Splitting up Videos into a games section or timings?

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  • #36137
    notrege WANTED $41

    Right so, I’ll try and explain this the best i can. Sometimes i want to watch a particular slot, for example Goonies or Jamin jars but can’t remember which video its been on and which features were part of which video etc

    Would it be possible in the first instance to create a thread/add comment for each new video that shows which slots you played and at what point into the video they are at. Eg Goonies 2:08, Jamin jars 45:26 (ovbiously point out spoiler alerts)

    Maybe in the future go back and cut each game out of the videos and into their own game section, with a brief description of random features/bonus etc

    for example:

    Goonies video 01/01/2019 – 24 minutes long

    Spin Mods:
    sloth win spin
    mikeys hidden treasure

    Inferno spins
    goonies go wild

    I know the commentary won’t really match up, and its a lot of work (but what else can you do when you don’t have internet ;)), but on average in the hour i’d say you play 7-8 games max so 7 cuts and i think this would help with exposure as not all the titles are listed on each video – some never have been.

    For me, it’d just be nice to browse a videos section, for games, and watch maybe 2/3 hours of how a particular game plays, get a sense of what an “average” spin mod goes for in terms of X amounts and see how much it can gobble up between them

    Thanks, and sorry for it being a long post

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Hi NotRege

    It would take a tremendous amount of time to do but maybe look into it.



    elliscent WANTED $7

    I think stop and step does that in his videos

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Noooo The Bandit wants you to watch all his content, no skipping….. J/K ofc ???.


    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I reckon i usually play many more games than 7/8 don’t i? I am going to have to go see now lol Maybe i get 7/8 bonuses, i play loads more games than that though i’m sure, maybe i will surprise myself lol Unless i get stuck on something and it takes up loads of footage i would have doubled that amount as a guess 😀

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Like today’s vid for example, 16 games there were – didn’t feel like an above average kind of vid lol

    notrege WANTED $41

    ok, maybe i was mistaken in the number of sub-vids this might end up being 😀 but looking at your time stamp it seems like it took 2 mins to count the games, how much longer for adding time stamps? i’d be happy to go through and do it and then maybe instead of sub videos, what we can have is links to the videos on youtube at that specific time stamp

    So, a directory listing?


    10/11/2018 – 34:27 (this is the time stamp on the video and the link takes you through to youtube)
    10/12/2018 – 3:27
    15/12/2018 – 16:01
    1/1/2019 – 5:23

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