Spinal Tap

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  • #22758
    Mondayblues23 WANTED $41

    Obviously the bandits mental session on this game would be enough to scar us all for life and the game took quite a doing for the ‘bonus buy’ feature which was brutal.  I myself done a few bonus buys and got stung as well.

    Since then however, I have played the game a few times on standard play and done well on bonuses and the boost up feature, I had another go today on a £1.50p stake and smashed in £600 after getting the feature with 10 wild sparks, Aces and Queens right across.

    I try to stay away from all bonus buy parts of the games now and it appears to be working well.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I think i probably prefer playing it on the sites that don’t actually have the bonus buy part of it active, that was a bruising session that i lucked out on that time eh!

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I think with bonus buys you’re guaranteed to get stung on higher stakes, with Spinal Tap and Buffalo, for me at least, £15 and £10 tend to reap much better rewards or at least longer playability than if I was to feel lucky and try £30 etc,.

    Youre always better off doing a £10/15/20 bonus buy IMO, because I dare bet you wouldn’t see a bonus from £10 on 10p stakes, but you can buy one for that.

    ianh21 WANTED $14

    everytime i have played it, it generally gives me the 11 and the bonus quite often on 30p stake.

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