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  • #109454
    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Maybe contact chipmonkz on twitter as he does promote this site. Even if you are not an affiliate of his, he should give you some help.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Think there a lot off issues with spinz casino , few messages in chipmunkz chat ,with problems with getting there money .

    The devil WANTED $76

    I’ve put a reply to this thread in the one above by mistake haha I’m a twat I know tried to back you up jimbo haha

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    spinzcasino is a white label… what that means Grace Media just rent set up and licence from others to operate like a casino, is like a franchise, Grace Media make 7.5% profit rest is all up to the white label. I think SOW got hit by white label the one they hold the money for, they can’t refuse to pay coz they lose a lot of money if they get close down… I think is just waiting time coz they will pay everyone..they are a shit casino anyway


    Anonymous WANTED $110

    trick to find out who owns white label …could be white hat gaming or some Russian in Ukraine lol

    but is fk easy to open a casino we should just stop gambling and open a casino lol

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    The devil wrote:

    Tbf I understand jimbos hate for chipmunks and it’s justified, I stated he promotes this site and I’ve seen nothing bud bad reviews and people asking about withdrawals and he never has an answer, ‘it works fine for him’ well it would do and not to be arsey with you xbob but you can’t ask chip anything because he instantly thinks your taking the piss at the end of the day you can’t promote a site then when people get issues not expect to give some advice which he doesn’t do so what do you expect really, don’t get me wrong I agree with jimbo he’s a low life among low life’s is chip but does he blame people for the way he goes  on difference when bandit was promoting sites I’m sure if someone had an issue he would sort it out or at least try, and chips doesn’t have the answer because he doesn’t withdraw from the site himself in my opinion and that’s an opinion so don’t jump down my neck for that neither

    I have to say there is a huge difference between calling a spade a spade and calling a spade a wrench. If people were saying chip was a tosser just because they don’t like him, or his hairstyle, the way he talks or even his demeanour then maybe there is room to wish  people would find better issues to talk about but when it comes to if chip is scum or not then it really does appear the guy is indeed scum.

    “if bandit recommends a site, he backs up his recommendations and will if need be, speak to them on your behalf, in an effort to help solve a problem” – this is where it is alleged chip is a complete failure. So prove it.

    Backinamo doesn’t speak for everyone and no one except bandit and some strange dude called dave can speak for backinamo.

    BUT – can people speak the truth here ? I will maintain I like to think so. Bandit is outspoken but of course only speaks out about what he feels and knows. Part of the reason some people rate him.

    “Chip is a scumbag, tosser, [insult]” sure… not good. But back that insult with fact and you have something called the truth.

    I’ve seen people banned and mocked on his channel and video, with chip and his incapable sidekick enjoying the mockery, for little and nothing. Guess what… I’ve seen EXACTLY the same thing happen on Roshtein channel. The regulars are like the scribes and pharisees of the hunger games. The brain dead who think bullying is ok, more importantly : fun.

    Are people bullying Chip here ? I hate bullies. But I also hate con-artists. Chip is scum. That’s not an insult, it’s the truth. I’ve seen lesser mortals headbutted into oblivion for the way they treat people. I’m never going to encourage that but I fully understand it. The sooner people like Chip are factually found out and the scum taking the profits and treating gamblers like turd are dealt with, the better.

    So…. go and tell chip. No, you get silenced.
    So…. talk about it here with FACTS ? Is that really allowed seedy ? Chip isn’t the only scumbag. SO let’s get it sorted once and for all.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    igc-rm wrote:

    But back that insult with fact and you have something called the truth.

    Crikey, almost got it there! Nobody will try and stifle the truth here, after being here from day 1 I can promise you that.

    What is unacceptable, and I can’t speak for either Bandit or Seedy, but from knowledge of previous bannings etc, is doing the old repeating the same old unproven crap again and again until nobody calls it out anymore then insulting and arguing with anyone who points out.

    Pages and pages of conjecture with no facts doesn’t help anyone it just gives others reason to shut down comments and questions “why should I continue to answer when I’ve had loads of people spreading the same shit”

    I can’t say for sure if people mentioned are not and neither can people on here from the information given.

    Just for openness, I’m NOT accusing anyone of anything and I’m not singling you out igc, I’m just replying to a part of what you said that kinda hits the nail on the head.

    I’ve tried to point this out before and taken a hell of a trolling for it, which surely as adults we should all agree is stupid and counterproductive. I’ve also been accused of being chipmonkz, I’d like to hope @seedy would vouch for me that I’m not, but… He’s never seen us in the same room 🤣🤣

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    @gameroom is giving good advice here 👍

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ve also been accused of being chipmonkz, I’d like to hope @seedy would vouch for me that I’m not, but… He’s never seen us in the same room 🤣🤣

    I have meet both of you though and can confirm they are not the same person lol.

    igc-rm wrote:

    Backinamo doesn’t speak for everyone and no one except bandit and some strange dude called dave can speak for backinamo.

    I’m not strange normal guy kids/wife etc 🤣🤣  just trying to do what’s best as I don’t like to see you all arguing over pointless stuff when there are plenty more important gambling related discussion’s regarding law etc to be had.

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    Seedy wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ve also been accused of being chipmonkz, I’d like to hope @seedy would vouch for me that I’m not, but… He’s never seen us in the same room 🤣🤣

    I have meet both of you though and can confirm they are not the same person lol.

    igc-rm wrote:

    Backinamo doesn’t speak for everyone and no one except bandit and some strange dude called dave can speak for backinamo.

    I’m not strange normal guy kids/wife etc 🤣🤣  just trying to do what’s best as I don’t like to see you all arguing over pointless stuff when there are plenty more important gambling related discussion’s regarding law etc to be had.

    Recommending CBD oil will make them too chill out lol

    The devil WANTED $76

    Problem is with all of this is the real truth will that ever come out the world is corrupt simple as that and on the subject of gambling this industry couldn’t be more corrupt it’s makes the rich richer that’s why nobody wants to solve certain issues because that would be bad for business simple as that, as for what your saying about getting some truth about the bloke mentioned chip, you ask any questions, you give any constructive criticism your banned your shut up basically so you can’t get any answers if anyone does get far enough then he wants to get his lawyers involved this is just basic information you hear him say from his videos, he claimed he was the victim of bullying, death threats etc.

    Despise the bloke but that shit is too far however he does the same along the lines of bullying most will be banter but whether it’s his fan base or a random some of it is borderline bullying which he wouldn’t like himself and he has got police involved with this stuff.

    Then I see a lot of him playing the victim card does he ever think about the people and families he has had a hand in ruining, now I know xbob made a good point what about the tv ads and constant promotional things fair dos I agree that is also a problem but for me you can’t play the victim if you have a hand in making people victims yourself because what chips job entails is the same as these tv adverts and the like, videos everyday 2 or 3, streams everyday constant links in the chat, went from an everyday stake to irresponsible stake as far as I’m aware the blokes house is still rented but does 2-3 grand a day on slots, now he isn’t the only one there are too many and more and more everyday but he is becoming one of the big fish.

    Mixing pokemon with gambling is another no no yes granted a lot of adults enjoy their pokemon fair enough and it’s now separate channels but he still involves it in his streams, now if children haven’t come across his gambling before I’d be amazed.

    The whole is it real is it fake now I’ll say now I think it’s fake as fuck (opinion) don’t need facts for an opinion however suspect issues like his balance jumping by 10k around a month ago now I’ve gambled many years online and I can assure you that has never happened to me and has probably never happened to people on this forum, might be an error nothing to do with him but very suspect either way, these dodgy casinos he promotes spinz, jungle casino, fucking slot Jerry what’s wrong with well known brands such as unibet, ladbrokes, grosvenor.

    Is that because they don’t give good deals or they won’t supply with casino money who knows, don’t get me wrong these crypto fuckers are worse but there not believable never will be who has a million in their casino account but that’s the point to the normal person chip is believable and he will get people involved and hooked sign up through every link and line his pockets, and I bet he’s very successful but what’s he done over the last few years is nothing more than disgusting in my opinion even to the point of lockdown when people like me and many others couldn’t see their grandad for months but it was okay for him and that Jord to enjoy their bit selves because it was work apparently 2 different households together in a pandemic its wrong but guess what he couldn’t give a shit and that’s my opinion on him as a whole he doesn’t give a shit about anybody not even the 2 lads who work for him, he’s in it for one purpose and that’s money doesn’t care who he tramples over on the way through and it’s as simple as that.

    At the end of the day have some decency and some morals in life, everyone can be an arsehole time to time but I’d like to think that most do have morals, people like that bloke don’t, disgusting human being.

    By the way this is my opinion there’s some truth to what I’ve said though and whether you agree or disagree I really don’t care, I believe in respecting people who give it back to others but there isn’t any about chip I could say is decent but we will see what happens with the gambling industry!

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    I just want to say I am very aware of the regurgitation and how THAT irritates people but compare that to the reason it is regurgitated (not the pathetic reasons) and how important it is to keep the whole issue alive and with some sort of passion.

    So a genuine hat tip to all who understand that.

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