Sunday Slots Scuppered by Stupidity!

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  • #27870
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito


    When i released the Single Slot Series jobbler yesterday i got some messages to say i might want to take it down…. i was like why? Turns out i had left the whole of my card details on show in it – what a donut! The long number, exp date and even the back 3 lol Genius.

    So i re-uploaded the video and switched it over to one without the card details in it but then obviously i had to cancel the card, i wish i had thought at the time to deposit a few thousand somewhere first as it means now that i am stuck not being able to deposit for today and probably tomorrow too!

    I do have my main bank account but i had specifically been using my second account to keep all my gambling transactions off my main one, they are really frowned upon for anything credit wise and it just isn’t worth after this long of zero gambling transactions on that main account, to stick one on there so i guess i am just going to have to wait!

    I have skrill but it is asking for some security token and i simply can’t remember what the fuck that is and i have a horrible history with Paypal and vowed to never use them again after they shafted me, these seem to be the most popular solutions but neither will currently do for me.

    I am going to take it as a sign and take the wife and kids out to see Santa or some Reindeer if possible and i will be back with a video asap, apologies for being a dumbass lol

    Hibs-1875 WANTED $16

    Haha you big jobby that’s funny ?… don’t worry bandit happens to the best of us, be looking forward to it when it comes.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Been roped in to a trip to the shops now for presents for the kids…. slotting would have been cheaper i bet lol!

    rizzorees1 WANTED $7

    hiya mate….not sure what u think but when i play a slot on bigger stakes and then drop down it seems to always give a bigger X win on smaller stakes……me being a synic and playing slots for 30 years but definatly something in it…take care and have fun shopping..cheers rizz

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Wow, glad you got told about it before finding out another way, hopefully the Nigerian prince wasnt watching the video and nothing goes out your account.  Im sure we can all wait til you get it all sorted.  Sunday Asda doesnt sound as fun as Sunday Slots  😛

    karmanela WANTED $11

    ffs bandit, i’m gunna have to sit n talk to wifey now lol

    Seve66 WANTED $5

    Easily done mate, did enjoy the vid though but funny how you got the max with a min bet

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Lmao… lucky someone told you stevie…. Ahh well the Snookers on with ronnie, then Iplayer dynasties…. 😉

    laterzuk WANTED $7

    ya silly sausage

    villanmike WANTED $24

    Next time you play you need to play Donuts beings that what you was lol 😛

    Look forward to the next one mate.


    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Haha what a melon! Atleast you noticed before someone had a field day. Can definitely relate to paypal troubles used to close my account every weekend or when making a transaction over 600 just gave up in the end. Shame as would be really useful now smarkets has it ?


    I’ve been spending the day looking at my email cookies and how my personal data is shared by companies due to cookies and browsing history etc (GPD or whatever its called). This led me to taking a closer look at casino’s cookies and what they share of my data and from using their sites. I don’t usually have time to scutinise these things because like other ppl who has time in a day to read all the endless gobbedly gook. but it was a real eye opener. I highly recommend that every1 does this, who knows how this affects things.

    Pils45 WANTED $1

    I’ve been spending all day losing my arse on bonanza 5500 spins at 2 pound each and no feature   .after about 4 hrs I ended up 6500 down so gave up for a bit .(recap 2 hrs later stuck in another 1500 spins and would u believe it yep nooooooooo bloody bonus so that’s 7000 spins at2 quid each and no bonus .how is this possible BANDIT mate .am I just unlucky .on tilt or what over all I ended up just under 9k down TILT .you’ve been playing these slots a lot longer than me .Am I doing something wrong .Please help mate with any suggestions (that goes to anyone) has anyone else had similar on Bonanza.i love the game but need to know it’s not just me cheers all and thanks bandit your vids save me a fortune as instead of gambling myself 2 days a week I watch u so thank you matey .shaun pye

    Hibslass WANTED $1

    Bummer Mr Bandit I got the little one down early thinking I’ll take you in the bath with me….the video of course! Hope the shopping wasn’t so bad x

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Bonanza is just that kind of game isn’t it, i think everyone appreciates it is a bitch to bonus, it always is for me anyway lol You must have raised it from £2 to be that sort of amount down though surely? Harsh if that was all £2!

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