stop and step puled from yt

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  • #18231
    Wormweed WANTED $42

    MrMyers is the same kind of retarded as flat earthers, and just as impossible to talk to.

    Freedom would be a lot less free with more people like you, and sadly that’s the way things are going, one by one. There is always some asshole out there that doesn’t like something, and will do their bollocks in trying to stop everyone else from enjoying it too, so we can all be misserable pricks together.

    There are many things i don’t like, but since i am a normal human being with common sense i just don’t waste my time watching things i don’t like, and at the same time i can understand if there are other people who like the things i hate, so why should i try my best to take away their fun?

    blueyes WANTED $81

    kingofpennies wrote:

    Mr Myers,

    You say that gambling is “toxic” but if you actually look at YouTube in its entirety there are lots of things on You Tube you should be reporting like the following:

    1, Fashion and makeup bloggers- Don’t they encourage young and vulnerable people to conform to certain ideals which can lead to mental health issues.

    2. Luxury travel bloggers- Aren’t these individuals rubbing your nose in something that you may never be able to afford and actually making you think of them in a negative light?

    3, Entrepreneurs- selling you a lifestyle or an idea that may not actually be realistic?

    4, Cooking videos- Lot’s of unhealthy options to make you the size of a house?

    I could go on and on but you get the idea of where i’m coming from. People have a right to choose what they watch and what they do with their life. You can ban and restrict things all you want but in the end are you actually going to get something good from it???

    The answer simply is NO, people make lifestyle choices and yes some of these may not conform to your beliefs or ideals but in the end you will never get people to change unless they are willing to do so.



    “Health gurus” and “build own website to get rich” are the worst ones on YT. Absolute scum. Learn how to get a 6 pack in these easy steps etc Aye ok, how about you teach me how you sleep at night conning people into routines and videos that won’t ever work to line your own pockets!

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    Well stop and step is back on you tube only took him a week to get back on wonders why Bandit never heard anything

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Probably because i haven’t pestered every minute maybe. Fuck knows. Can’t say i’m super bothered about it tbh


    It’s a shame the people that have been deleted, then got their channel back, can’t just say “look mate, i spoke to this person….” as that’s exactly what i would do.

    mrbonus WANTED $9

    surely someone will pass you some contact details of someone at YT that resolved it for them one would hope

    138008135 WANTED $13

    Funny how he says there will always be dangerous or unhealthy content i.e. fashion etc. And that children can make choices / educated kids will know what to do / they can learn and see what is right or wrong… but gambling videos are the same here then… right.

    Steller WANTED $34

    My first post so Hello everyone.

    Pleased to see Stop and Step back on YouTube. Seems like a nice guy who takes the bad days in his stride. Hope Bandit is back soon as well.

    Anyone know what’s happened to Hypalinx? Last I saw of him he seemed a bit down. Hope he is well/


    JGSlots WANTED $12

    Agreed, was sad to see StopandStep go, I like his videos, they’re entertaining to watch. Nothing better than doing £600 in Black Knight for a £4 Community 😀


    Rob 🙂

    mrbonus WANTED $9

    hyper is on twitch over last month

    Deeplay WANTED $7

    Great to see StopandStep back on Youtube and it a few gambling/casino accounts restored tonight. So seems like the sad gimps who were going around reporting different accounts have wasted valuable time instead of focusing on quitting gambling 😉

    Deeplay WANTED $7

    Stopandstep no longer terminated Mr Meyers lol … you must feel more stupid now than your actions that you have wasted so much time and effort on a totally pointless exercise … lol and more Casino channels set to return! happy days 🙂

    MrMyers WANTED $2

    Deeplay wrote:

    Stopandstep no longer terminated Mr Meyers lol … you must feel more stupid now than your actions that you have wasted so much time and effort on a totally pointless exercise … lol and more Casino channels set to return! happy days ?

    Actually, I am not worried at all. He may be back for now but it is only a matter of time before he is terminated. As we have seen with other channels, just because you are reinstated it does not mean you will not be reviewed again.

    Deeplay WANTED $7

    Information from Youtube the channels suspended we not not suspended because of content but for affiliate links on the profile. A direct link to the channel owners website is fine, as is the content. More channels set to return in the next week. And it had nothing to do with the content. So MrMyers great crusade is failing. And below is a copy of my response to MrMyers post here from the 3rd September :

    When ever did YT cater for for children ? is it not a parents responsibility to check what the child is watching (netnanny / safesurf spring to mind) sorry but your talking bollocks. Will you say the same for extreme right wing videos ? videos of executions ? movies on people who self harm ? Videos of plane crashes ? soft PrOn videos ? shall i go on ? all are freely available on YT … its called freedom of speech. And if i dont like something I dont watch it. but I dont need someone trying to dictate what I can and can not watch on a public platform.

    When my kids were younger they never saw gambling online, or porn, or dead hamsters being eaten by psychopaths because I checked and policed there activity. I dont expect YT or any other plat form to do this. Your pushing your righteous views on others. I get it , your bitter because of your addiction. I feel for you on that. But focus on recovery and not what others are doing. You will be happier for it! The channels will return in time, you know that. And whats good about this actually is it is motivating certain people to find other outlets to stream/ share videos. Which in the end means more choice and more gaming videos. )   ”



    -p.s more channels set to return next few days :>)




    Deeplay WANTED $7

    Chipmonks slots is back up. I dont watch this guy as I dont like his style , but He does have every right to stream and even though not my thing its good he got his chan back. MrMeyers what say ye ? Think you have to put some spin on what your saying 🙂

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Hi Folks, Time for my MOD bollox talk just to make sure this does not spiral outta control 🙂

    @MrMyers is entitled to his opinion same as everyone else here (Fact or Not) so no calling out people abusing each other etc as for if things start getting personal etc I may have to polish my ban hammer play nice folks 🙂

    My piece is done.



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