Sunday Slots (16/09/18) – Discussion Thread

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 126 total)
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  • #18914
    rainbow dust WANTED $8

    Looking forward to this, sounds intriguing and an hour of watching crazy gambling may just bring me out of the food coma i’m in

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    The Bandit wrote:

    I’m not interested in the slightest bit of input from you Motherphucker so yes, you are blocked.

    Actually, i’m not really that arsed with what you say, i will unblock you and you can knock yourself out. As soon as you start multi accounting and replying to yourself though, you’re off ok.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    good on you bandit fantastic win and i for one can understand the logic you have,love your vids and like the way you are so open about things.LEND ME A FIVER LOL

    AndyJC72 WANTED $1

    Nice one Steve, Couldn’t of happened to a nicer bloke to be honest, I’ve gone totally degen on this game too and was doing 100 quid spins when I built the hive up, Ended up depositing 70k on it over 3 days, Luckily when it finally arrived it paid 768x but now this slot is my nemphasis so will leave it alone for now lol.

    Run187 WANTED $28

    Motherphucker wrote:

    It will be the usual bollocks, lose lots of money, up to outrageous stakes, win big so that he promote his links and then say don’t copy me even though I show you huge wins

    I see the logic bus was late today and you missed it .”lose lots of money”  then we raise to outrageous stakes so the site can magically give you a win.which would be monumentally stupid and no casino on the planet would do it .say your playing 20 gbp on dhv you hit 6,6,6, and wild you get around 120k say you think the casino is going to GIVE you that to promote links ,most people who use the bandit links either a get a better deal and b only deposit a max of 50 gbp ie what they can afford ,so you think the casino is somehow making enough to give away money yes give away you know that thing casino love to do .the difference between joe average gambler and the bandit is he can afford to lose the money,think he would be spaffing 1k a time if meant something like paying the rent or making a vid .he really does not earn the millions you people think he does from links, if that where the case every tome dick and sally would be doing it and no one would be unemplyed . he also gives money away to people using the links if you think that comes from affiliation then you are sadly deluded.

    Also what you propose the bandit and the site do would be fraud .love how you think hes on a cpa with unlimited NEW monthly sign ups .

    Thats all ill say on the matter ..

    alan121 WANTED $2

    well Steve thanks for another amazing video this thing where you have to justify your gambling style please stop it your money do want you want with it im just glad you managed to have a couple of big wins well done

    Shawn82 WANTED $2

    Well done Steve and I get why you explained yourself mate but it’s your money you do what you want 🙂

    Its a pretty cool game and If I make a deposit I set a budget on this game once its ready to swarm.



    pillzandskillz WANTED $20

    I wasn’t really going to write anything , because you seemed to have your guard up in the video and you was getting quite defensive about people saying you have no respect for money , i think to a degree all of us have a disrespect for money because we always want more so its a pretty moo point to be honest. But listen to me bandit , your a family man and sometimes your videos make me sick to my stomach and my girlfriend feels the same way when your playing like this , but the fact of the matter is. Its your money , do as you wish but you can’t expect everyone to like it and thats their opinion , i enjoy watching your videos for the banter you provide in them and the mixture of slots and games you play , i don’t enjoy watching people loose ridiculous amounts because there is no pleasure in it , you would have to be a sociopath to enjoy watching someone loose 15k.

    I don’t know you , i’ve never spoken to you before. But i respect what you’ve built here and on youtube , i know it must be hard to go about your business with all these trolls around as well. The other night when Paul lost like 4k , i was genuinely  gutted for him i’ve become a closer to his community as a active member on his forums on his videos and it pains me to see someone having badluck like him.

    I guess what im trying to say is 90% of people on here will have a pop or a dig at you because it could of all gone terribly wrong and they care about you and don’t want to see you in the gutter. Its all a bit of tuff love 😛

    Take care of yourself mate , but please watch this big bets.

    Geordiemark42 WANTED $68

    Well here is my 10p worth lol. I enjoy watching you on wild swarm cos myself and I bet most on here could not afford to play it like you do. I don’t think its worth the stress but I think its your new wonky. I’m glad your up on it and play it like that all the time if you want and hopefully it won’t take it all back. It is that high a stake I never think god I wish that was me as its like me been down £30 then suddenly I’m £120 up. Just over 4x yr deposit so its not really a massive win in x your spend, but this is the game that has grabbed you like wonky did so why can’t you enjoy it. I love your vids and you should of read my genie jackpots post first lol. Its a bag of shit.

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Holy fucking shitballs bandit ….that’s an awesome hit.

    it is understandable why you are playing this game at this stake and method .

    remember to keep an eye on the long run although I know you do this anyway don’t want you falling into rocknrolla territory with massaive stakes

    p.s you need to play terminator as that hot mode is past due .


    Smallarms WANTED $6

    Really enjoyed the video as always. I have played the swarm and nearly went on tilt when i was just about to max out on 20p and it gave me wild swarm. The max I ever played was 2 quid as that is my limit and that still put me in profit. I wish you luck in the game and look forward to seeing the highs and lows as it shows the reality of slots. At the moment your way ahead and long may that continue.

    Really want to see more of the John Hunter game.

    Paul Fisher WANTED $5

    Well that was boring…said nobody ever!

    Swarms make ladder gambles look relatively sensible by comparison.

    Wonder if staying on the minimum stake for say 30 bees would be more profitable way of playing..sure you’ll hit some swarms while on minimum stakes but wonder if you’ll save more through not spending as long at higher stakes trying to land the swarm.

    Regardless..A mental single slot swarm special is a must Bandit..give the public what they want ?

    Gillxx WANTED $3

    Hi steve. Just wow lol. Im so made up for you i honestly teared up when u won. The excitement in your voice was so funny. You deserve every penny of it. Seriously so happy you won. Hope your ok and your family. Im rough as hell been on my mates hen do all weekend in blackpool? Take care and speak soon. Xx

    Lionheart WANTED $2

    Awesome awesome story and win on this slot.

    Man you’ve gotta be damn tempted to go even higher and try get a life changing win..

    stick with how your currently doing it, brilliant mate absolutely brilliant.

    Reckon we will be seeing another smart on the next video.. can you fight the temptation hahah

    Lionheart WANTED $2

    Swarm not smart ha

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