?

    About the holocaust, again I don’t know anything about it, but I wouldn’t deny it because it’s common knowledge.  It’s like knowing that WW2 took place between 1939 and 1945, and that the Spitfire plane was one of our main weapons.


    Perhaps this will help

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