Speak to the Bandit

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  • #70342
    EasterEggd WANTED $16

    Bandit I’d like to discuss something with you over the phone if possible? Don’t worry it’s not about begging for money, trolling or anything untoward. I’ll send you my number and you can withhold your number if you want to. Where do I send my number to?

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Less than 0 chance of happening bud

    EasterEggd WANTED $16

    If you aren’t willing to talk over the phone can I send an email? Where do I send to?

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Theres a contact page at the bottom of the forum 🙂

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I don’t phone people i know tbh mate lol i hate phone calls. Email me at [email protected] or use the contact area down the bottom of the page, i’ve got a huge backlog of messages to go through currently though having been away for a bit.

    EasterEggd WANTED $16

    thanks i’ll be intouch

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)