Steves upcoming laser eye surgery

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    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    I heard Bandit saying he has laser eye surgery coming up, not trying to put him off but I would like to mention somethings that they dont tell you at the time.

    Unless things have changed in last 20 years since mine was done and he is having correction to improve distance vision,its basically a tradeoff,i used to have excellent close vision, that went after the procedure so i now have to wear reading glasses but my distance vision is brilliant without glasses.Spose one advantage is that reading glasses are only a couple of quid from Amazon instead of the silly prices opticians charge for distance glasses and contact lenses.

    My vision in low light is pretty crap now both distance and closeup.Be prepared for the halos for a few weeks, they are fun esp when driving.

    One other thing they dont tell you is that laser can only be done once as there is limited material available on the eyeball and some is burnt away during the procedure.

    All in all,I am reasonably happy that I had it done but its not a perfect fix.



    Satans_Underpants WANTED $10

    I probably have the most broken working eyesight on the planet. But I dare say things have changed in the last 20 years.

    Mwright82 WANTED $12

    I don’t think the Bandit drives so he will see the halos when he’s out doing his marathon walks lol yeah I definitely think things have moved on a bit in 20 years, made me think of victorian dentistry lol, imagine the pain fk me.

    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Imagine the smell of burning eyballs,luckily there is no pain, that comes when you have to pay the bill.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I feel they have been making rather a big point about the close up vision going shit, i did think whether that was actually a product of the surgery even though they say it WILL happen naturally, i can see great if its my phone in my hand, other than that, without contact lenses, i am bloody blind ha

    Mwright82 WANTED $12

    You will be gutted if your are even worse at snooker and darts after surgery but let us know if you hit more 180s 😂

    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Sounds just like I was, I used to do really close up work repairing PCB,s without using glasses,my income depended on it, after the surgery even with glasses,i had no chance of being able to carry on doing it, fortunately my circumstances changed and I didnt need to.The Surgery WILL change your close vision,and you will need reading glasses or contact lenses.I just dont think its possible to get perfect distance and close vision by a laser procedure.Really dont want to you put off having it done,it depends what you are expecting it to do for you and what the benifits are that you are hoping for.The Halos are weird, they last a few weeks,when you look at a bright light  like a light bulb, it will have a massive halos around it.Sure you will let us know how you get on.

    Satans_Underpants WANTED $10

    The Bandit wrote:

    I feel they have been making rather a big point about the close up vision going shit, i did think whether that was actually a product of the surgery even though they say it WILL happen naturally, i can see great if its my phone in my hand, other than that, without contact lenses, i am bloody blind ha

    My mate thought he would take his chances with the blond at the motorway services. Turned out his name was roger and he was carrying a new mop. Be careful out there ! lmfao

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Hi Bandit.  I’m behind by around half a dozen videos and not realised that you’re thinking of laser surgery.  My sister had it done 4 years ago just before the 1st lockdown and she’s said it’s done her wonders.  Both her near sight and far sight are better.  4 years on, she has gone slightly short-sighted again but only needs to wear a -0.50 prescription when she’s driving, so she’s still good for another few years.  Unlike what one of the posters said on here, laser surgery can be done for a 2nd time as my sister is contemplating having it done again in say 10 years time.  The technology is constantly improving.

    Bandit – all the best if you do decide to go for it.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I was also meant to add that my sister was as -7 before the surgery!  So to go from -7 to 0, and then regress slightly back to -0.50 after 4 years isn’t bad going.  That’s in both eyes.

    Mwright82 WANTED $12

    And why are you behind more importantly 😂😂, you lucky bastard lol Id love a live stream with bandit on YouTube once a month, don’t even need the camera, I know he done one on twitch a few years ago but twitch is shite 😂

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Fuck the eye surgery …. I vote  bandit gets those thick lens  glasses ….

    be quite funny if he gets in a melt down, throws his glasses on the desk and the desk implodes from the weight of them …

    Mwright82 WANTED $12

    What do you mean IF he gets in a meltdown 😆😆, I love to hear him slapping the mouse about, those thick glasses 🤓🤓, he would look a picture 😂

    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Like i said mine was done 20 years ago and things will have come on leaps and bounds.My vision has not deteriorated significantly since then, close up is still shit esp in dark light but ok with reading glasses, the distance vision which was really bad went to really good and stayed there without glasses, can spot my loopy lurcher doing things he shouldnt 100 yards away.

    Vinny123 WANTED $12

    Good to hear the surgery was a success,when I posted earlier I forgot the mention the cutting of the eye flap, sounds gruesome but not painful. weird thing is as Steve will know is that when the flap is  folded back from the eye you loose focus totally and all you can see is flashing laser lights, when the flap is put back, your super new eyesight is revealed,just have to be careful not to do anything to dislodge it for a while as it takes time to heal back in place.Whole procedure is really clever.

    Just wondering if he got the halos, you see them more at night while driving which i dont think he does.

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