Source of Wealth

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  • #79063
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    So, I have a casino that i play at and i have previously been asked for Source of Wealth. After months of backwards and forwards it was accepted and i continued playing there. They have now asked me for it again, why? I am up on the casino lifetime quite substantially so surely, the Source of Wealth could actually genuinely go down as winnings from their own casino? Does a casino need to perform a SOurce of Wealth check on you when you are in profit at that casino?

    Epicdaz WANTED $21

    Just show them your withdrawals from other sites and tell em sharings caring

    Playdnwon69 WANTED $7

    I guess all casinos are extremely careful of people laundering money, because they may be able to be charged with being an accessory. Maybe, because of the amounts you play with, they are just checking. Or the other theory is, you’ve won too much and they’re hassling you to leave!
    Any casino is lucky to have you as you depict both sides of gambling, as a lot of streamers do, but you show the extreme depths that people can get to!

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I reckon they’re trying to see you off so you stop rinsing them lol, if they’ve paid you out then surely they know the source of the money is themselves.. Sneaky bastards I reckon

    stony WANTED $28

    As an aside to this but still relevant I feel. Suppose they did deem you had no valid source of wealth. They would happily have been accepting this invalid source (I know you said youve already had 12 check Steve). I wonder would they be liable to surrender those funds to some ombudsman or govt body dealing with money lending?

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    My thinking would be, if they ask for source of wealth to prove you can afford to gamble a certain amount, then realistically they will have to ask you at least once a year, maybe every 6 months incase your circumstances change.

    Because if you lost your job and carried on gambling then I’d imgaine that could open the casino up to trouble.


    eejit101 WANTED $312

    It depends on what threshold you are at. If you just deposited over a certain amount – they legally have to ask for it again. So if you just hit somewhere around 100k, 500k or 7 figures in/out combined, yeah it has to be done.

    Playdnwon69 WANTED $7

    Maybe it has started on the back of all the questions being asked about who provides money to gamble with. And maybe they have to do his across the board and in doing so remain impartial.


    Mrsc WANTED $4

    Hey bandit loving all you sessions

    Please can you play razor shark on your next video. I’ve put over 500 spins through and can’t seem to bonus it at all and the same for 300shields extreme looking forward to days video best of luck. I hope you manage to sort that source of wealth out x

    Hitmarker WANTED $4

    Not entirely related but I’ve just tried to withdraw from skyvegas but wasn’t allowed to withdraw to the card I wanted to because the other card on my account is massively down, so I’ve been told before I’m allowed to withdraw to the card I want I need to be equal on the card I’m down with! Which Is fucking preposterous, I’m not allowed to remove that card either, I was told effectively I need to hit a big win or I can never withdraw to the card I want to, all in the name of money laundering etc, safe to say I told em where to stick there account and the thousands I’ve done my bollocks in there I’ll do else where.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Hitmarker wrote:

    Not entirely related but I’ve just tried to withdraw from skyvegas but wasn’t allowed to withdraw to the card I wanted to because the other card on my account is massively down, so I’ve been told before I’m allowed to withdraw to the card I want I need to be equal on the card I’m down with! Which Is fucking preposterous, I’m not allowed to remove that card either, I was told effectively I need to hit a big win or I can never withdraw to the card I want to, all in the name of money laundering etc, safe to say I told em where to stick there account and the thousands I’ve done my bollocks in there I’ll do else where.

    This is standard practice bud. Frustrating I know, I’ve certainly been there! But it is standard, in order to prevent money laundering.

    Only way you can get out of this is to prove that the card they’re making you withdraw to is closed.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    If the 2 cards are from the same account and the old 1 has expired, you can still withdraw to it and it will go in your account

    Armageddon65 WANTED $5

    Hitmarker wrote:

    Not entirely related but I’ve just tried to withdraw from skyvegas but wasn’t allowed to withdraw to the card I wanted to because the other card on my account is massively down, so I’ve been told before I’m allowed to withdraw to the card I want I need to be equal on the card I’m down with! Which Is fucking preposterous, I’m not allowed to remove that card either, I was told effectively I need to hit a big win or I can never withdraw to the card I want to, all in the name of money laundering etc, safe to say I told em where to stick there account and the thousands I’ve done my bollocks in there I’ll do else where.

    Mrsc :

    I got qurious, and had to try that Razor shark game in (Casumo)  I played at 20 eur stake,  and got the bonus round after

    118 autospinns…. and it gave me a wopping 10 eur !!!!!!!  amazing ,isnt it? lmao

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I’m wondering if they’re wanting to know where your money is coming from considering you’ve had a week or 3 off reel king :p hahah no, seriously I think its will be just one of those, where your account is chosen randomly to provide another bit of evidence. I remember a casino telling me that they do random checks every now and again.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Winningbird wrote:

    I’m wondering if they’re wanting to know where your money is coming from considering you’ve had a week or 3 off reel king :p hahah no, seriously I think its will be just one of those, where your account is chosen randomly to provide another bit of evidence. I remember a casino telling me that they do random checks every now and again.

    The good old “random” debate rears its ugly head once again!

    Are the random choosing of accounts as random as slots are?  Is it true random?  An RNG?  Is it pseudo random?  Is it a lookup table of pre-determined numbers like in BBC BASIC?


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